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From The Griffin's Crier
Revision as of 06:00, 8 December 2014 by Hardcorhobbs (Talk | contribs)

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A theme used for an early Nuke(m)Con.


Welcome to the GriffWiki, the official reference wiki for the Blackrazor Guild Gaming Group.

Current Campaigns

  • Broken Land Campaign: Ken's lunchtime Greyhawk campaign, using 5E rules. It also takes place in Obsidian Bay in CY 515, but follows the adventures of a different group of characters..
  • Obsidian Frontier Campaign: the group's 5E playtest finds us returning to Greyhawk; but back in time CY 515 to the "wild west" days of Obsidian Bay, just after it's founding.

Play Eras

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Spotlight Article: Brewing on the Pomarj

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