Adventurers Wanted

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About the Saga

More new faces arrive in the city, and a band sets out to gather ingredients for a cure.


Cast of Characters

Notable Quotes

”We are going somewhere dangerous, how’s a fisherman going to help?” Christoph to Erithacus on bringing Seamus. “He knows about Bait!”

What Has Come Before

A new band of adventurers, heroes and regular folk arrives in Obsidian Bay as a new threat to the poor of the Mudsitters District arises.

The Saga

Patchwall 16, CY 591

More New Faces

Seamus awakens, and begins his first day in the city aiding Luca "Squinty" Meyer in packing supplies for Coral Cove. Squinty once again speaks of the sickness in the Mudsitters District. Seamus asks about the suspected well, putting aside a bundle of rope as he moves supplies.

Christoph, a new face, wakes again in the mudsitters district. He’s been hiding here since fleeing the draft in Brewerton over a week ago. Since then he’s begun to notice the district is under distress. Speaking with a few of his neighbors, he finds many have come down with a sickness known as the “Black Scour Taint”.

Erithacus wanders to the warehouse looking for more work. He happily finds an easy job, taking a cart of mats to the north end of the Strange Quarter, where he is to unload the mats. He heads off with the rest of the crew.

Meanwhile, the half-orc Garrock wakes up, smacking his lips as he thinks about his morning drink. Since he was denied acceptance in the city militia, he scratches his head wondering what he could possibly do for a job. He takes a look at the few pieces of coin he has left, and buys breakfast.

A Party Converges

Christoph walks around the district, and begins to realize the sickness could draw unwanted attention. He begins to investigate the sickness more. As he’s asking more questions about the well which could be the cause, he learns that a woman named Loral is trying her best to help the people.

Erithacus arrives with the cart and begins to unload. He begins to hear rumours about the taint, including the fact that a woman is looking for adventurers to help.

When Garrock’s done with breakfast, he asks the innkeeper about a job. He tells him of a woman named Loral at Roots and Remedies who’s looking for adventurers. Garrock heads off in the direction of the store.

Meanwhile, Seamus is sent to Roots and Remedies to pick up some medicinal supplies for his village.

Help Wanted

Christoph arrives at the store first, and saw a sign looking for adventurers. However, viewing the line of customers, he decides to hang back and watch. He observes a man carrying a harpoon, wearing a rope over his shoulder from which hung a lamp. Next, a half-orc wearing mail and a large sword approached. He scratched his head looking at the sign, so Christoph came forward noting “they’re looking for adventurers”. The two soon decide they should adventure together. Christoph then sends Garrock to speak with the harpoon wielder. Discovering he is but a fisherman, the two head in to speak with Loral.

While they get her attention a half-elf with a large sword joins them. Loral tells them she needs three ingredients from the Tarwood:

  • Elderwood Moss, grows on the oldest tree in the forest
  • Pickled Rats Tail, an old witch is said to live in the forest, she may have this
  • 7 Iron Bloom Mushrooms, grow in heavy metal areas, there is an old dwarven forge on the other side of the Tarwood which should be rich in metals

Loral is promises them rewards sponsored by several of the local guilds. The three will each receive 60 gp for this task.

Outside, Garrock and Erithacus think they could use the fisherman, who Erithacus thinks looks familiar. Christoph on the other hand states “We are going somewhere dangerous, how’s a fisherman going to help?” Erithacus responds “He knows about Bait!” A quick debate later, and they drag the fisherman with them, who immediately recognizes Erithacus from yesterday. As they head for the gate, Seamus convinces Christoph to buy trail rations.

Patchwall 18, CY 591

The Tarwood

Two days later the party arrives at a logging camp just outside the Tarwood. They talk to the workers there, who are able to give them a rough map to the witches home. They immediately head into the forest. They trample through the forest for a few hours until it is too dark to see. They do their best to build a camp, however the party’s only outdoorsman knows nothing about the forest. While looking for firewood, Erithacus finds some tiny sprites nailed to a tree. They also seem like they had all the blood squeezed out of them. This unsettles them, and so party members take turn watching over the camp while the others sleep.

Patchwall 19, CY 591

Snakes in the trees

In the morning the party packs their belongings, and prepares to move. As they do a shadow is cast over the camp, and the party looks up to glimpse a wyvern fly over.

Traversing through the woods, the party encounters the largest tree they’ve seen, much larger than any other of the Tarwood. They investigate the tree, believing it to be the oldest in the forest. Suddenly, a creature leaps from the tree and grapples Seamus to the ground. After a bit of fighting, they are able to free Seamus by killing the creature. Erithacus does what he can to patch up Seamus’s wounds.

Christoph then convinces Garrock to climb the tree to scout the surroundings. Watching Garrock squint to try and see, Christoph asks Seamus to get a second look. He confirms that the surroundings seem to be clear. The party then searches the enormous tree, finding a large patch of moss which they gather into a sack.

Experience & Loot

  • No experience and/or loot is available for this saga.