Blade of Stars Campaign
The Blade of Stars Campaign chronicles the adventures of the proto-Blackrazors, the adventurers who spent the 570s hacking and slashing their way through the dungeons of the Flanaess alongside Brant Bladescream, the legendary Blackrazor Guild founder. The campaign is played once a year in honor of Gygax Day, and has featured epic crawls of White Plume Mountain, the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth, and the Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun.
Current Status
The campaign is active.
Cast of Characters
View the "Blade of Stars Campaign Player Characters" category
- Brant Bladescream, eventual founder of the Blackrazor Guild, current "mastermind" behind these adventures.
- Vilirom the Robust, "the fifth Wizard" who would help found the Blackrazor Guild (and not curse the guildhall basement)
- Nomad, 7th level cleric of Pelor
- Fleet Starpoint, Ranger
- Ryok Dusthammer, dwarven fighter
Character Creation
New characters should be of appropriate level, built using a 30 point buy, and use the standard starting gold and magic item restrictions as outlined in Starting Wealth Guidelines. Alternatively, some players rolled up using 4d6 and dropping the lowest die. For that old-school feel some players even went further, rolling 3d6 for each stat in order!
- White Plume Mountain, last known resting place of three legendary weapons, including the sword Blackrazor.
- The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth, home to a rumored lost treasure.
- The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun, found again during the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth expedition.