Utembe Jaxson

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Revision as of 15:07, 18 July 2007 by NukeHavoc (Talk | contribs)

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Master of the Blue Thieves Guild, which he has turned around since the days under the leadership of the incompetent and now missing Malvan.


The new Master of the Blue Thieves Guild, Jaxson is an ex-galley slave from a Scarlet Brotherhood war vessel. He and a handful of other Touv men have taken refuge in Blue after being shipwrecked off the Pomarjian coast in the summer of CY 590.


  • Blue Thieves Guild: More of a gang of street-toughs than a true society of skilled rogues, the Blue Thieves Guild is now much more respected than in its prior existence under Malvan's leadership.


  • No statblock is available for this character

--NukeHavoc 15:06, 18 July 2007 (PDT)