Followers of the Skeletal Way

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A murderous band of Nerullites dedicated to serving their undead god and the Cult of Death Undying.


These slavishly devoted followers of Nerull exist soley to serve the God of Murder and his servants. They often take on many different roles, depending on the needs of Nerull's clergy. Some serve as temple guards, while others protect brothers and sisters of the faith who must travel the Flanaess.

Others are tasked with adventuring in the UnderOerth in search of lost relics while still others gladly sacrifice themselves while launching suicide attacks on the forces of good.

They have been known to operate in the city and Domain of Greyhawk, the The Wild Coast and openly recruit new Followers in the city of Highport on the Pomarj. They are closely associated with two Nerullite groups in particular, the Cult of Death Undying and the Cult of the Shriven Sickle.


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