Gaiseric's Import/Export

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Gaiseric's Imports/Exports supplies the city's needs for construction supplies, but rumors are that far more exotic items are available here...for a price.


Located on the edge of the Mudsitters District, Gaiseric's Imports/Exports supplies the city with sources of cut stone and tools neccessary for masonry and construction. Often ridiculed for the mundane nature of the business, nonetheless Scrappy's products are well made and utilitarian, and the stone imported (quarried by the dwarves of Ulek) is of good quality.

Rumor has it, however, that Scrappy's can obtain items of a more...exotic nature. Of course these items can be quite costly, but one need only ask for them and offer a price.

Gaiseric also has a growing reputation as a purveyor of gossip and uncommon knowledge. He is a contact of Thom Silverbow.


  • Ellandrian: the secretive assistant and loyal follower of the (in)famous Blackrazor rogue Gaiseric.
  • Gaiseric "Scrappy", The Rapscallion of Greyhawk: Unaffectionately known within the Blackrazor Guild as Scrappy, he is an accomplished thief held back only by his hideous luck.


  • There are no organizations associated with this one.


  • Gaiseric's Emporium: Gaiseric's Emporium specializes in importing mundane -- but useful -- items into Obsidian Bay.


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