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(New page: Category:Sagas Category:Dark City Sagas ==About the Saga== ===TimeFrame=== * Real World Date: 2/15/2008 * Greyhawk Date: Ready'reat 4, CY 591 * [[Dark City Sagas|Read other Dark Ci...)
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Revision as of 18:54, 16 February 2008

About the Saga


==Cast of Characters

Quote of the Game=

  • No quote.

What Has Come Before

Kobolds have kidnapped a number of children, including the son of Sahead, a powerful shadowmancer in Obsidian Bay. The Dark City heroes have gone to rescue them, and are now exploring the depths of a fallen dwarven monastery overrun with kobolds.

The Saga

Ready’reat 4, CY 591

Temper Tantrums

The heroes learn from the people they've just rescuded -- the girl Kimmy and a halfling adventurer -- that one of the kids has fled to the north of the dungeon. Hearing this, the pary decides to send the kids and the halfing to rest in the relative safety of the ruins above while they investigate the complex further. Gariach the Black volunteers to takes the children to the surface, but one of the girl’s demands to stay behind and begins arguing with Ferdiad.

Out of the Mist

The Astonishing Guizepo walks out of the mists of Ravenloft, fleeing a twisted and corrupted carnival filled with freaks and monsters. He finds himself inside … near a mist-spewing fountains. He finds some sort of dead lizards, then moves on. He catches glimpse of a room with boiling lava, and moves on. He finds a darkened room, which contains a decimated, headless human corpse and a few unlit torches. He snags a torch, retreats to the lava room and uses the boiling rock to set the torch on fire.

As he leaves, he sees a werewolf girl wearing a dress, which snarls at him. He tries to calm her down, but she growls she likes her meat fresh. He throws his spear, hits it squarely, but fails to hurt her. He throws a torch, which fails to burn her. He tosses another javalin, screaming for help, but no one comes … and he misses again.

She taunts him to run. So he does.

He runs blindly through the dungeon, the werewolf on his tail, finally coming to a strange bed chamber room where he finds a dwarven skeleton with its head squashed by a giant anvil. He quickly throws the door shut, barring it. The werewolf roars in frustration. Panting, he turns to explore the room. He finds a concealed stone door slightly ajar.

He sneaks down the corridor, and comes across a strange stone cone. He overhears a young girl and a man having some sort of argument. He speaks into the vent, saying “hello, is anyone there?”

Seamus responds “yes, we are here. We are heroes…”

“Have you fought a werewolf?” Guizepo asks.

Seamus and Ferdiad reply that yes, they have. He asks that they come and help him, but Kimmy refuses saying they need to save her friend. Guizepo manages to convince her to help. After meeting up, they press north into the dungeon. They finally find a tomb like area where they find dwarven skeletons standing in alcoves and a young boy at the far end of the chamber. When Ferdiad enters the room the dwarven skeleton stands, popping its own skeletal head off and throwing it at the ranger.

Zil charges into the room, attacking one of the skeletons while evoking the burning blade maneuver, slaying the undead. Splitter also moves up, earning his nickname as he destroys one of the creatures. Another slashes at Ferdiad, causing a flesh wound. Ferdiad strikes back, but misses, as does Zil.

Ferdiad evokes the will of Krovis, holding his holy spear high. Six of the skeletons immediately flee.

Guizepo runs down the middle of the corridor, through the opening left by the turned skeletons and talks to the small boy at the far end. Zil tries to attack one of the skeletons, which had retreated into a barred alcove, but misses badly, causing him to drop his blade. Zil recovers his blade, assumes the stance of clarity against another of the unturned skeletons, and prepares to destroy one.

Ferdiad declares “boy, the power of Krovis will held the skeletons back. Flee!”

Guizepo finally manages to talk the boy out with the help of Kimmy, who urges her friend’s on. Splitter smashes the remaiing skeletons. The party returns to the camp, with the children in toe, including Saheed’s son. On the surface, Kimmy explains there is a well with a rope that leads to the lower levels.

Ready’reat 5, CY 591

Battle at the Well

The next day, after healing, they head back into the dungeon looking for the well. They find the room, pausing to hear two kobolds in the next room. Guizepo throws a dagger at one, killing it instantly. Then Zil goes running into the room attempting to kill the surviving kobold, and missing.

Guizepo heads into the room, looking to explore a side corridor and runs into the boss kobold who hacks at him savagely. The rest move into the room to back them up even as two more kobolds leap from a large pot hanging in the well. Guizepo gets shanked by the boss kobold, who sneak attack him.

Zil dazzles two of the kobolds by performing the blistering flourish maneuver, rapidly spinning his blade overhead. Splitter steps forward between two kobolds, cutting one in half, then whirls the falchion backwards to slay the other. Another hopes to flee, but is cut down by the adventurers. They move to surround the surviving boss kobold, which is clearly fighting with a poisoned blade. Splitter, moving past his allies, cuts the kobold in half.

A Ghoulish Feast

With the kobolds killed, they examine the room, finding a rough-worked passage, twisting off in one direction, leading into smoke. They also find a door, and beyond that door they hear sounds of creatures eating.

They find a long corridor and a table, with a kobold being devoured by four dwarven ghouls. Guizepo quietly opens the door, ducking out of the way as he does so. Guizepo and Zil try to attack with their darts and spears, but misses badly. They are then paralyzed as the ghouls grab the two heroes.

Subsequently, Ferdiad tries to turn the creatures but can’t. The ghouls rip out the Astonishing One’s guts, causing him to start hemoraging. Ferdiad manages to drag the fallen performer to safety, while Splitter steps up and cuts down one of the ghouls. Unfortunately, one of its kin bites him, paralyzing him. Another falls on Zil and starts tearing at him. Ferdiad steps up, healing the fallen planetorn warrior but then the undead drag his body into the next room and attempt to slam the door shut. Ferdiad throws the door open again, and prepares to follow into the room, with Seamus preparing to throw down his equipment to run in.

Ferdiad again lofts his spear, calling upon the power of his god, and this time the will of Krovis manifests, causing the ghouls hiss and recoil away from Zil’s fallen body. With the ghouls driven off, the party is able to recover their friends. When they recover, they kill the remaining ghouls.