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[[Category:Neutral Evil]]
[[Category:Orcish Empire]]
[[Category:Orcish Empire]]

Revision as of 10:00, 4 February 2008


The Grim Strikers tribe are typically multiclassed Fighter/Rogues, though leaders often advance in the Scout class. Appropriately, the tribe often plays a scouting role, advancing ahead of other tribes, infiltrating enemy territory. They move swiftly and silently, and excel at attacking from ambush. They prefer to study their enemy carefully, then striking any apparent vulnerabilities (Deft Opportunist feat). When in melee combat, they will often set up in formation with 1 or 2 Greataxe wielders in front, flanked by others wielding Greatspears.


Grim Striker Base: Male Orc Ftr4/Rog4; CR 8 (Orc); HD8: HP 69;

Init +3; Spd 30 ft/x4;

AC 19 (+4 armor, +3 dex, +2 Terrain), touch 15, flat-footed 19;

Base Atk/Grapple +7/+11;

+8/+3 Greatspear +1 (2d6+7, 20/x3, +2d6 Sneak),

+12/+7 Greataxe +1 (1d12+7, 20/x3, +2d6 Sneak),

+7/+2 Thrown Greatspear (2d6+5, 20/x3, +2d6 Sneak w/i 30’);

SA&SQ Uncanny Dodge(Ex), Trap Sense(Ex), Evasion(Ex), Sneak Attack +2d6,

SV Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +1 AL NE;

AB Str 18(+4), Dex 16(+3), Con 14(+2), Int 13(+1), Wis 8(-1), Cha 8(-1);

Skills: Climb¹ +7, Escape Artist¹ +6, Hide¹ +8, Intimidate¹ +6, Jump¹ +7, Knowledge (local) +8, Listen¹ +8, Move Silently¹ +8, Spot¹ +10, Survival¹+3.

Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Deft Strike, Mountain Fighter, Stealthy, Toughness, Staggering Strike

  • Mountain Fighter: +2 AC when fighting in mountains
  • Deft Opportunist: +4 on AoO
  • Staggering Strike: Limit opponent to single action after successful attack

Equip: +1 Greatspear or +1 Greataxe, Chain Shirt