Maure Castle: Battle in the Brewing Bench

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About the Saga


Cast of Characters

Notable Quotes

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What Has Come Before

The Blackrazor have just battled and barely defeated a powerful nabassu demon within the depths of the third level Maure Castle. Badly wounded, they have chosen to retreat from Kerzit's Fane and return once more to Selteran.

The Saga

Flocktime 21, CY 592

Surprise Strike in Selteran

Badly wounded by the nabassu, the Blackrazors flee to the The Brewing Bench in Selteran to recover. They attempt to rest at the inn, only to be attacked in the night by a nalfeshnee. Korem is the first to respond, magically summoning his armor and raising an alarm.

Giles and Andulf also rally, Andulf grabbing his equipment while Giles runs into the hall and makes it to the stop of the stairs, where he is soon joined by the mage. Jakob follows out and casts protection from evil on Giles.

Korem runs down the stairs, sees a huge ape-like, tusked, winged demon and then casts righous might on himself. Thorin, in his sleeping armor, finally rouses and runs out into the hall. Athelouen studies the demon after running down the stairs, and recognizes it as a Nalfeshnee. Demon sees the righteous Korem and dispels its magical effect with a wave of his hand.

Thorin charges into battle with the demon, and is struck as he charges in. As he does so, Athle warns that the demon is a nalfeshnee, which is vulnerable to good aligned attack. Korem runs up, taking a flanking position opposite Thorin. Aethelwin tries to pierce the creature's magic resistance with spells, but fails repeatedly. Jakob summons a spirtual hammer to strike the creature, but it fails to beat the creature's magic resistance and blinks out of existence.

The creature unleashes a smite effect, dazing Thorin. He then turns and dispels a variety of spell effects on Korem. The party slowly backs the creature into a corner, with Giles raining holy crossbow bolts down on it from across the room while Korem beat on it relentlessly with a holy weapon bless by Andulf. The cleric finally slays it with a final might blow, causing the creature to disappear in a puff of smoke.

The inn's proprietor is alarmed by the attack, but when Andulf honestly explains the situation, he agrees to let the party stay. Andulf casts consecrate from his consecrated helm, and after healing their wounds, they retire once again to their rooms.

Flocktime 22, CY 592

A New Guild Hall

Dworkin casts forbiddance while Andulf consecrates the inn to prevent future attacks. The guild purchase a house in the district for 5,000 gp. Giles, having had enough of adventuring with the Blackrazors, heads off on his own, seeking passage via ship.

Flocktime 23, CY 592

Once More Into The Fane

Andulf stays behind to help fortify the new guild hall -- 10 room house, with wooden walls and a thatch roof. As the Blackrazors prepare to teleport out, a Tritheronite named MacEntyre arrives. Eager to join the guild and kill mages.

The party accepts him, and they teleport back to Maure Castle, arriving in an abandoned corridor on the west side of Kerzit's Fane.

They head to the south and find a junk room filled with debris … and a small horde of colchiln demons. Aethelwin opens the engagement by fireballing the creatures.

Thorin then charges again, attacking one of the demons and wounding it slightly. The creatures plunge the area into darkness, but Aethelwin dispels it by casting daylight. Korem casts a ring of swords, shredding any who come to close. The creatures defeated, the Blackrazor press deeper into the dungeon.