Marrow Sucker

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The Marrow Sucker tribe is almost feral. They live off the land and whatever they find there, and have a surprising number of druids in their tribes. Druids are always tribal chiefs, and lead their tribes toward a deep connection with the land. Class levels are most likely to be barbarian or druid. Marrow Suckers combat techniques are as brutal as they are. They enjoy charging into battle and overwhelming their opponents with ferocious blows (Combat Brute). They are also quite likely to have tamed beasts with them, especially if they are being led by a druid.

Sample Stat Blocks

Marrow Suckers Base: Male Orc Bbn8; CR 8;HD 8d12+24; hp 85;

Init +3; Spd 40 ft/x4;

AC 18 (+3 armor, +3 dex, +2 Terrain), touch 13, flat-footed 18;

Base Atk/Grapple +8/+13;

+14/+9 Greatclub (1d10+7;20/x2, Mwk greatclub),

+11/+6 Thrown Spear (1d8+5;20/x3, Spear(Thrown));

+16/+11 Greatclub Raging (1d10+9; 20/x2, Mwk greatclub),

SA&SQ Fast Movement(Ex), Illiteracy, Rage, Uncanny Dodge(Ex), Improved Uncanny Dodge(Ex), Trap Sense(Ex), Damage Reduction(Ex);

AL CE; SV Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +0;

AB Str 20(+5), Dex 16(+3), Con 16(+3), Int 8(-1), Wis 6(-2), Cha 6(-2);

Skills: Climb¹ +9, Handle Animal +6, Intimidate¹ +7, Jump¹ +14, Survival¹ +3.

Feats: Mountain Fighter, Power Attack, Improved Sunder, Combat Brute.

• Fast Movement(Ex): +10 to speed when in medium armor or lighter and not carrying a heavy load.

• Rage: You can fly into a screaming frenzy once per encounter, up to 3 times per day. This gives +4 to Strength and Constitution, +16 hit points, and a +2 morale bonus to Will saves, but gives a -2 penalty to AC. Cannot use any skills that require patience or concentration while enraged. Your rage lasts up to 8 rounds.

• Uncanny Dodge(Ex): You retain you Dexterity bonus to AC even if flatfooted or struck by an invisible attacker.

• Improved Uncanny Dodge(Ex): You can no longer be flanked, except by a level 12 rogue.

• Damage Reduction(Ex): 1/–

Equip: Studded Leather, Mwk Greatclub, Spear