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About the Saga

The adventurers arrive at the Southern Arc and defeat the guardian at its maw.


Cast of Characters

Notable Quotes

No quotes are available.

What Has Come Before

No adventure summary available.

The Saga

Brewfest 7

The Quest Resumed

Kerth and Corash take the lead in talking with Sir Fawkes, explaining the nature of their quest. (Corash getting side tracked with an explanation of the Far Realm). Spend the night healing the townspeople. As they do so, a well-dressed elf strolls into town, claims to be looking for high culture in Obsidian Bay. Introduces himself as Calarandil Tilmarion.

The Goldseekers guide Thargo Stoneshield tells the party of the hydra lurking in the Maw ... and they are surprised, not remembering him talking of this before (or him not having discussed it... the details were fuzzy).

Patchwall 2

The Hyrda Defeated

The party lures the hydra from its lair and manages to defeat it in a pitched battle by ignoring its heads and instead slashing at its body. The creature dead, they proceeded to slice up its necks and burned them. Searching the lair they find evidence of a broken pole and a rough hewn plank, which causes the dwarf remembers the that, oh yes, there were traps of some kind that the trolls disabled before letting the Goldseekers through.

Find evidence of a pit trap; Corash flies over it and tries to find something that a pole could have been used to manipulate, but finds nothing. The party is able to maneuver past the trap without any great difficulty; after doing so they rest and prepare for the upcoming excursion deeper into the southern arc.

Patchwall 3

The Bard Descendant

The next day, the adventurers work their way down through a slick, steep, curving tunnel. After a slip sends one party member crashing into a wall, the adventurers decide to tie themselves together. The plan pays off when several individuals lose their footing and go flying down the hyperslick corridor. Only Corash and Sir Fawkes are left standing, as Thom, Kerth and their dwarven guide Thargo go careening toward the tunnel's end, and the open cavern beyond. As the elven mage and paladin scramble for a foothold, Thom screams as he finds himself flung over a ledge, dangling from the ropes end and praying to whatever gods are listening that he doesn't die.

Corash, knowing that his doom may lie with the adventurers flying past him, has a moment of temptation where he considers severing the rope and saving himself, but instead he digs in and helps Sir Fawkes hold the line. They succeed -- their fellow heroes stop their deadly slide and Thom is left hanging 10 feet below the edge of the cliff, looking down on the dimly lit cavern floor 100 feet below ... and catching the first glimpse of the troll standing there.

The lean, javalin-armed troll demands payment to allow the party to descend the sheer cliff and pass through the tunnel beyond; the party is skeptical, but finally Sir Fawkes agrees to the troll's terms, and a suitable sack filled with gold coins is tossed over the edge.


Not available.