Maure Castle: In the Shadows

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About the Saga

The Blackrazors finally discover and unlock the Vault of Long Shadows.


Cast of Characters

Notable Quotes

No quotes are available.

What Has Come Before

Adventure summary

The Saga

Sunsebb 5, CY 591

Minion of Kerzit

As party explores circulur room with an obvious trapped chest in the center, the rear guard is attacked by a foul dark, four-armed creature, which Silas and Jakob recognizes as a blood fiend. The fiend utters a blasphemy, which paralyzes and sickens Thorin and Rex.

Jakob sees, the creature, tries to banish it, fails. Creature casts unholy blight, further sickening Rex, then fallsl back and desecrate an area. Silas steps up, blows his horn of goodness to try and hold the creature at bay, and ruining part of its desecration.

Andulf steps into the area of goodness and tries to turn it, but fails. Jakob steps up, gets Rex to agree to join blackrazors in return for heal (which removes all of his mental conditions). The fighter is then freed.

Silas steps up, attacks and lands a might blow with his holy cold steel long sword. The creature recoils from the attack, but then strikes back, biting and rending at his throat, sucking blood from him.

Rex charges, prompting the demon to strike him. The hit staggers the fighter, draining the life from him and recharging the demon. He does, however, manage to land a blow.

The fight continues, with Dworkin blasting the creature with searing light. It flees, teleporting behind the dwarf in an effort to drain life from the helpless victim and regain power. But it fails, and is faced with a charging Silas, who lands a massive, crippling blow. Anulf sears the creature, burning through its chest and obliterating it.

The Vault of Long Shadows

Party finds the Vault of Long Shadows, and Alistair begins summoning. The first spell brings in three slow shadows; the second summons a shadowy duplicate of Alistair, who proceeds to blast the party with chain lightning, targeting his twin first.

Rex turns on the mirror image, and nearly drops it with a brutal series of attacks and then Andulf finishes him. Jakob, seeing how badly injured the real Alistair is, steps up and heals him.

Casts the third spell, summoning a nightwing which takes to the vaulted ceiling overhead. Fierce battle continues with slow shadows, with Silas following it via his celestial armor. Andulf backs him up by holy smighting him. Then Jakob flame strikes it, singing Silas.

Alistair casts the final spell, which bathes the room in negative energy, healing the shadows while damaging the creature.

The nightwing responds to its blinded condition by plunging the room into deeper darkness, which Jakob then dispels. The creature, outraged, blasts the room with a cone of cold, badly wounding everyone save Alistair and the slow shadows who were immune.

The badly wounded party tries to heal themselves, sucking down potion after potion of healing.

The nightwing turns on Silas, casts finger of death, killing the royal explorer instantly and causing him to float back to the floor. The fight continues, and Dworkin is nearly killed before fighting back at the shadows with a mass cure light wounds which drove off the shadow fighting him, and healed everyone in the party. Allister looks up, blasts the nightwing with a barrage of magic missiles, and kills it.

Rex, infuriated and desperate, lashes out at one shadow, destroying it, and cleaving another vaporizing it with a might blow. At the end of the summoning, five chests appear. Open the first four and find a huge amount of treasure. In the last, they find an apparently unopenable, magically-sealed adamantine box. Magical divinations reveal that a powerful shadow spell known as shades might be used to summon a shadow lock and key, and thus allow them access to the treasure inside. In the other boxes they found:

  • Chest #1: 20,400 sp, 1,5,86 gp, 125 pp
  • Chest #2: Two dozen bags of gems worth a total of 4,300 gp
  • Chest #3: Art items worth 5,600 gp.
  • Chest #4: Potion of enlarge person, oil of shillelagh, potion of barkskin +2, divine scroll of bull's strength, wand of magic missile (22 charges, caster level 7), a ring of water walking, a bead of force, a pair of slippers of spider climbing and a tome of clear thought.


  • Thorin: 3,500
  • Anulf: 3,500
  • Silas: 3,500
  • Alistair: 3,500
  • Jakob: 2,827
  • Rex: 2,827