Domin Nightdreamer

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One of the three leaders of the Orcslayers Guild, and the group's ranking mage. He's also the father of Thom Silverbow, a young half-elven bard who does not share his father's zeal for waging unending war against the orcish menace.


Domin Nightdreamer is one of the three leaders of the Orcslayers Guild, and the group's ranking mage. He co-founded the guild with the archer Atisha Morningstar and master ranger Cutter during the Greyhawk Wars.

Long before his time on the Pomarj, Nightdreamer fought combined Ulek/Celene campaign to drive the humanoids from the Lortmill Hills (CY 498-510). He was as happy as anyone to see the Lortmills cleanse of the humanoid menace, but unlike the others, he did not turn a blind eye to the horrors that followed the war, as the orcish tribes moved into the Pomarj, conquering the human settlements there.

Nightdreamer argued endlessly in the Celene Court that the elves should finish the fight they'd begun, but his arguments fell on willfully deaf ears. Instead, he and a small band of like-minded elves left the kingdom, and began waging their own private war against the humanoids.

The Griffins Take Flight

When Obsidian Bay was founded, Nightdreamer gravitated to it. For a time, he adventured in the Griffins Guild, achieving no small amount of fame for his heroic efforts which culminated with the seizing of the griffin aerie in the Drachensgrab Mountains that would come to be known as the Griffin's Grasp, the guild's secluded fortress. Still, he always felt his fellow Griffins were more interested in wealth, fame and magical power than they were in destroying the humanoid menance, and he eventually left the guild.

Finally, in the 570s he met up with Atisha and Cutter and knew he'd found his soulmates. Together they have waged the wars that needed to be fought, never stopping, never backing down.

Nardia Silverbow

The only respite in his life came soon after the guild's formation, in the form of a short, passionate affair with a human woman named Nardia Silverbow. She was a popular bard who performed in the Strange Quarter, and her tales of long ago battles and glories quickened his blood. He arranged to meet here, and a romance ensued. To his surprise, Nardia became pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy.

Domin struggled to deal with this news; after nearly a century of war, being a father -- particularly to a half-human child -- was an utterly alien concept to him. Marriage was of the question, for both him and her -- he had a war to fight, she had a career to lead -- but he did support the child financially, and occasionally visited Nardia in her home in the Strange Quarter.

As the years based, and the child grew, Domin attempted to take a more active role in the child's life -- he might be a half-breed, but he still needed to learn of his elven ancestors. He tried to teach the boy of the Arcane Mysteries, and about the mystical life force that all elves could sense, and in many cases, shape. He took him on hunting trips into the Pomarjian outback, escorted by the best of the Orcslayers Guild, who attempted to teach him to track even as Domin tried to get the boy to understand even the most basic magical concepts.

To his neverending horror, Thom just wasn't interested. The boy took after his mother, and the concept of willingly spending time outside the city was as alien to him as fatherhood had been to Domin. He rebelled, refusing to learn anything his father attempted to teach him, and in the end, enrolled in the College of Laughing Song. There his magical aptitude finally manifested itself in his music, but rather than being proud of his son, Domin's horror grew. The boy was frivolous, undisciplined, and contemptuous of reality.

Their relationship grew ever more strained but finally reached the breaking point when Thom's mother died during the Fall of Obsidian Bay. Thom managed to flee the city with some of his classmates and spent the War of Exile performing at rundown inns and dive taverns in Blue. He returned to Obsidian Bay after the Liberation, but with his mother dead, there was no reason for him to talk to his father ... or for them to even pretend to be civil to one another.

Domin continues to keep an eye out for his son through contacts in the Orcslayers, but remains frustrated by his son's wasteful, carefree lifestyle. That he has achieved some degree of fame as an adventurer only angers the elf more; it's proof positive that the boy could truly be someone if only he'd apply himself.


  • Orcslayers Guild: A guild dedicated to ending the humanoid menace on the Pomarj once and for all.


Domin Nightdreamer Male Elf(High) Wiz13; CR 13; Medium Humanoid (elf); HD 13d4; hp 39; Init +2; Spd 30 ft/x4; AC 15 (+2 dex, +3 ring of protection), touch 15, flat-footed 13; Base Atk/Grapple +6/+6; Full Atk +9/+4 One-handed (1d4+3;19-20/x2, +3 Dagger, shock), +10/+5 Two-handed (1d8+2;20/x3, +2 Longbow, flaming); SA&SQ Familiar, Alertness, Scry on Familiar(Sp), Illusionist; SR 0; AL NG; SV Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +8; Str 10(+0), Dex 15(+2), Con 11(+0), Int 20(+5), Wis 10(+0), Cha 10(+0); Skills: Concentration¹ +16, Craft (Armorsmithing)¹ +11, Craft (Weaponsmithing)¹ +10, Craft (Metalworking)¹ +8, Knowledge (arcana) +16, Knowledge (geography) +13, Knowledge (nature) +14, Knowledge (religion) +11, Knowledge (the planes) +9, Spellcraft +23, Survival¹ +4. Feats: Improved Familiar, Spell Focus (PH 100) (Illusion), Brew Potion (PH 89), Craft Magic Arms and Armor (PH 92), Craft Wondrous Item (PH 92), Forge Ring (PH 94), Scribe Scroll (PH 99)², Extend Spell (PH 94).

Spells Cantrips (6): (All) 1st (8/1): True Strike, Comprehend Langauges, Identify, Color Spray, Silent Image, Ventriloquism, Magic Weapon, Mage Armor; 2nd (7/1): Blur, Hypnotic Pattern, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Minor Image, Misdirection, Pyrontechnics; 3rd (7/1): Displacement, Invisibility Sphere, Major Image, Fly, Flame Arrow, Keen Edge, Slow, Stinking Cloud; 4th (7/1): Hallucinatory Terrain, Invisibility Greater, Rainbow Pattern, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conuration, Polymorphy, Dimension, Secure Shelter; 5th (7/1): False Vision, Mirage Arcana, Persistant Image, Seeming, Shadow Evocation, Overland Flight, Cloudkill; Mage's Faithful Hound; 6th (4/1): Permanent Image, Programmed Image, Shadow Walk, Veil

Equipment: +3 dagger of shock, +2 longbow of flaming, Ring of Chameleon Power, Ring of Sustenance, Gloves of Swimming and Climbing, Periapt of Health, Cloak and Boots of Elvenkind, Vest of Escape, Figurine of wondrous power (silver raven), Robe of Useful Items, Numerous scrolls and potions, typically one of each spell he knows.

Racial Abilities: +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution. Base land speed of 30 feet. Low-Light Vision. Immunity to sleep effects. +2 racial bonus on saving throws against Enchantment spells or effects. +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. Automatic Searching: Passing within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door entitles you to a free Search check, as if you were actively looking for it. Proficient with rapier, longsword, and all bows (except crossbows). Favored Class: Wizard.

Class Abilities: Familiar: You have called a Pseudodragon as a magical companion. Alertness: While the familiar is within arms reach, you gain the Alertness feat(+2 to Spot & Listen checks). Scry on Familiar(Sp): You may scry on your familiar once per day. Illusionist: You are specialized in the school of Illusion. You can prepare one additional Illusion spell per spell level each per day. You gain a +2 bonus to Spellcraft checks to learn spells from this school. Prohibited Schools: Invocation, Necromancer