Red-Eyed Killers, Part 2

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About the Saga

The adventurers have received their first mission -- kill a clan of lizardmen in the Devil Eye Marsh. After a night exploring Orc Habor, they set out.


Cast of Characters

Notable Quotes

"Vaser's name is Kelas." -- Vasar; "Not out here it isn't." -- Heydrich

What Has Come Before

The adventurers have received their first mission -- kill a clan of lizardmen in the Devil Eye Marsh. After a night exploring Orc Habor, they set out.

The Saga

1 Richfest, CY 591

"Vaser's name is Kelas." -- Vasar Not out here it isn't. -- Heydrich

Blackrazors head out on Cranberry Road. Head into Crookwood, and while breaking for lunch, Little Mouse hears sound of arguing. Sneak up on bog giants eating crocidile. Attack, kill one brother captures other.

Press on, but then are attacked by phase wasps several hours later. Badly hurt as waves of wasps attack. Vaser puts two down with sleep, then Little Mouse drops three with web. Others are snipped by the rest of the party. Giant continues walking on during the fight, and Heydrich, thinking he's escaping, kills him with a bolt.

As evening falls, reach the cranberry bog. Night passes uneventfully.

2 Richfest, CY 591

Next morning head out, start wading out around the bog. Blaze (as lizardman) heads on finds body floating in the water. Keep on traveling until Blaze collapses, exhausted.

3 Richfest, CY 591

Next morning, in the pre-dawn gloom, see humanoid shape move past the camp. Move toward shape, getting full round of attacks on it before it dissolves into the ground. Party starts to panic. Blaze heads for tree. Vaser summons fiendish griffon. Rest of party scrambles for trees.

Blaze climbs higher, sees creature sliding beneath water. Griffon carries vaser to top of tre. Heydrick makes up tree as do others. Vaser's griffon attacks the creature, tearing at it with a spray of leeches. Heydrich then unloads with crossbow, badly wounding dispite murky water. Griffon finally kills it with a final rending bite.

Hours later, see mound rising in the distance. Close, see lizardmen outside. Immediately begin attack. Illandrin fires while vaser summons dire ape.

Blaze and Little mouse run up, surprised by lizard men rangers hiding out of sight, who attack. Then vaser's ape appears as he and mugwort advance. Heydrich rains down crossbow bolts from afar. Blaze throws a tiny furry ball down in front of the lizardman … and summons a black bear! Continues to fight with lizardman as Illandrin slashes at his twin opponents.

Experience & Loot

  • No experience and/or loot is available for this saga.