Bloodstone Tower

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In CY 515 the 50' tower was still intact. The walls that had once made up the larger fortification had collapsed, but indicated Bloodstone was more a keep, and less a free-standing tower. The stone of the tower appeared to be ironstone, a kind of sandstone fused with iron. The exposed iron had rusted, and left the tower looking blood stained.

It's most striking aspect was the ironwood tree that grew in the keep's courtyard. It had silver-black bark and rose nearly as the nearby tower. It's roots dug into the fortifications walls and had already torn down several of them. The roots also penetrated the tower, but had not yet damaged it enough to cause it to collapse as well. The courtyard was littered with bones as well as several fresh corpses. The roots dug into these, cracking the bones and tearing the flesh of those sacrificed to it.

At that time, it was occupied by the Red Fang orc tribe.

The tower was destroyed by adventurers on Readying 25, CY 515.