- Country: Domain of Obsidian Bay
- Leader: Anders
- Population: 300
Brewerton is a small but growing settlement located halfway between Obsidian Bay and Blue, just north of the only road running between the two Pomarjian cities. The village owes its existence to the Blackrazor Brewery, an establishment that crafts a surprisingly good and stout beer for the guild's Obsidian Bay guild hall, as well as a few other establishments in the city.
The town is populated with a strange mix of people, including natives of Obsidian Bay and Blue, a smattering of demi-humans, and even former Scarlet Brotherhood slaves freed by the Blackrazors in the Amedio Jungle.
The town is led by the Blackrazor commander in charge of the Brewery, although that may change as more people move to the village and begin demanding a proper mayor.
- Talisker Flynn, Priest: A cleric of Phyton and husband of Katrina Flynn the herbalist.
- Farose: Farose runs the Knights Hall in Brewerton... a sort of private tavern/club for members of one of the city sponsored knighthoods.
- Ildris, Stablekeeper: Head of the Brewerton Town Stables, a retired ranger and trained ferrier.
- Anders: A trusted hireling of the Blackrazor Guild, Anders has command of the Blackrazor Brewery in Brewerton.