Chapter 24: The Sea Cave and the Bastion

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About the Saga


Cast of Characters

Notable Quotes

  • None

What Has Come Before

After reporting back on the missing Jarogos, the party hears rumors of missing young men. They come with a plan to uncover the plot; but the execution could use some practice.

The Saga

??, CY 515

Adventure synopsis version

  • Keoish diplomat Harlas Hyde met at the Gryphon's Roost Inn, party given use of skiff from sloop to look for cliffside lair
  • After some hours searching, sea cave entrance found at low tide, and entrance was quickly made before tide turned
  • Pitched battle with cultists where Burgell was temporarily abducted, but then saved by Finn's wolf Odolf pouncing on female cultist and she was subdued
  • Two prisoners saved, but not Keoish diplomat Sir Colefrey (Neheli), however, intel was gained about old bastion to the west used as embarkation to abandoned prison on offshore island
  • Bastion assaulted, more cultists and a Greater Harpy overcome, Sir Colefrey and another prisoner, Thanan, were rescued
  • More intel gained that cult headquartered on the Harpy Isles, while Olnerred Pirates are using offshore prison (Cragrapid Island) as a base


Sea Cave

  • Encounter Total XP: 1,450 Adjusted XP: 4,350 Deadly


  • Encounter Total XP: 1,500 Adjusted XP: 3,750 Hard
  • 8100 / 3 = 2700xp each


Sum of individual treasures:

  • 25 gp, 23 ep, 73 cp

Reward from Keoish Diplomats:

  • Potion of Greater Healing
  • Oil of Sharpness
  • Potion of Speed


  • n/a