Khelez-Mar Campaign

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Cast of Characters




What Has Come Before

Several years ago I ran a series of adventures based around clearing out a re-discovered dwarven stronghold in the Drachensgrabs (north east of Obsidian Bay).

The brave adventurers delved into the sublevels of the stronghold and discovered that it had fallen to humanoids who were mostly defeated, but their master, a dread necromancer, was able to overcome the doughty dwarves. Fortunately, the necromancer died in his victory, falling to the remaining high priest of Moradin in the stronghold's Temple. The dwarven high priest was mortally wounded and died in the Temple, arising as a Sacred Guardian, waiting for the forces of good to reclaim the temple and help to rescue his corrupted flock.

Similar to the high priest, many of the dwarves had opted to undergo a dwarven religious ceremony allowing their spirits to fight on after they died as sacred spectral warriors, defending their home (think the warrior chick in Conan). However, when they were slain with negative energy attacks, their spiritual service became corrupted and they became powerful undead. Their oaths to protect the stronghold would not allow them rest even if their undead form was destroyed. They would simply rise again the next night until they were properly laid to rest in the dwarven crypts far below.

In between the undead remains and the crypts happened to be a red dragon who had been residing in the lower levels of the abandoned stronghold for some time. He had his own problems fending off incursions from the UnderOerth monsters who were being sent against him in unrelenting waves.

The dragon was powerful but trapped in the lower levels. He struck a deal with the party to find and defeat who or whatever was attacking him from below and in return, he would leave the stronghold to the dwarves (taking his hoard with him, of course).

The party found and defeated a foul Illithid and his Drow monk thrall (and lots of underdark beasties), ending the threat to the dragon. Then the party decided that they could not allow the dragon to leave with all of the looted dwarven relics and treasure.

The battle that followed was epic, and the hardy adventurers were able to defeat the dragon after a truely well coordinated team effort that taxed all of the characters to the limit.

With the dragon defeated, the dwarves of Khelez-Mar were able to lay their fellows to rest, ending the torment of undeath and allowing them to join their father's in the Halls of Moradin with pride.

Khelez-Mar was reclaimed and the party were named Dwarf-Friends and given a princely reward.

Khelez-Mar Reclaimed

In the time since, the dwarves of Khelez-Mar have called upon their Dwarf-Friends a few times for assistance. But the stronghold is well beyond the borders of the Domain of Obsidian Bay. They have thus far relied upon secrecy to stave off further threats until they can rebuild the defenses and reinforce their reclaimed home.

However, tensions between the Domain of Obsidian Bay and the Empire of Mak have been building towards war. Frontier settlements like the Cathedral of Liberty, Mogelsville and Khelez-Mar are facing grave threats as Turrosh Mak sends more orcs to harrass the Domain and test their defenses.

Khelez-Mar has gained some strategic importance to the City of Obsidian Bay as a supplier of war material, especially now that the Mithril veins have been re-opened. The dwarven weapon and armorsmiths are busy deep in their stonghold.

Obsidian Bay is somewhat short on regular army forces, but have sent a contingent of Knights of the Shield to Khelez-Mar to aid the defense. In addition, there are several powerful adventurers who now live in or frequent Khelez-Mar, including Duklar Ironforge, Dwarf of Renown and Hero of Obsidian Bay, Sven Kildare, the Terramancer of the Order of the Broken Staff, Luc Krolnochak, Hero of Obsidian Bay and Moraim, Priest of Ulaa, Liberator of Geoff.

The Looming War

But there are more and more orcish forces in the Drachensgrabs. It is only a matter of time before Khelez-Mar is found. And though they are strong in their Halls, a concerted effort by Mak would at the least cut off a vital supplier of war material to OB, and possibly overrun the stronghold again.

So the dwarves of Khelez-Mar are seeking allies who can thin the number of orcs in the Drachensgrabs, and help with the defense of their home.


The Dwarven Imperative!

The party will be called upon to perform skirmish warfare in the Drachensgrab Hills. They will encounter the normal sort of beasties to be found in the Hills plus bands of Orcs/humanoids.

This will be a mostly outdoors campaign. Maybe a few dungeon crawls. But lots and lots of Orcs!

Some themes for adventures:

  1. Scouting forces
  2. Strike force against enemy encampments
  3. Find someone who is missing
  4. Escort diplomats/leaders
  5. Secure strategic resources
  6. Defend strategic resources
  7. Find/create staging areas
  8. Launch strikes against enemy strongholds

Character Creation

Stats, Level & Gold


You could come from Obsidian Bay, have relocated to OB from Keoland or the Wild Coast, or really anywhere you want, just have some reason for being in Obsidian Bay.

You could also start as a dwarf or human who is already living in Khelez-Mar. In this case, you would probably originally be from the Principality of Ulek and either be part of the original explorers that re-discovered Khelez-Mar, or reinforcements that arrived after Khelez-Mar was re-claimed.


Any standard race would do, although keep in mind you'll be interacting with dwarves a lot, and you'll be resting up in Khelez-Mar or Obsidian Bay. So Wood Elves are probably not a good choice, lol! Humans and dwarves will be just peachy. Gnomes and halflings will be pretty good. Half-elves will be okay. Full elves will be welcomed as allies but probably are not going to become fast friends like Legolas and Gimli (unless they do something above and beyond to help the dwarves of Khelez-Mar).


Again, this is pretty much whatever you want to play. However, if you want to play a base class from a book other than the Players Handbook, I want to see it beforehand and I'm not guaranteeing I'll approve it. The Knight is approved.

For prestige classes, please ask first. Not all of the prestige classes even from the Complete books are appropriate for the setting.


Don't choose non-standard feats listed in HeroForge without running it past me, please. Feats from the PHB and the Complete Books are okay, but try to keep some rp flavor in mind (for example, if you take the Disciple of the Sun feat for a cleric, make sure the cleric's god has SUN in the portfolio. If you're taking a Greyhawk regional feat, like Blackmoorian Rhymes, be from Blackmoor or have a story about how you spent a lot of time there in your early training, etc).


Any good will work best. Lawful neutral will be okay, chaotic neutral is prohibited.

Khelez Mar Setting


This will include the ruling powerstructure (secular and sacred).


Which religions are represented within Khelez-Mar.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Moradin is the chief deity in the dwarven pantheon in the Dungeons & Dragons game and is a member of the default D&D pantheon. Moradin's domains are Creation, Earth, Good, Law, and Protection. [1] His titles include Soul Forger, Dwarffather, the All-Father, and the Creator. He created the first dwarves out of earthen materials and tutored them in dwarven ways.

"Worshippers" Moradin charges his followers with the task of removing the kingdoms of orcs and wiping out the followers of Gruumsh. He is upset if they flee from their foes or kill their fellow dwarves.

"Clergy" Moradin's clerics wear earthy colors, with chain mail and silvered helms. His clerics are usually drawn from family lines, like most dwarven occupations.

"Hammers of Moradin" The Hammers of Moradin are an elite military order dominated by crusaders and fighting clerics with chapters in nearly every dwarven stronghold and members drawn from every dwarven clan. The Hammers serve both as commanders of dwarven armies and as an elite strike force skilled in dealing with anything from large groups of orcs to great wyrms to malevolent fiends from the Lower Planes.

The order is dedicated to the defense of existing dwarven holdings and the carving out of new dwarven territories. Individual chapters have a great deal of local autonomy but, in times of great crisis, a Grand Council (the reigning monarchs and senior Hammers of the affected region) assemble to plot strategy and divine Moradin's will.

"Temples and rituals" Moradin is worshipped at forges and hearths. Melted metals are sacrificed to him monthly.

In Khelez Mar

Galanauk of Clan Bak (Lost Clansman) - high priest of Moradin

Galanauk is the High Priest of Moradin in Khelez-Mar and brother of Clan Leader Thror DuBak, and as such, is hugely influential in happenings in the dwarven hold. Galanauk is greatly respected and is an important member of the Ruling Council.

Galanauk is mainly concerned with two things; using dwarven craftsmanship to build defenses of the stronghold and destroying the orcish threat in the Drachensgrabs.

As such, he is building an order of Shining Hammers within Khelez-Mar. There are currently only two Shining Hammers and another one in training. Galanauk is always looking our for potential recruits.

Clanggedin Silverbeard

"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"

Clanggedin Silverbeard is the dwarven deity of battle.

Clergy and Temples Clanggedin's priests wear silver war helms and chain mail. He is worshipped before and during battle, and weapons are sacrificed to him in honor.

In Khelez Mar Bval, Clan Werim (Messenger of Wrath) High Priest of Clanggedin

Bval is an old dwarf, but still a doughty warrior and is the High Priest of Clanggedin, WarChief of the forces of Khelez-Mar. As a veteran of the Greyhawk Wars, Bval has spent decades fighting the Orcs of the Lortmils. He came to Khelez Mar mainly due to frustration over the Principalities inability to launch a decisive campaign to drive the orcs out of the eastern half of their country.

Bval also serves on the Council and is in general agreement with Thror Du'Bak and Galanauk.

Like most who follow Clanggedin, Bval favors wielding dual axes and will not use shields. Bval is chafing somewhat to complete the defensive preparations so that he can start combat in earnest against the orcs.

He is also a strong patron of the adventurers and allies from the Domain of Obsidian Bay. Although skirmish warfare is not his favorite, currently he does not have enough information on the orcish threat to mount a full scale campaign.

Bval has sponsored several missions intended to gather more information on the orcish warparties (their strength, equipment, tactics and location).

Bval gets along very well with the Knights of the Shield from Obsidian Bay who are stationed in Khelez Mar. He admires their discipline and courage as well as their deadly effectiveness though he sometimes teases them about their use of shields, asking how they can see their enemy or fight around such large obstacles.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dumathoin is the patron of mountain dwarves, and the dwarf deity of mining and underground exploration. Dumathoin is often given the title, "Keeper of secrets under the Mountain."

Clergy and Temples Dumathoin's clerics dress in brown leather. His holy days are on the new moon, and sacrifices of gems and jewels are made to him monthly.

In Khelez Mar

Arval, Clan Fargirn (blood messenger) High Priest of Clanggedin

Arval was the second in command of the initial foray to recover Khelez-Mar and was primarily responsible for finding the stronghold, as well as uncovering most of the secrets on the upper levels.

Now Arval is in charge of the mining below Khelez-Mar. He and his clan are excellent miners and prospectors with several accomplished KanaKarakan (Dark Scouts, dwarves specializing in underground exploration and warfare).

Though he is also part of the Ruling Council, Arval does not participate much beyond giving updates on the progress of the mining and the availability of resources. In matters of everyday governing, he trusts Thror Du'Bak and Galanauk. Arval and Bval share common cause defending Khelez-Mar from threats from the Underdark.

Gaerdal Ironhand

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gaerdal Ironhand, called The Stern, is the gnome deity of protection, vigilance, and combat.

In Khelez Mar There is only one of the Gaerdal's faithful in Khelez Mar, a gnome by the name of Errjon, though many of the gnomish community venerate Gaerdal. Errjon was part of the initial quest to find and reclaim Khelez Mar and is the informal leader of the small contingent of gnomes in Khelez Mar.

Errjon is a stealthy and deadly warrior. He favors scouting missions in the Drachensgrabs and into the Underdark.

Baravar Cloakshadow

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Baravar Cloakshadow, called The Sly One, Master of Illusion, Lord in Disguise, and Bane of Goblinkin, is the gnomish deity of illusions, protection, and deception.

In Khelez Mar There is also only one of Baravar's faithful in Khelez Mar, Folji. He is not from the Principality of Ulek, he was recruited from Mogelsville when the Expedition stopped there in their quest to rediscover Khelez Mar.

Folji was only too eager to leave Mogelsville. Folji is a fairly serious gnome (by dwarven standards, which means that most gnomes think he's insufferably dull). Although Folji is not an enormously experienced cleric, he is quite an accomplished Illusionist. Unlike most gnomes however, Folji seeks out the battlefield applications of his magic, and does not eschew the 'blood and thunder' magics.

In Khelez Mar, Folji acts as one of the few resident arcane experts, a role he quite enjoys.


Adventuring resources within the stronghold.


What you can do during downtime.

Private rooms

You each have a good sized private room (10x10). It is typically cool and dry, and is worked stone (not carved out of a wall like a cave). The door is solid stone on a continuous hinge (a solid cylinder of stone that runs the length of the door), and even though it’s quite heavy, it swings open and shut easily. The door has a built-in lock and can be barred from the inside.

In each room you have a bed, chair, table, and lockable chest and wardrobe. Those of you who wear armor also have an armoring dummy in the room (on which you place your armor when you’re not wearing it), and those of you with more a more scholarly bent have a low bookcase. All of the furniture is sturdy and well made, though not ostentatious. For most of you, these are the nicest quarters you have ever had (not for Sir Ottomar, of course, though you certainly find them appropriate and suitable).

Sir Rencour, after spending some time in your room, you discover (almost by accident), that your walls are covered with expertly made tapestries of blank dwarven stonework. Ahh, dwarven humor.


There are currently three taverns in addition to the Feast Hall (where you all ate when you first came to Khelez-Mar).

The first tavern is Sidh’Rak (pronounced Sid Rack, the literal translation is the Final Bastion). This is a largish tavern with space for about 50 people to be comfortable in the main room. There are also some rooms above the tavern, presumably for rent for visitors to Khelez-Mar who have not been granted private quarters. Currently, there are few who come to the fortress who are not invited, and those few who are invited are given quarters or at the least, do not have to rent a room so these are generally empty.

During the invasion and fall of Khelez-Mar some 100 years ago, Sidh’Rak was the last position to fall on the main level, and from what can be determined, had perhaps the strongest resistance in the entire fortress.

There is generally a good mix of people in Sidh’Rak but the militia and those who engage in military missions outside of the fortress patronize Sidh’Rak more than the other establishments. Sidh’Rak can be a little boisterous at times, since there are frequently dwarves and humans mixing here. The occassional bar fight is not unknown but fatal violence is not tolerated, nor is extreme drunkenness (by dwarven standards, usually defined as too drunk to hit a table top with an axe).

Of note: when Khelez-Mar was retaken, those exploring the tavern found an encoded runic scroll hidden under a broken ale barrel. After the dwarves deciphered the scroll they found a recipe for a drink called Grimfal (Eternal Strength).


Grimfal is a strong, spicy alcoholic drink served hot. One or two tankards has little effect except to induce a mild intoxication (by dwarven standards), but for dwarves, 3 or 4 tankards produces an effect identical to a barbarians rage class ability.

After the effects of the rage wear off, the dwarves may suffer some ill-effects. The best case scenario is that they become fatigued as a barbarian would be after ending a rage. However the ill-effects can be quite a bit more severe, even including death from over-exertion. Roll percentile then subtract the imbibing character's Con score to determine the effect (die roll cannot be modified below 1. An imbibing character will always become at least fatigued).

Table 1: After-effects of Grimfal Rage 1-20 Fatigued 21-30 Exhausted 31-40 Disabled 41-55 Blinded 56-65 Confused 56-60 Staggered 61-70 Unconscious 71-80 Ability Damage – 1d10 damage to either Str, Dex or Con 81-89 Ability Drain – 1d4 damage to Int, Wis or Con 90-100 Dead

Grimfal is not to be imbibed lightly.


What other adventuring types are within the stronghold to lend a hand.


Dwarves founded the stronghold of Khelez Mar several hundred years ago. Descendents of the original founders led the expedition to reclaim the stronghold. With reinforcements from the Principality of Ulek and new recruits from Obsidian Bay, Dwarves are by far the most populous race in Khelez Mar.


DuBak Translated as Dwarven Shield.

Fargirn Translated as Mountain Stronghold

Werim Translated as War King


There is a small but significant contingent of gnomes in Khelez Mar. Most are part of the original expedition where they served as arcane magical backup for the dwarves and humans running the expedition. A few are more recent recruits from Mogelsville and Obsidian Bay.

Importantly, the dwarves went out of their way to only recruit the more serious gnomes, which understandably limited their selection. But in the Principality of Ulek during the Greyhawk wars, many of the gnomish communities were massacred. Survivors became much more grim and dwarf-like. Silly and frivolous gnomes are not well tolerated in Khelez Mar. They are not banned but they are not often invited back.


Several elves of importance have visited Khelez Mar, notably Tanevir, Field Marshal of the forces of Obsidian Bay. However, no elves have been offered a home in Khelez Mar.


Humans make up the second largest racial group in Khelez Mar. The original expedition to find and reclaim the stonghold from wilds of the Drachensgrabs included about a dozen human rangers, warriors and (good aligned) rogues.

After the Blackrazors cleared out the lower levels and Khelez Mar was deemed secure, more humans made the dangerous and difficult trek from the Uleks to support their fellows.

In addition to the original expedition and other Ulekis, there are many humans from the Domain of Obsidian Bay who have been invited to Khelez Mar. However the dwarves took great trouble to only invite honorable and dependable humans from Obsidian Bay (Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral). There is no seedy undercurrent in Khelez Mar at this time.

Also of note, to show their friendship and cooperation, Obsidian Bay has agreed to station a small contingent of Knights of the Shield in Khelez Mar to aid in defense of the Stronghold.

Some Knights of the Fist also stop into Khelez Mar fairly often to rest, resupply and bring news.


Half Orcs

Half Orcs are not tolerated in Khelez Mar, no matter the circumstance.