Red-Eyed Killers, Part 1

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About the Saga

The Blackrazors arrive in Fury Bay, where they are formally hired as mercenaries, are branded as such, and are given their first assignment: tracking down and killing the lizardmen infesting the Devil Eye Marsh.


Cast of Characters

Notable Quotes

"They lose two recruits a week that way." -- bystander at the Seadown Inn, commenting on the Grey Renders' drunken drowning of one of their men in beer.

What Has Come Before

The Blackrazors have successfully boarded the Storm Hydra, a light galley that makes frequent stops to Imperial ports. In addition, they have earned the gratitide of the harbormaster of Fury Bay, the old orc Lortak the Crimson Slayer, for having rescued a yellow-sailed slaver ship that had been under attack by sauhaughin and a giant squid. They have just departed Fury Bay for Orc Harbor.

The Saga

Wealsun 27, CY 591

Come in, get brands, a few scream, see conditions of the city, get to see down, talk with mercs upset about grey renders.

Grey renders hold down friend, poor beer down throat, holding him down ("They lose two recruits a week that way").

Go to the bloody elf, where humans are mistakenly thought to be victims for that night's pit fight. Mugwort gets paid 50 gp for fight fee (includes burial).

Dead grey render flipped on side to pour ale back out.

Learn that grey renders regularly get drunk.

Back at the Bloody Ear, the Blackrazors learn the that they will fight giant scoprion. Mugwort takes bets.

Battle ensues. Hogarth deftly jumps in, badly hurting the scorpion, then Heydrich attacks, scratching the creature. Then it surges forward, attacking Hogarth with a claw and grabbing him.

Hogarth deftly escapes from the scorpion, but then the creature scoops up Tyndell. Heydrich jumps in and spears scorpion, then Hogarth fells it with his bastard sword, slash and reverse slash. Leave town on the 28th of Wealsun.

Wealsun 28 - Richfest 1, CY 591

Travel overland On way (night of 28 Wealsun) fight sporebat creature, kill lizardmen by shooting bolts through eyes. Get to town in afternoon of CY 591 and learn of the various threats facing those venturing into the swamp. Then decide to go to shack, start sharing info with Blaze. Learn that he has no love of the empire himself, and he agrees to join them in their quest to undercut the Empire's position in the occupied provinces.


Not available.