The Scarecrow Hunt

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About the Saga

The adventurers continue to hunt for the Scarecrow, and deal with a group of Blue thugs hunting for Largo.


Cast of Characters

  • Prug, the humble half-orc monk
  • Gryffudd, the half-elf (human!) paladin of Lendor
  • Kerth, a divine sorcerer of Pelor
  • Largo, the halfling on the run from troubles in Blue
  • Dirty Salsar, the mercenary
  • Corash, an elven mage seeking arcane knowledge amongst the humans

Notable Quotes

No quotes are available.

What Has Come Before

No adventure summary available.

The Saga

Harvester 20, CY 591

Largo learned that some thugs from Blue were looking for him, and hired Salsar as his personal bodyguard.

The party descended into the sewers once again, in the daylight, and made there way to the Postern Gate Tower. They explored further up in the tower by climbing a spiral stair. After ascending several feet (the din of stonemasons working could be heard as they climbed), they came upon a landing with a stout oak door, and the stair also continued further up. After trying to open the door by means other than brute force, some ascended the stairs further, and found the passage blocked above by new masonry work. Kerth was the first to resort to smashing the door, which he was able to do after some time with his mace. Once a hole large enough to put an arm through was created, Corash first used Mage Hand to discover that the door was barred on the inside, and Prug reached through and lifted the bar. Behind the door was a level of the tower above the passage where the stonemasons were working, and which contained the mechanisms for controlling the portcullis at each end. Some empty barracks areas, and some arrow loops were also discovered... one overlooking the approaches to each side of the gate passage, and one overlooking the new Adventurer's Quarter (added as an errata after checking my maps).

After searching for secret and concealed doors and finding none, the party left the tower and was ambushed by the Scarecrow and several other pumpkinoids of varying sizes in the chamber where the sewers overflowed into the sea caves. After a pitched battle, with several party members succumbing to their wounds, the Scarecrow escaped once again into the sewers. The party exited the sewers to recover, and the next day descended into the sewers again, but were unable to find the Scarecrow.

The party thought that perhaps if their bardic friend Thom was with them, he could be used as a lure for the Scarecrow, since Thom seemed to be the focus of the Scarecrow's attention. In the mean time, they decided to deal with Largo's problem, and intentionally drew attention to Largo by sitting at a table by the large window in the front of the Fire Eater's. Largo sat with only Kerth, while the rest of the party spread out through the tavern keeping a low profile. Soon enough, Hakimbe and some other thugs from Blue arrived and confronted Largo. Apparently Utembe Jaxson back in Blue thought that Largo owed him some sort of debt, and wanted the halfling to break into a warehouse in the Docks District belonging to the DarkSea Guild to settle it, sending Hakimbe and some other thugs to intimidate Largo into accepting the job. The halfling refused, and a melee erupted in the Fire Eater's. The other party members joined quickly, with Prug subduing some of the enemies, including Hakimbe, and Salsar killed another by bullrushing the man through the large glass window that the Fire Eater's is known for, causing additional damage with his spiked breastplate.

Once the city guard showed up, they were glad to haul off Hakimbe and the other survivors, since they resented the fact that Hakimbe was released from prison with a commuted sentence when someone paid a large fine to release him. The guard arrested them under trumped up charges that would have sentences that couldn't be commuted, such as treason, espionage, etc., and wrote off the deaths of the thugs who were killed as "accidents".


  • Prug: 720
  • Kerth: 720
  • Gryffudd: 720
  • Largo: 720
  • Corash: 450
  • Salsar: 360