Blackrazor Guild Sagas

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These are the sagas of the Blackrazor Guild, an adventuring guild located in the city-state of Obsidian Bay. The campaign began in 1996 and has been going strong ever since.

Common Year 576


White Plume Mountain, Part 1 - Wealsun, CY 576 (Real World Date: Mar. 3, 2008)

  • Brant Bladescream leads his first disastrous expedition to White Plume Mountain in search of the legendary blade Blackrazor

Common Year 585


Jarkin's Request - Harvester 12, CY 585 (Real World Date: Oct. 12, 1996)

  • Answering a herald's call, four adventurers arrived a the manor house of the Lord Jarkin, a powerful merchant living in the independent city of Randell who bought his title from the Northern Aerdy herzog. And so the campaign begins!


The Quest For The Serpentine Owl - Sunsebb 15, CY 585 (Real World Date: Nov. 3, 1996)

  • The adventurers have been strong-armed by Randell's leader of the Canter Guild into retrieving an expensive totem owl from a band of goblins.

Common Year 586


The Nabassu Battle, Part 1 - Fireseek 15, CY 586 (Real World Date: Nov. 3, 1996)

  • The party hunts down a nabassu demon haunting the depths of the Adri Forest.

The Nabassu Battle, Part 2 - Fireseek 28, CY 586 (Real World Date: Dec. 29, 1996)

  • The adventurers continue their fight with the demonic invader, nearly losing one of their own in the process.

Missing Sagas

The Trial of Squire Eric - ??? (Real World Date??)

  • The paladin Eric is put on trial for a crime he did not commit in Innspa.

The Burning of Innspa - ??? (Real World Date??)

  • Eric is free, thanks to the fine legal mind of the wily elf Malphas. But the adventurers are confronted by an angry mob on their way out of the city. The proto-Blackrazors are forced to a disastrous combination of magical webbing and fire, giving rise to one of the most notorious incidents in their long adventuring careers.

The Arrival in Obsidian Bay - ??? (Real World Date??)

  • Hunted by the forces of Innspa for crimes they inadvertently committed, the Blackrazors have fled their haven in the Adri Forest. With the magical assistance of a certain archmage named Bizarre, they have arrived in the Free City of Obsidian Bay and stumbled across a certain down-on-its-luck adventuring guild.

The First Obsidian Maze Expedition - ??? (Real World Date??)

  • The rejuvenated Blackrazor guild lands a ridiculously lucrative contract to map the first level of the dungeon known as the Obsidian Maze.

Isle of the Scarecrow - ??? (Real World Date??)

  • Meanwhile, somewhere in the Azure Sea, a group of unknown heroes arrives on a forlorn and haunted island...


Lewandrew's Legacy - Flocktime 3, CY 586 (Real World Date: May 12, 1997)

  • The Blackrazors confront the Cult of Death Undying -- minions of the necromancer Lewandrew -- in the dark halls of the Obsidian Maze.

Kalib's Resurrection - Flocktime 20, CY 586 (Real World Date: May 17, 1997)

  • The new Blackrazor recruit Kalib Ironfist dies fighting the minions of Lewandrew, but is resurrected as a powerful force for freedom and vengeance. Meanwhile, the Blackrazors make a startling discover about the fate of their guildmaster, Brant Bladescream.


A Night at Fire-eaters - Readying 22, CY 586 (Real World Date: July 7, 1997)

  • The Ralleymen and the Blackrazors mix it up at one of the Strange Quarter's signature taverns -- Fire-eaters.

Slickblade and the Brainsmashers Gang - Readying 23, CY 586 (Real World Date: July 14, 1997)

  • The Braincrusher Gang is terrorizing the Mudsitters District, and the Blackrazors are about to teach them -- and their leader Slickblade -- a lesson.

Common Year 587


Time's Fall, Part 1 - Coldeven 11, CY 587 (Real World Date: Dec. 22, 1997)

  • Strange powers are at work in the Obsidian Maze.

Time's Fall, Part 2 - mid-Coldeven, CY 587 (Jan. 5, 1998)

  • Time takes a deadly turn in the depths of the Obsidian Maze. This saga is incomplete.

Time's Fall, Part 3 - Greyhawk: mid-Coldeven, CY 587 (Real World Date: Jan. 12, 1998)

  • The epic end to the Time Fall saga. This saga is incomplete.

The Great Pen War - Coldeven 15, CY 587 (Real World Date: Jan. 26, 1998)

  • The events of Time's Fall have been negated, and now those days are playing out in a different fashion. A small contingent of Blackrazors go to a village outside of Blue to settle a dispute involving something called "a pen." This saga includes the origin of Blackrazor scribe George Fillerman! This adventure was from Dungeon magazine.

The Lost Patrols, Part 1 - Coldeven 21, CY 587 (Real World Date: Feb. 2, 1998)

  • The Blackrazors are approached by Commander Sitric, a member of the city guard with a special mission: determine what was responsible for the insanity of one Lt. Rolman, who allegedly killed the second-in-command of his guard patrol.

The Lost Patrols, Part 2 - Coldeven 23, CY 587 (Real World Date: Feb. 9, 1998)

  • The investigation into Lt. Rolman's madness continues and threatens to draw the Blackrazors into its swirling depths.

War Games - Coldeven 29, CY 587 (Real World Date: Feb. 16, 1998)

  • War threatens the Pomarj, and the Blackrazors are drafted to train in mock battles against illusionary enemies.

Time's Fall, Part 1 - Coldeven 11, CY 587 (Real World Date: Dec. 22, 1997)

  • Strange powers are at work in the Obsidian Maze.

Time's Fall, Part 2 - mid-Coldeven, CY 587 (1/05, 1998)

  • Time takes a deadly turn in the depths of the Obsidian Maze. This saga is incomplete.

Time's Fall, Part 3 - Greyhawk: mid-Coldeven, CY 587 (Real World Date: Jan. 12, 1998)

  • The epic end to the Time Fall saga. This saga is incomplete.

The Great Pen War - Coldeven 15, CY 587 (Real World Date: Jan. 26, 1998)

  • The events of Time's Fall have been negated, and now those days are playing out in a different fashion. A small contingent of Blackrazors go to a village outside of Blue to settle a dispute involving something called "a pen." This saga includes the origin of Blackrazor scribe George Fillerman! This adventure was from Dungeon magazine.

The Lost Patrols, Part 1 - Coldeven 21, CY 587 (Real World Date: Feb. 2, 1998)

  • The Blackrazors are approached by Commander Sitric, a member of the city guard with a special mission: determine what was responsible for the insanity of one Lt. Rolman, who allegedly killed the second-in-command of his guard patrol.

The Lost Patrols, Part 2 - Coldeven 23, CY 587 (Real World Date: Feb. 9, 1998)

  • The investigation into Lt. Rolman's madness continues and threatens to draw the Blackrazors into its swirling depths.

War Games - Coldeven 29, CY 587 (Real World Date: Feb. 16, 1998)

  • War threatens the Pomarj, and the Blackrazors are drafted to train in mock battles against illusionary enemies.


Dark Justice - Planting 2, CY 587 (Real World Date: Feb. 23, 1998)

  • An old enemy is back for revenge -- and the Blackrazors have to stop him. This adventure is a modified version of one from the City of Greyhawk boxed set.

The Dark of Day, Part 1 - Planting 5, CY 587 (Real World Date: March 2, 1998)

  • Contact has been lost with the fur trading outpost known as Brantis Hold. Is it the humanoids again or something far more sinister?

The Dark of Day, Part 2 - Planting 7, CY 587 (Real World Date: March 23, 1998)

  • The secret of Brantis Hold is revealed as the Blackrazors fight for their lives amidst legions of evil.

The Dark of Day, Part 3 - Planting 8, CY 587 (Real World Date: March 30, 1998)

  • The foul creatures haunting Brantis Hold have been destroyed, but can the Blackrazors defeat their dark master and his plans for the Fading Land known as Necros?

Killian's Return - Planting 10, CY 587 (Real World Date: April 6, 1998)

  • The ranger Killian "The Red" O'Brian returns to hunt down his nemesis, the pyromancer Weri.

Giant Troubles - Planting 19, CY 587 (Real World Date: April 13, 1998)

  • The leader of Obsidian Bay's covert forces, Jander Drachen, has recruited the Blackrazors for a scouting mission to Highport. On the way there they run into some trouble with a band of hill giants... This adventure introduces the gnome Gnarth Binderstone to the guild. Even more importantly, they make a startling revelation about the fate of own of their own.

Trouble with Troglodytes - Planting 19, CY 587 (Real World Date: April 20, 1998)

  • The giants nearly killed the Blackrazors, but Su-quan's revelation nearly blew their minds. The doppelganger admitted to having assumed Kalib Ironfist's identity after the cleric went missing. Disturbed, but needing to continue their mission to Highport, the Blackrazors head deeper into the Drachensgrabs guided by the young gnome Gnarth Binderstone.

The Great Army of Highport - Planting 23, CY 587 (Real World Date: April 27, 1998)

  • The Killing Way and other horrors great the Blackrazors as they make their way into the enemy city of Highport


The Curse of the Four Wizards, Part 1 - Wealsun 3, CY 587 (Real World Date: June 22, 1998)

  • In CY 577 the Four Wizards of the Blackrazor Guild were putting the finishing touches on the basement to the guild's planned manor house. At the same time, guild-founder Brant Bladescream was leading an expedition against the black dragon Woryx on the Wild Coast.  The expedition was a disaster and when Brant returned after having lost 30 men, the wizards flew into a fury. They cursed the basement, and told Bladescream he would never enter it. Ten years later, with Bladescream long dead at the hands of Lewandrew, the Blackrazors prepare to enter their cursed basement

The Curse of the Four Wizards, Part 2 - Wealsun 4, CY 587 (Real World Date: June 27, 1998)

  • The Blackrazors bested the first level of their trap-filled and cursed basement, but can they survive the second?

The Curse of the Four Wizards, Part 3 - Wealsun 5, CY 587 (Real World Date: June 29, 1998)

  • Mechanical monstrocities and killer illusions greeted the Blackrazors on the second level of their basement -- what awaits them on the third?

The Battle of Blue, Part 1 - Wealsun 17, CY 587 (Real World Date: July 06, 1998)

  • A powerful humanoid army is threatening the Free City of Blue. Obsidian Bay rushes to its defense with an army led by General Stephan Warwick -- and a contingent of Blackrazors, Orcslayers and Ralleymen. The Blackrazors, leading several hundred men, fight their first battle on the way to Blue. It is later known as the Battle of Dragon's Cry.

The Battle of Blue, Part 2 - Wealsun 23, CY 587 (Real World Date: July 13, 1998)

  • The Obsidian Bay Expeditionary Force continues to push its way towards blue. The Blackrazors engage a group of powerful High Orc cavalry in what is later called the Battle of the Ni-trath.

The Battle of Blue, Part 3 - Wealsun 26, CY 587 (Real World Date: July 20, 1998)

  • The Blackrazors have learned their hated foe, the pyromancer Weri, is leading the humanoid mauraders calling themselves the Army of Burning Glory.  Worse yet, Weri has been seen riding a red dragon. Knowing the dragon could ruin everything for the Expeditionary Force, the Blackrazors gladly take on the task of confronting and slaying both the mage and his mount.  Little do the enthusiastic Blackrazors realize what price they will have to pay to win the Battle of the Flame.

The Battle of Blue, Part 4 - Wealsun 28, CY 587 (Real World Date: July 25, 1998)

  • Weri has been defeated, but at a terrible cost. Now the Blackrazors and the Obsidian Bay Expeditionary Force must fight the battle of their lives -- the final Battle of Blue!


The Treachery of Su-quan - Good-month 1, CY 587 (Real World Date: July 27, 1998)

  • The Battle of Blue has been won, but a new army of humanoids now threatens Obsidian Bay from the west. The city's leaders recruit the Blackrazors for one more dangerous mission -- the awakening of the sleeping hero god Krovis. 

Tanevir's Request, Part 1 - Good-month 2, CY 587 (Real World Date: Aug. 03, 1998)

  • Most of the Blackrazor Guild's leadership was lost in the Battle of Blue, leaving Tanevir Calywyn as the sole remaining power-member. Now the elven ranger-mage has a nagging suspicion that something isn't quite right at the Blackrazor Brewery, he secretly sends a team of loyal new recruits to find out what. This story features the origin of the cavalier Demetry Hawkins, and the introduction of Gnarth Binderstone into the regular campaign.

Tanevir's Request, Part 2 - Good-month 3, CY 587 (Real World Date: Aug. 10, 1998)

  • Tanevir's hunch was right -- something was threatening the Blackrazor Brewery: bugbears. Demetry Hawkins, Gnarth Binderstone and Aesop must drive off this menace. 

The Return of Malphas - Good-month 9, CY 587 (Real World Date: Aug. 08, 1998)

  • In late CY 586 the Blackrazors' second guildmaster, the wily elf Malphas, fell under the influence of several evil magical items and curses. In a fit of insanity, he murdered two guards at Greyhawk's Golden Phoenix while battling his fellow Blackrazors over a perceived slight. He was later convicted of murder and sentenced to 20 years hard labor, but before he could serve any time he was teleported to the Concordant Opposition via Killian "The Red" O'Brian horded limited wish spell. Killian was given a four-year prison sentence and lost his ranger status for the incident. Most assumed the wily, cursed elf was dead. He survived and thrived on the Planes, and returned to the Prime with a crucial bit of information -- the location of the missing Blackrazors Kalib Ironfist.

The Freeing of Kalib - Good-month 10, CY 587 (Real World Date: Aug. 17, 1998)

  • Malphas has fallen to the conspiracy to take over Obsidian Bay. Who's next?

The Fall of Obsidian Bay - Good-month 11 CY 587 (Real World Date: Aug. 24, 1998)

  • Kalib Ironfist has been freed, Malphas is back from the dead, and the far-flung members of the Blackrazor Guild have returned to Obsidian Bay just in time to see it fall to the Scarlet Brotherhood.

Morality Play - Harvester 25 CY 587 (Real World Date: Oct. 19, 1998)

  • After an uninspiring trip to Castle Greyhawk, the Blackrazors take a breather. 


The Journey to Hardby - Patchwall 15 CY 587 (Real World Date: Oct. 05, 1998)

  • After fleeing to Greyhawk from Obsidian Bay and crawling around Castle Greyhawk for a few days, the Blackrazors decide to take on a new challenge: the fabled Star Cairns. Their journey begins with a trip to Hardby.


Storm in the Hills - Ready'reat 28 CY 587 (Real World Date: Oct. 12, 1998)

  • The Blackrazors battle giant-kin and bandits as they explore the first of the Star Cairns. This adventure is based on Sean Reynold's Star Cairns module.


A Question of Honor - Sunsebb 16 CY 587 (Real World Date: Oct. 19, 1998)

  • The Blackrazors continue their exploration of the "weapons" Star Cairn. This adventure is based on Sean Reynold's Star Cairns module.

Iron Will, Part 1 - Sunsebb 17 CY 587 (Real World Date: Oct. 26, 1998)

  • The Blackrazors investigate rumors of an "iron man" terrorizing villages near another of the legendary Star Cairns. This adventure is based on Sean Reynold's Star Cairns module.

Iron Will, Part 2 - Sunsebb 27 CY 587 (Real World Date: Nov. 06, 1998)

  • Angry toys -- iron and other, nastier golems -- threaten the Blackrazors at every turn as they explore another Star Cairn. Terrek Redknife joins the guild. This adventure is based on Sean Reynold's Star Cairns module.

Iron Will, Part 3 - Sunsebb 28 CY 587 (Real World Date: Nov. 13, 1998)

  • After retreating from the Star Cairn, the Blackrazors rest and prepare for another assault on the angry toys below ground. Terrek Redknife dies. This adventure is based on Sean Reynold's Star Cairns module.

Common Year 588


Iron Will, Part 4 - Fireseek 7 CY 588 (Real World Date: Nov. 13, 1998)

  • Battered and bruised by the expedition to the golem-filled Star Cairn, the Blackrazors retreat to Greyhawk. There they negotiate with the high priest of Rao to heal two of their clay golem-injured friends. In addition, the cleric of Pelor known as Karaan joined the guild. This adventure is based on Sean Reynold's Star Cairns module.

Iron Will, Part 5 - Fireseek 7 CY 587 (Real World Date: Nov. 20, 1998)

  • The Blackrazors mount their final expedition to the "angry toys" Star Cairn. This adventure is based on Sean Reynold's Star Cairns module.


Interlude in Greyhawk - Readying 17 CY 588 (Real World Date: Nov. 20, 1998)

  • The triumphant Blackrazors return from the Star Cairns loaded with new toys, including two animated metal birds and a iron dog. They rest, relax, and begin researching how to re-take their fallen home city of Obsidian Bay.


Return to the Pinnacle of the Stars - Coldeven 17 CY 588 (Real World Date: Nov. 27, 1998)

  • In CY 586, the Blackrazors raided crypt belonging to the church of Nerull. The evil church had built the crypt beneath a corrupted shrine of Celestian known as the Pinnacle of Stars. A crystal skull of Nerull was smashed during the raid, when the Blackrazors accidentally collapsed the roof of the crypt. Now Kalib Ironfist is leading an expedition back to the Pinnacle to recover and destroy the broken skull.

Vale of the Lamia - Planting  13 CY 588 (Real World Date: Nov. 20, 1998)

  • The Blackrazors set out to recover a lost magic item of the Church of Heironeous.


Mikhael - Planting 14 CY 588 (Real World Date: Nov. 28, 1998)

  • With the Blackrazors in the field hunting the Vale of the Lamia, Calvin Cloudmore is left in charge of the guild's hall in Greyhawk. The cleric of St. Cuthbert manages to alienate a powerful new warrior -- Mikhael.

The Death of Malphas - Planting 16 CY 588 (Real World Date: Dec. 01, 1998)

  • Upon their return return to Greyhawk in late C.Y. 587, the Blackrazors turned over the elf mage-thief Malphas to the city's authorities. Malphas, who had been convicted of killing two men while under the influence of several evil artifacts, had reluctantly agreed to plead for a reduced sentence and to serve out the remainder of his time in the jail.  But now someone is stalking Malphas in prison and there's no way for the wily elf to escape.

The Birth of Malaclypse - Planting 20 CY 588 (Real World Date: Dec. 01, 1998)

  • Malphas is dead. But as the Blackrazors mourn their fallen friend, a new individual looks to join the guild...


A Simple Tournament - Flocktime 25, CY 588 (Real World Date: mid-December 1988)

  • The Blackrazors enter a simple tournament being held be a retired adventurer outside of the city -- so naturally all hell breaks loose.

To Guard a Brother - Flocktime 28 CY 588 (Real World Date: late-December 1988)

  • The Blackrazors must do the unthinkable -- protect a member of the Scarlet Brotherhood from an assassin's attack.

The Brotherhood Protect Us (Real World Date: Jan. 7, 1999) - Summery of CY 588

  • Obsidian Bay is in the hands of the Scarlet Brotherhood, and the city may never be the same again.


Into the Fire - Wealsun 7, CY 588 (Real World Date: Jan. 14, 1999)

  • Kicked out of Greyhawk, the Blackrazors return to Obsidian Bay in hopes of finding and freeing the sleeping hero god known as Krovis.

The Crypt of Krovis - Wealsun 19, CY 588 (Real World Date: Jan. 22, 1999)

  • The Blackrazors have found the Vale of Krovis but can they penetrate the hero god's crypt and rouse him from his slumber?


The Awakening, Part 1 - Planting 23, CY 588 (Real World Date: Jan. 28, 1999)

  • A year ago the senior members of the Blackrazor Guild were tricked by the Scarlet Brotherhood agent Su-quan into releasing seven Suel archmages from the Twisted Forest.  Those Blackrazors were believed lost, trapped in the corrupt stone of the forest. Now though, these same Blackrazors have awakened into an entirely different kind of prison.

The Awakening, Part 2 - Planting? CY 588 (Real World Date: Feb. 5, 1999)

  • The "lost" Blackrazors plan a little payback against the Scarlet Brotherhood slavers who imprisoned them on a slave ship.

The Return to Blue - Planting? CY 588 (Real World Date: Feb. 12, 1999)

  • The triumphant Blackrazors return to Blue in the company of the hero-god Krovis. Meanwhile, an abandoned and confused Blackrazor mage makes his way back home.

To Save the Fallen, Part 1 - Planting? CY 588 (Real World Date: Feb. 19, 1999)

  • The "lost" Blackrazors are lost again, once again subdued by the Scarlet Brotherhood. Now its up to Tanevir Calywyn, Kalib Ironfist, Falgar, and the rest of the Blackrazors to rescue their fallen friends.

To Save the Fallen, Part 2 - Planting? CY 588 (Real World Date: Feb. 26, 1999)

  • The "fallen" Blackrazors have been freed, and now the guild is ready to take the battle to the followers of the Scarlet Sign.

The Hydromancer Debacle - Planting? CY 588 (Real World Date: Feb. 27, 1999)

  • Water levels around the Azure Sea are rising, and it looks like one of the ancient Suel archmages the Blackrazors accidentally freed is responsible...

Swamphold Revisited - Planting? CY 588 - (Real World Date: April 22, 1999)

Lizardmen threaten the Blackrazors hold in the Domain of Greyhawk.

Unknown Saga Dates in 588/589

The Altark's Request - ??? (Real World Date: May 1, 1999)

  • A strange and distant king makes summons the Blackrazors to help him recover a lost treasure.

Richard the Shining - ??? (Real World Date: May 5, 1999)

  • Demons have overrun Obsidian Bay, and the only way the Blackrazors can drive them away is to travel to the Plains of Chaos on the Abyss. But before they do that, they'll need some weapons...

The Tower of Zagig, Part 1 - ??? (Real World Date: May 21, 1999)

  • The Blackrazors at Swamphold decide to launch another expedition to Castle Greyhawk, this time to the Tower of the mad archmage Zagig.

The Tower of Zagig, Part 2 - ??? (Real World Date: May 28, 1999)

  • The second expedition to Castle Greyhawk is proving to be as disastrous as the first ... can the Blackrazors make it out of the castle alive?

The Plains of Chaos: The Citadel of Law - ??? (Real World Date: June 4, 1999)

  • The Blackrazors travel to the Abyss in hopes of closing the portal from the Plains of Chaos to their basement in Obsidian Bay.

The Plains of Chaos: Lost in Chaos - ??? (Real World Date: June 18, 1999)

  • Having navigated their way through the only bastion of good on the Plains of Chaos, the Blackrazors set out in search of the demonic portal to Obsidian Bay.

The Plains of Chaos: The Cyst - ??? (Real World Date: June 25, 1999)

  • They've faced demons, mishaps, and a halfing named Longpipe .. but now the Blackrazors must penetrate the evil citadel known as the Cyst.

Obsidian Bay Triumphant - ??? (Real World Date: July 9, 1999)

  • The destruction of the Abyssal portal in their basement has freed the Blackrazors' home city of Obsidian Bay from its demonic overlords.  Now the long War of Exile is over, and the citizens of Obsidian Bay are coming home.

The Festival of Liberation - ??? (Real World Date: July 9, 1999)

  • Three months have passed since Obsidian Bay was retaken. The Lord Mayor has commissioned a festival to celebrate the long war's end, and to honor its heroes.

Wave of Destruction - ??? (Real World Date: July 9, 1999)

  • Something big, bad and hungry is carving a swath of destruction throw the Great Southern Plains of the Pomarj. Can the Blackrazors stop it?

The Cavern Crawl - ??? (Real World Date: July 16, 1999)

  • The Blackrazors track the source of the destructive wave in to the bowels of Oerth.

The Land Below - ??? (Real World Date: July 23, 1999)

  • The threat terrorizing the surface world has disappeared, but the Blackrazors find some new friends to play with: thieves from Eldredd lost in the UnderOerth for the last few years.

The Altark Revisited - ??? (Real World Date: July 23, 1999)

  • The Blackrazors must complete one final mission for the mysterious Altark.

A Night at the Blackened Stump - ??? (Real World Date: Aug. 22, 1999)

  • The Blackened Stump is open for business, and the Blackrazors can't wait to stumble in and puke.

The Murder of Nug, part 1 - ??? (Real World Date: Aug. 29, 1999)

  • An orcish boy has been murdered, and Fothma knows who did it: the Church of Trithereon!

The murder of Nug, part 2 - ??? (Real World Date: Sept. 3, 1999)

  • Nug's murderer continues to evade the Blackrazors.

Hunting the Ghost -- ??? (Real World Date: Sept. 10, 1999)

  • Malphas hunts the assassin responsible for getting him executed in Greyhawk.

Wings of Ice - ??? (Real World Date: Sept. 17, 1999)

  • "White dragons I tell you! Eating all my birds!" Lord Opus told Tanevir. Is the Lord Holder crazy, or could dragons really be hunting the Great Southern Plains?

The Pelor Expedition, Part 1 - ??? (Real World Date: Oct. 1, 1999)

  • The Church of Pelor asks the Blackrazors to investigate one of it churches on the northside of the Drachensgrabs, a church that -- by all rights -- should have been destroyed.

The Pelor Expedition, Part 2 - ??? (Real World Date: Oct. 8, 1999)

  • The mystery into the Pelorite church grows as the suspicious Blackrazors probe the priests' stories. 

The Pelor Expedition, Part 3 - ??? (Real World Date: Oct. 21, 1999)

  • The false priests have been revealed -- now can the Blackrazors survive their encounter with the imposters? 

The Mystery in Derelion - ??? (Real World Date: Nov. 19, 1999)

  • After six long years, Kannett has finally returned to the Dim Forest to find his friends dead, and a new, murky evil growing in the depths of the wood.

The Battle of Preston - ??? (Real World Date: Nov. 26, 1999)

  • The Blackrazors strike a blow for justice, but lose two of their own in their first major battle with the giants of Geoff.

The Deadly Streets of Hochoch - ??? (Real World Date: Nov. 26, 1999)

  • Kannett learns why one never, ever walks the streets of Hochoch alone.

Common Year 590


The Battle of Fort Diligence - Patchwall 4, CY 590 (Real World Date: Oct. 1, 2001)

  • The Blackrazors return to the Duchy of Geoff to wage war against the giant invaders.

The Battle of The Lea, Part 1 - Patchwall 6, CY 590 (Real World Date: Oct. 26, 2001)

  • The Blackrazors fight their first engagement with the giants' second wave.

The Battle of The Lea, Part 2 - Patchwall 7, CY 590 (Real World Date: Nov. 3, 2001)

  • The Blackrazors continue to fight giants, and some surprising giant-kin, as they work their way across the Geoff countryside to The Lea.

The Battle of The Lea, Part 3 -- Liberation - Patchwall 9, CY 590 (Real World Date: Nov. 9, 2001)

  • The Blackrazors finally reach The Lea and fight a difficult battle with ogres, hill giants, and fire giants. Victorious, the party ends the siege and successfully completes their mission for the Grand Duke of Geoff.

Pregmere: Of Caravans and Escape Plans - Patchwall 9, CY 590 (Real World Date: Nov. 23, 2001)

  • The Blackrazors have broken the siege at The Lea, and now decide to take the fight to the giants. They ambush a supply caravan and rescue the giants' human slaves.

Pregmere: Illusions on the Plains of Geoff - Patchwall 24, CY 590 (Real World Date: Dec. 7, 2001)

  • Having freed the former citizens of Pregmere from slavery, the Blackrazors try to chaperone them to the relative safety of The Lea. Along the way they use their considerable magic and their fighting skills to waylay the pursuing giants.

Pregmere: A Giant Pursuit and a Blackrazor Offensive - Patchwall 25, CY 590 (Real World Date: Dec. 14, 2001)

  • The Blackrazors fight off another band of giants, and a fire elemental, thereby blocking any pursuit and allowing the freed Geoffites to reach The Lea. After seeing them to safety, the adventurers launch a sneak attack against Pregmere itself.

The Seventh Arm, Part 1: Lost in the Tarwood - Patchwall 28, CY 590 (Real World Date: Dec. 21, 2001)

  • The Blackrazors twart an attack on a wealthy merchant and get hired to investigate the circumstances behind the attack.


Assault on the Flying Fortress of the Cloud Giants - Coldeven 6, CY 591 (Real World Date: 2002-01-10)

  • Using the Psionic gate they took from the derro, the Blackrazor A-Team pursues Valeron to Durengard, the flying fortress in which the Cloud Giants lead the marrauding of Geoff.

Pregmere: The Sky Gods Strike Back - Patchwall 28, CY 590 (Real World Date: 2002-01-11)

  • Feeling (over?) confident from their recent successes, the Blackrazors venture out to meet the fire giants of Pregmere on the scrub plains of Geoff. A surprise is in store for the adventurers, however, as the giants' "Angel" makes a devastating, and revealing, appearance.


The Seventh Arm, Part 2 - Readyreat 6, CY 590 (Real World Date: 2002-01-11)

  • The Blackrazors seek out the legend of the Seventh Arm in the Tarwood.

The Seventh Arm, Part 2 - Readyreat 7, CY 590 (Real World Date: 2002-01-18)

  • Vaser joins the Blackrazor B-Team expedition in the Tarwood.

The Seventh Arm, Part 3 - Readyreat 8, CY 590 (Real World Date: 2002-01-25)

  • The Blackrazor B-Team investigates the ruins beneath the ruined tower they found in the Tarwood.

The Seventh Arm, Part 4 - Readyreat 23, CY 590 (Real World Date: 2002-02-01)

  • The B-Team continues its adventures beneath the Tarwood, encountering an odd prismatic portal.

Pregmere: Revenge of the Blackrazors - Readyreat 14, CY 590 (Real World Date: 2002-02-09)

  • The Culmination of the Blackrazors' recent campaign in the Grand Duchy of Geoff finds the guild summarily defeating a giantkin warband of appropriately giant-sized proportions. Alas, all does not go well, as one of their own is taken from them shortly before the battle commences.

Rescue of the Lost Gideon, Part 1 - Readyreat 15, CY 590 (Real World Date: 2002-02-22)

  • After defeating the hordes of giants and giantkin over-running the town of Pregmere in Geoff, the blackrazors turned their attention to their companion Gideon, who had been kidnapped by derro prior to the final glorious battle with the giants. The trail led in to the Underdark beneath Geoff, where traps, monsters, and numerous threats awaited them.

Rescue of the Lost Gideon, Part 2 - Readyreat 19, CY 590 (Real World Date: 2002-03-01)

  • Having entered the Underdark to rescue Gideon from the derro who had kidnapped him, the Blackrazors explored many trapped tunnels and fought a lair of nagas. Eventually they were able to unlock a hidden passage, and were on their way to what they hoped would be the place of Gideon's imprisonment (and not his death).

Erilar's Debt - Readyreat 26, CY 590 (Real World Date: 2002-04-19)

  • Nightengale, the high druid of the Pomarj, sent word to Erilar that she now required him to perform the service which he had promised earlier as payment for a favor. He gathered a party of Blackrazors together to complete the task that she presented to him.


The Seventh Arm, Part 5 - Sunsebb 1, CY 590 (Real World Date: 2002-02-15)

  • Their continued exploration of the dungeon under the ruined tower leads to furious battles with undead and extra-planar creatures.

The Seventh Arm, Part 6 - Sunsebb 4, CY 590 (Real World Date: 2002-03-08)

  • The B-Team looses two of its own as they complete their mission in the Tarwood and return to Obsidian Bay.

The Assault on Kala - Sunsebb 6, CY 590 (Real World Date: 2002-04-12)

  • Learning from the god Trithereon that their plan to rescue their original bodies from the Scarlet Brotherhood had been detected, the Blackrqazors decided to bring the fight to the arch-mage the SB had sent to OB to curtail their plans. Fighting such a foe would be no easy task, but it would be made ever more difficult for having to occur in the part of the Obsidian Maze known as the Horns of Medusae. The best of the guild went in, but would they return?

The Purple Orc Plot - Sunsebb 11, CY 590 (Real World Date: 2002-05-31)

  • When the Knights of the Sword approached Tanevir about a disturbance in and around the town of Malcolm’s Crossing, he dispatched a crew of Blackrazors to investigate.

Attack of the Clones - Sunsebb 17, CY 590 (Real World Date: 2002-06-28)

  • The Blackrazor A-Team storms the Scarlet Brotherhood compound on the Tilvanot Penninsula to rescue their original bodies.

Common Year 591


The Dwarven Stronghold, Part 1 - Fireseek 1, CY 591 (Real World Date: 2002-07-12)

  • The Blackrazor B-Team is tasked with helping to reclaim a long-forgotten Dwarven stronghold deep within the Dranchensgrabs.

The Dwarven Stronghold, Part 2 - Fireseek 2, CY 591 (Real World Date: 2002-07-26)

  • The B-Team continues its exploration of the abandoned Dwarven stronghold they've been tasked with reclaiming.

Return to the Valley of the Purple Orcs - Fireseek 8, CY 591 (Real World Date: 2002-08-02)

  • The Blackrazor A-Team heads to the strange valley the B-teamers encountered outside of Malcolm's Crossing on the Pomarj.

Purple Orcs Are Trees? - Fireseek 8, CY 591 (Real World Date: 2002-08-23)

  • The Blackrazor A-Team fights, and destroys, a large Orcwort tree and a host of its wortlings.

The Dwarven Stronghold, Part 3 - Fireseek 8, CY 591 (Real World Date: 2002-08-30)

  • The B-Team moves further underground as they descent into the lower levels of the Dwarven mines they are exploring.


The Destruction of Zaund - Readying 12, CY 591 (Real World Date: 2002-09-20)

  • The Blackrazor A-Team takes on the vampire Zaund and his undead lieutenants at the manor home of the Duke of Geoff.

The Infiltration of Pest's Crossing - Readying 26, CY 591 (Real World Date: 2002-11-01)

  • A small group of the Blackrazors sneaks into the town of Pest's Crossing to discover what they can regarding the Giant forces controlling the town and the lands of Geoff surrounding it.


Following the Giant Caravan - Coldeven 5, CY 591 (Real World Date: 2002-11-08)

  • The full complement of the Blackrazor A-Team returns to Geoff to investigate the source of the Giant invaders' power.

The Slaying of Skel - Coldeven 6, CY 591 (Real World Date: 2002-11-22)

  • Beset by Frost Giants and the White Dragon protecting their fort, the Blackrazors fight fiercely, and ultimately successfully.

Valeron at the Frost Giant Fort - Coldeven 6, CY 591 (Real World Date: 2002-12-15)

  • The Blackrazors storm a frost giant outpost and find the archmage Valeron waiting for them there. Despite being deplete from earlier battles, they fight valiantly, drive him off, and take the fort by force.

Murder at the Prancing Manticore - Coldeven 9, CY 591 (Real World Date: 2003-03-14)

  • The Blackrazor B-Team is hired to protect a merchant as he whiles away an evening at a luxury gaming establishment. In ture BR fashion, mayhem ensues.


Return to the Dwarven Stronghold: The Lava Pools - Planting 6, CY 591 (Real World Date: 2003-06-27)

  • The Blackrazor party is again invited by the Dwarves of Kelez-Mar to assist them in reclaiming their once-great stronghold. However, one of the Dwarves' company was waylaid, and the BRs are tasked with learning what befell him. A trek across the Drachensgrabs ensues, culminating in a fight with a band of Ravagers and the discovery of a magical lava pools also once controlled by the Dwarves.


The Dwarven Adventure: The Knights Resurface - Flocktime 6, CY 591 (Real World Date: 2003-07-06)

  • The Blackrazor party, now Gideon, D'Klar, Moraim, and Thorvald, agree to escort representatives from Kelaz-Mer to the lava pools and then to Mogelsville and OB. Along the way, however, tracks indicate a flying wagon, and then the party comes face to face with some Knights of the Iron Nation, much to the party's chagrin.

The Dwarven Adventure: Face to Face with Flame - Flocktime 20, CY 591 (Real World Date: 2003-07-27)

  • In OB, Thordubak receives word that the Dragon under Kelez-Mar wants to parley. Thorducak sends D'Klar and the party as his representatives. Back at the stronghold, the party fights spectres and other undead in the Forge level to get down to the mines below. There, they are brought before the Dragon Flame himself, who tasks them with adventuring further into the Underdark to earn his flight from the ruins claimed by the dwarves.

The Shadow Within, Part 1 - Flocktime 17, CY 591 (Real World Date: 2003-08-24)

  • On the heel of the death of vehement anti-draft opponent Councilor Golari Drammenstad, and just after the Blackrazor Gaiseric is shaken down by members of the Sellsword Guild for protection money, Obsidian Bay is shocked by a series of brutal murders. The first victim of these new murders is one of the Blackrazor Guild’s own: Calvin Cloudmore.

The Shadow Within, Part 2 - Flocktime 18, CY 591 (Real World Date: 2003-08-24)

  • The Blackraozrs investigate the brutal murder of one of their own: Calvin Cloudmore, Billet of St. Cuthbert.

The Shadow Within, Part 3 - Flocktime 19, CY 591 (Real World Date: 2003-08-24)

  • The Cuthbertian cleric Calvin Cloudmore is dead and the Blackrazors think they know what did it: a vampire.

The Shadow Within, Part 4 - Flocktime 20, CY 591 (Real World Date: 2003-08-24)

  • The murders pile up, including the master of the Sellsword Guild, and the Blackrazors making a startling -- and deadly -- discovery about the murderer's identity.

The Bloodsworn, Part 1 - Flocktime 21, CY 591 (Real World Date: 2003-09-07)

  • In the wake of their battle with the shadow demon Argolith, the Blackrazors learn of the the Bloodsworn, a cult of fanatical followers of the demonic tyrant known as the Bloodlord.

The Bloodsworn, Part 2 - Flocktime 22, CY 591 (Real World Date: 2003-09-08)

  • In which the Blackrazors find the Bloodsworn's "Den of Bile" and slay the foul demon-worshiping cultists, only to find that a second, larger lair exists deeper in the UnderOerth.


The Bloodsworn, Part 3 - Flocktime 23, CY 591 (Real World Date: 2003-09-14)

  • In which the Blackrazors destroy the Bloodsworn in their demon-tainted lair.

Into the Viper's Den - Wealsun 18, CY 591 (Real World Date: 2004-01-13)

  • A contingent of Obsidian Bay's adventurers -- including a handful of Blackrazors -- is charged with a mission of intrigue and espionage within the occupied provinces of the Principality of Ulek.

The Defeat of Galnathrundak - Wealsun 9, CY 591 (Real World Date: 2004-02-06)

  • The Blackrazors launch an assault against Galnathrundak, the red dragon who controls the lowest level of the dwarven stronghold Khelez-Mar.

Red-Eyed Killers, Part 1 - Wealsun 27, CY 591 (Real World Date: Feb. 20, 2004)

  • The Blackrazors arrive in Fury Bay, where they are formally hired as mercenaries, are branded as such, and are given their first assignment: tracking down and killing the lizardmen infesting the Devil Eye Marsh.


Red-Eyed Killers, Part 2 - Richfest 1, CY 591 (Real World Date: March 12, 2004)

  • The adventurers have received their first mission -- kill a clan of lizardmen in the Devil Eye Marsh. After a night exploring Orc Habor, they set out.

Red-Eyed Killers, Part 3 - Richfest 3, CY 591 (Real World Date: March 12, 2004)

  • The Obsidian Bay sellswords delve deep into the lair of the lizardmen haunting Devil Eye Marsh.


Maure Castle: The Unopenable Door - Ready'reat 15, CY 591 (Real World Date: Oct. 10, 2004)

  • A few weeks after their victory over Tharizdun's Doomdreamers, the Blackrazor Guild learns of a possible portal to the Fading Land of Necros within the ruins of Maure Castle. Concerned that their old enemies in the Cult of Death Undying will learn of the portal, they decide to investigate the rumor and do what they can to make sure it remains secure.

Maure Castle: Changes - Ready'reat 25, CY 591 (Real World Date: Nov. 19, 2004)

  • The Blackrazors press deeper into Maure Castle, accidentally releasing an elder air elemental and stumbling across a cache of magic items (many of which turn out to be cursed).

Maure Castle: The Iron Golem - Ready'reat 25, CY 591 (Real World Date: March 25, 2005)

  • The Blackrazors plunge deeper into Maure Castle, and find its terrible iron golem guardian.

Maure Castle: Scrappy's Doom - Ready'reat 28, CY 591, Real World Date: Sept. 23, 2005)

  • A horrific doom befalls Gaiseric as the party continues their exploration of the ruins of Maure Castle.

Maure Castle: The Hand - Readyreat 28, CY 591 (Real World Date: Sept. 30, 2005)

  • After the apparent death of Gaiseric by a symbol of death hidden by a tapestry (at least until Scrappy lifted said tapestry) and subduing the Seekers' tyrg trainer, the Blackrazors push on deeper into Maure Castle.

Maure Castle: Enter the Elementalist - Ready'reat 28, CY 591 (Real World Date: Oct. 14, 2005):

  • The Blackrazors continue their exploration of Maure Castle, and are joined by their long-time neighbor (and one-time guild member) Sven Kildare.


Maure Castle: The Ghost in the Cavern - Sunsebb 1, CY 591 (Real World Date: Nov. 11, 2005)

  • The Blackrazors fight off an ambush by the last of the Seekers, then uncover the lair of the gnoll cleric they'd fought a few days earlier. But a still greater danger lies a few dozen feat away in a forgotten cavern...

Maure Castle: Seltaren - Sunsebb 1, CY 591 (Real World Date: Dec. 2, 2005)

  • The Blackrazors retreat from Maure Castle to the city of Seltaren in the Duchy of Urnst, where they hope to sell much of their accumulated loot, and learn more about the ruins and the cults that once dominated them.

Maure Castle: In the Shadows - Sunsebb 5, CY 591 (Real World Date: Dec. 16, 2005)

  • The Blackrazors retreat from Maure Castle to the city of Seltaren in the Duchy of Urnst, where they hope to sell much of their accumulated loot, and learn more about the ruins and the cults that once dominated them.

Revenge of the Mummy, Part 1 - Sunsebb 6, CY 591 (Real World Date: Dec. 23, 2005)

  • The Blackrazors have looted the Vault of Long Shadows within Maure Castle and returned to Obsidian Bay seeking guidiance on how to unlock a magical chest they found there, as well as to rest and recover in preparation for a new assault on the ruins. Little do they know that an old curse has finally caught up with them...

Revenge of the Mummy, Part 2 - Sunsebb 7, CY 591 (Real World Date: Jan. 6, 2006)

  • An old desecration has come back to haunt the Blackrazors, as an undead sect of mummies seeks to destory the ones they call the "Defilers of the Golden Sarcophagus". But now the Blackrazors and their allies have tracked down a possible lair of the sect, and look to return the favor.

Revenge of the Mummy, Part 3 - Sunsebb 7, CY 591 (Real World Date: Jan. 12, 2006)

  • The Blackrazors explore the ruins of the Temple of Hextor in an effort to track down a sect of mummified villains. Little do they know that soon the mummy will be coming to them...

Common Year 592


Hunting the Eye-biter - Coldeven 2, CY 592 (Real World Date: Sept. 30, 2006 - Nuke(m)Con 2006)

  • After their underlings are thoroughly trounced by the powerful mage known as Eye-biter, the senior Blackrazors step in to launch their own assault on the one-time adventurer hero turned villain.


Skel's Lair - Planting 3, CY 592 (Real World Date: Oct. 1, 2006 - Nuke(m)Con 2006)

  • The Blackrazors launch their long-delayed expedition to the lair of the slain ice dragon Skel.


Maure Castle: The Bone Weird - Flocktime 15, CY 592 (Real World Date: Oct. 10, 2006)

  • Months have passed since the Blackrazor Guild last stepped foot in Maure Castle. In mean time they have Blackrazor Guild has successfully looted the lair of the white dragon Skel in the Crystalmists and dealt a major blow to the Eyebiter's agenda in the Grand Duchy of Geoff. Their pockets, packs and extradimensional spaces filled to near overflowing, they head to Seltaren via Jakob Dworkin's teleportation magic intent on selling their treasures and preparing for their next foray into the Maure ruins.

Maure Castle: Kerzit's Fane - Flocktime 18, CY 592 (Real World Date: Oct. 27, 2006)

  • The death of one of their own in the belly of an undead horror is not enough to stop the Blackrazors from returning to Maure Castle. This time, they venture into the uncharted territory of the dungeon's third level, Kerzit's Fane.

Maure Castle: Against the Cult of Kerzit - Flocktime 19, CY 592 (Real World Date: Nov. 17, 2006)

  • The Blackrazors go up against the might of the Cult of Kerzit and its leader, the arcane warrior Shryg.

Maure Castle: The Nabassu - Flocktime 20, CY 592 (Real World Date: Dec. 15, 2006)

  • The shrine of Kerzit falls to the Blackrazors, but not before they are forced to battle its fearsome nabassu guardian.

Maure Castle: Battle in the Brewing Bench - Flocktime 21, CY 592 (Real World Date: Dec. 22, 2006)

  • Battered by the nabassu, the Blackrazors flee back to Seltaren and their refuge in the Brewing Bench Inn. Unknown to them though, they have been followed.

Maure Castle: The End of the Gnolls - Flocktime 23, CY 592 (Real World Date: Jan. 5, 2007)

  • The Blackrazos return to Maure Castle to confront the gnollish defenders of Kerzit's Fane.

Maure_Castle: A Desparate Spell - Flocktime 24, CY 592 (Real World Date: Jan. 12, 2007)

  • After making some preparations, the party heads back into the dungeon. Little do they know that the powerful demon named Turlathane awaits them there.

The Devil-Haunted World - Flocktime 26, CY 592 (Real World Date: Jul. 27, 2008)

  • When a pillar of fire erupts from the former temple of Hextor and the Hieronians can't enter, it's up to the Blackrazors to save the city.


The Strike on Turrosh Mak - Wealsun 15, CY 592 (Real World Date: Sep. 19-20, 2008 - Nuke(m)Con 2008)


Tales from Malcanthet's Den: Harbinger of the Wave - Patchwall, CY592 (Real World Date: Sept. 20, 2008 - Nuke(m)Con 2008)

  • Several members of the Blackrazor Guild return to the city for some much needed downtime from the war. While there they are asked to meet with Guildmaster Malphas, and end up with much more trouble than expected.

A New Empire Where One had Stood - Patchwall, CY592 (Real World Date: Oct. 2, 2010 - Nuke(m)Con 2010)

  • A group of Blackrazors try to tie up some loose ends in the aftermath of the war.

Pursuit of Eyebiter - Patchwall, CY592 (Real World Date: Feb. 26, 2012 - Nuke(m)Con 2012)

  • A group of Blackrazors goes after the elusive Eyebiter once more.