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[[Category:Dark City Sagas]]
==About the Saga==
==About the Saga==
Exhausted from their expedition to the Southern Arc, the heroes spend a few days relaxing in Obsidian Bay. They don't get a chance to relax for long though, as they encounter something monsterous in the sewers below the Strange Quarter.
Exhausted from their expedition to the Southern Arc, the heroes spend a few days relaxing in Obsidian Bay. They don't get a chance to relax for long though, as they encounter something monsterous in the sewers below the Strange Quarter.

Latest revision as of 06:46, 6 December 2014

About the Saga

Exhausted from their expedition to the Southern Arc, the heroes spend a few days relaxing in Obsidian Bay. They don't get a chance to relax for long though, as they encounter something monsterous in the sewers below the Strange Quarter.


Cast of Characters

Notable Quotes


What Has Come Before

The adventurers have returned to Obsidian Bay with the tongue of a dark naga, a magical component needed to save a ward of the Mudsitters District from a poisoned well.

The Saga

Patchwall 7

The Return

On Patchwall 7 the Naga Expedition returns to Obsidian Bay. The clouds that have been threatening rain for days finally give way to a cold drizzle that soaks through your clothes by the time you finally reach the walls of the great city.

Refugees are gathered around the city's March and Krovis Gates; the adventurers are all too glad to avoid them and return through the Expedition Gate. There you are checked in by surly, distracted guards who spend half their time arguing about "taking the war to the damn orcs and burning their villages to the ground, salting the earth and mounting every last one of their skulls on a pike". The debate doesn't seem to be about whether this is a good idea, but rather, what order these things should be done in. In the hour that it takes the adventurers to be admitted, they're able to piece together that Blackrock Village -- a mere day and a half ride form the city -- was hit by orcs and every one of its inhabitants slaughtered.

Most of the adventurers are admitted, but Calarandil Tilmarion and Sir Krovacar Fawkes are detained for questioning since neither are citizens of the city. They are finally processed and ordered to check in the date every day by sundown.

The air in the city seems strange as the adventurers work your way along Expedition Street; a lingering haze seems to hang over the Mudsitters District, they can see most people bypassing the Poorman's Gate to ride through the Adventurers Quarter instead, making your way as quickly as possible to the Temple of Pelor.

On their way there they are stunned by the awe inspiring sight of two griffons erupting through the cloudy gloom, screaming triumphantly as they soar down toward the High Quarter. Following them, bellowing in frustration, with what appears to be a red-shirted rider hanging by reins from under its neck, is a half-grown wyvren.

As they watch, a leather-clad figure pulls the rider back to safety, depositing behind him on the saddle. He reins the wyvren sharply, checking its anger and redoubling its speed. It's not enough though -- a giant eagle suddenly plummets through the cloud cover, cutting off the winged reptile and screaming its own cry as it tears off in pursuit of the griffins.

They continue their trek to the Temple, where they turn over the naga tongue to the temple's healers, and are paid for their part in the expedition.

Audience with the Herald of the Sun Father

Kerth stays at the Temple of Pelor all day, gets his armor 'blessed', donates 100 gp. During his time at the temple, he gives a full report to Sir Peldonius Trueshield. He will be sure to stress how helpful their newfound companions Calarandil and Sir Fawkes were in capturing the naga tongue. He informs Sir Peldonius of their need for a sponsor for their stay in the city. “Though neither follow the light of the Sun Father, both are good men.” Kerth will then inquire to getting his new armor and weapon blessed by the church. He will then inform Sir Peldonius of his intentions to stay in the city on a permanent basis, and what suggestions he could give me.

Other Actions in the City

Dolth talks with Prug

Corash learns about races, horror in sewers while taking in some wine at the Splatter Kill Inn.

Gruffud heads to the Golden Swordsman Academy, meets the beaten Drake, talks with Sir Fawke, then Calaraindel shows up. He goes to visit Zweihander's armory, where he hopes to get his armor and weapon enchanted with magical effects.

Patchwall 8

Gruffud, Kerth and Thom meet up at Fire-eaters. Have breakfast. Thom develops taste for axebeak eggs.

"I haven't been in the city long … but you're just going to have to add it to the list."

Deliver body and gems to Goldseekers.

Find Vargas, catch up on what happened at Earth Dragon Temple.

Sell a psionic staff to Belgold Pegason for 9,000 gp. If Salsar and Wind confirmed dead, then party gets another 514 each. Commission sewer map from Goldseekers.

Patchwall 9

Gruffud picks up armor with 'light' effect, orders enchantments to his sword but doesn't leave it. Get excellent map from Goldseekers. Go into the sewers, find the location where the creature had been seen. Corash sees portal, and Calarindel finds some bones … but is snagged by monstrous creature. They fend off the creature, and then return to the city streets above.