Time's Fall, Part 1

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Strange powers are at work in the Obsidian Maze. The Blackrazors investigate them.

About the Saga


Cast of Characters

Notable Quotes

No quotes are available.

What Has Come Before

The Blackrazors have defeated the Scarelt Brotherhood at sea, and now turn their attention to a mystery in the Obsidian Maze.

The Saga

Coldeven 11, CY 587

Return from the Depths

Life has been good at the Blackrazor Guild since the conclusion of its latest venture, the attack against the sahaguin sea devils and the capture of a Scarlet Brotherhood ship, the Maverick. Their reputation has grown slightly, although once again their fame has been balanced by an dark tinge – in this case, the death of most of The Corinth's crew. Still, times are good and as the winter’s winds gather around the city, the Blackrazors begin to contemplate a return to their old stomping grounds: the Obsidian Maze.

Coldeven 14, CY 587

Time's Fall

After selling their captured light war galley, the Maverick, and training for several months, some of the Blackrazor Guild’s top adventurers set out in search of an enigma. The enigma was the magical force at the center of the dwarven warrior Luc’s map of the Obsidian Maze. The map, which changed whenever he looked at it, directed him to the second level of the Obsidian Bay. He was not alone.

Others in the guild, most were plagued by nightmarish dreams of the Maze. Kalib took them one step farther than a nightmare – he was visited by a troubled vision of his future self. This vision directed him to follow Luc’s map to its treasure – the artifact known as the Tear of He Who Watches, known among humans as Time's Splinter.

Coldeven 16, CY 587

Into the Maze

The Blackrazors spent two days walking to Undermountain. Once there, they attempted to enter through the secret air shaft in the goblin lair but found that it had been dangerously corroded by the passage of time. Since less than a year had passed since their encounter with the humanoids, the Blackrazors were naturally concerned. They instead moved to enter at the Shaft. They found it as it must have been in the earliest days, back when Undermountain was new. After entering the dungeon, they found some "events" had been re-set.

They encountered a goblin body – the same goblin who had died on their first trip to Undermountain. They found the remains of several drow, apparently attacked and killed by some sort of creature. They also found the remains of a handful of clerics of Istus. Greggor and Kalib were able to recover two strange, time-related medallions. They then came across the time-rippled bodies of an adventuring party sent by the Invincibles – on one of the bodies they found a small spellbook with unidentified spells in it. The adventures now stand at the door to the second level of the Obsidian Maze – and must prepare to face its guardian.


Not available.