Revenge of the Mummy, Part 2

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About the Saga

An old desecration has come back to haunt the Blackrazors, as an undead sect of

mummies seeks to destory the ones they call the "Defilers of the Golden



Cast of Characters

  • Jakob Dworkin, worshiper of Dalt, god of doors and portals
  • [[Rex], unpredictable bodyguard
  • [[Silas], the adventuring explorer
  • [[Alistar], the loremaster
  • [[Hogarth], rogue and dwarf-friend
  • Andulf Truedeath, Ender of Undead
  • Fontain the Hand, Halfling sorcerer
  • Osgood, warrior follower of Pelor

Notable Quotes

No quotes are available.

What Has Come Before

An old desecration has come back to haunt the Blackrazors, as an undead sect of

mummies seeks to destory the ones they call the "Defilers of the Golden

Sarcophagus". More than a dozen Blackrazors have been killed by the creatures,

and when one of the survivors was taken to the Temple of Pelor for treatment,

he exploded in a burst of necrotic energy that staggered the adventurers and

killed all of the patients in the sick bay. A mummy then appeared, animated the

fallen as skeletons, and attacked the "defilers", only to be destroyed himself

by the divine power of Dalt summoned by the Blackrazor Master Delver Jakob

Dworkin. The Blackrazors and their Pelorite allies are now pondering what to do


The Saga

Sunsebb 7

The Order of the Final Rest

The Order of the Final Rest

After the attack, the Blackrazors -- with Fomntain and Alistair recently arrived from the guild hall -- gather in a planning room within the Church of Pelor to consult with the leaders of the church, Archibold Everson, Herald of the Sun Father and Sir Peldonius Trueshield. Everson is alarmed at the undead threat that has struck at the very heart of the temple, but the individuals he would normally count on to deal with such a threat -- the Order of the Sun Blade -- are presently investigating report of some sort of fiery undead seen outside of the Obsidian Maze.

Instead, he calls upon Andulf Truedeath, a follower of Mayaheine who had met with him to discuss the formation of an Order to combat undead, specifically the Cult of Death Undying. When the holy warrior arrives, explains his plans for forming the Order, of which Silas mentioned he might be interested in joining. Everson asks that Andulf investigate this, and tasks another follower of Pelor, the fighter Osgood, to assist him. He offers what assistance he can, and advises the party that he will consult with the Church of St. Cuthbert about techniques for healing the vile wounds Rex, Dworkin, Silas and Morriam suffered earlier that day.

The Trail of the Mummy Sworn

The group decides to investigate the inns and taverns where the Blackrazors had been drinking the night before. They head to Blackened Stump, learn that fat merchant was asking about Blackrazors who might frequent the inn. Nearly get into a fight with Troll after Rex threatens Geffen, but Andulf defuses the situation.

Go to Stone Goblin learn about another guy -- a weasily oily mustached man asking questions about the Blackrazor Guild. Go to the Dagger Down. Hear about some rogues who were talking about breaking the Blackrazors, who talked all tough, but didn't look that competent. Finally kicked out for stealing coppers; later the Blackrazors get heads flushed in slush bucket.

Go to Porters Gate, learn that the merchant passed through five days earlier, with 20-odd crates carried by their own porters. Then go to the Dockmaster, learned about the ship they arrived on, and that the Longshoremen were turned away. Also get description of Baklunish man.

Then track down the longshoremen, who explain how they were paid not to work, and about strange smells coming from the ship. They then go to the Lamplighters, and get a description of Baklunish outside of the ruined Shrine of Hextor. He also describes a symbol he saw on the individual's amulet, which Alistair in turn recognizes as an ancient Ur-Flan rune for "trusted protector"

Return to the Temple of Pelor, inform them of the problem. Rex finds cyst on him, which Andulf is able to remove … but only barely. In doing so, he realizes that the cyst could have killed the fighter had he removed it improperly. Then go to the Blackrazor Guild Hall, finds Moriam and Jakob, and find a cyst on Moriam. Return to the Temple of Pelor, where Sir Peldonious aids Andulf in removing the cyst.

The Ruins of Hextor

That night, the adventurers decide to track down the Baklunish man at the

shrine of Hextor, which was investigated and cleared out by the Invincibles

Guild several months earlier, including both the temple area and the crypt

below. Arriving there, they discover that the lock on the main iron gate looked

locked but had in fact been rigged to open easily. Just inside the gate, they

find a glyph of warding in the form of the holy symbol of Heironeous, but

realize that it has been subtly disabled. They arrive at the main doors to the

Shrine, and find them again unlocked. Hogarth opens the door then catches

glimpse of a symbol of pain which wracks him with pain and causes him to shiver

uncontrollably until Andulf dispels the magical effects.

They press on, finding a large open chamber comprised of ever smaller hexagons

broken up by pillars, culminating with a broken altar. Behind the altar is a

trap door that had been covered up with heavy steel plates that were bolted to

the floor, but these had been pried open.

They scout out the scene, with Alistair donning his cursed robe of eyes to

grant his conjured arcane eye the ability to through darkness and to reveal

invisible creatures. He finds nothing of note in the temple area, and the party

decides to follow the stairs down. They find a crypt and begin exploring it,

but are soon attacked by horrifically large skeletal bipedal dinosaurs. As they

fight the horrors, the party realizes these are no ordinary skeletons -- they

are fossils! The adventurers attempt to drive off the creatures, with Dworkin

calling down the divine will of Dalt to blast one of them with holy fire, while

Hogarth, Rex and the others closed to attack. Their physical attacks against

the creatures -- whether sword or mace -- did not seem to wound the creatures

greatly, barely biting into their fossilized bones. Finally Andulf channels the

divine power of Pelor to destroy the undead, but in doing so the creatures

explode in a retributive burst of negative energy that washes over the

frontline fighters, hurting them, but not critically.


Rex, Dworkin (13th): 425 xp Silas, Hogarth, Andulf, Fontain, Alistair (12th):

550 xp Osgood (9th): 1013 xp