The Trial of Absalom

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About the Saga

The druid Absalom must convince the City Watch that he murdered a prostitue in self defense. Meanwhile, the half-orc monk Pruge continues his quest to find the men who nearly killed him.


Cast of Characters

  • Pruge, Half-Orc Monk 2 (Bob), a refuge from the Wild Coast with a shameful past, Pruge seeks the path to enlightenment.
  • Vargas of Ralsend, Human Aristocraft 1/Fighter 1 (Nate), a young aristocrat, late of Greyhawk College, who comes to the city seeking apprentice himself to a powerful shadow mage.
  • Corash, Elven Wizard 2 (Damon), Celenese seeker of arcane knowledge and cultural awareness.
  • Absalom, Human Urban Druid 2 (James), child of the woods transplanted into the city, where communes with the water and tries to eek out a living as a city guide.
  • Largo Leftfoot, Halfling Rogue 1 (Lance), a former locksmith on the run from the Blue Thieves Guild and eager to start a new life.

Notable Quotes

No quotes are available.

What Has Come Before

While helping Pruge discover the identities of the men who nearly killed him, Absalom is attacked by a prostitue eager to slit his throat and steal his purse. He defends himself, killing the woman in the process. After fleeing the scene, he is stopped by the city guard while attempting to flee through the Sea Gate into the Dock District. The guards, seeing the blood on his clothing and hearing his confession to murder, immediately arrest him.

The Saga

Harvester 3, 591

That night, Absalom is grilled by Investigator Thredeg of the city watch, and after several hours of grilling, the investigator finally believes him and agrees to release him after paying a fine. Absalom pays 20 gp, then pays for a messenger to find Largo.

Harvester 4, 591

Messenger - Dunt -- sent out to Bouncing Elf to find Largo, who tips him heavily. He seeks out Gruffud at the Temple of Kord where he is training. The paladin tells him to go back to the Bouncing Elf or about his business, and to stay in touch. Then goes to talk to Pruge

Pruge learns of the situation, and goes down to the barracks, where he encounters two guards. They nearly turn him away, but Thredeg overhears him. Confronts him, Pruge explains what has happened, how he was "murdered" and asks for the druid to be released. Thredeg, agrees, assuming that the Temple verifies his credentials.

Thredeg and the two adventurers travel to the Temple of Zodal, where the priest verifies monk's story. He tells them more about the previous murder, and his concerns about Bachly's followers. Also informs them that the Rusty Axes have struck again two days earlier in Wharf District (Harvester 1).

Pruge decides to make himself known. Goes out onto the streets, giving food and coppers to children. Telling them Pruge has returned. They are amazed and ask if he is an angel. He says no, but then suddenly starts to glow. This gathers a crowd, which immediately begins touching him, and trying to rip of bits of clothing as "holy".

Go and speak to Quarren Brightflame at the Lamplighters. He immediately agrees to meet them based on Pruge's reputation. He explains to Quarren what happened, who in turn tells him of the murder of one of his Lamplighters, and his belief that the individuals who did this are disguised, since they have never been seen doing anything other than these crimes.

Harvester 5, 591

Pruge wisely sends word to Vargas asking for Salzar's help, and telling him to go to Fireeater's. Pruge and the others go there, meet up with Salzar and Thom. Talk loud enough to be overheard about plans and the individuals they are trying to catch.

See a man duck out after hearing this, follow him, but Largo loses him. Then the party goes to a market, where Absalom and Pruge see someone watching them. And then leave. Followed, and while they don't realize it, their friends do. They step up and attack him in an ally. Quickly knock him unconscious.

Interrogate him, learn he's working for Todig. Agrees to take them to the rendezvous. Goes there, meets with Todig, who tells him about two people matching his description.


Not available.