Fury Bay

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A major orcish port on the south of the Pomarj. It is now home to a majority of the ships of the Orcish navy, and sees occasional visits from pirates and slavers.


A modest port on the Pomarj, located on the southern side of the peninsula on the shores of the Azure Sea. It currently houses a majority of the naval forces of the Orcish Empire. Much of the port is currently going through "renovations" since the naval forces recent commandeering of the port. Pirates and slavers have however still been spotted utilizing the port.


Fury Bay was originally built as a haven for a long forgotten pirate captain. Over time, more pirates and slavers began to utilize the port, slowly building it into a settlement.

The settlement only lasted until CY 513, when orcs fleeing into the Pomarj razed the town. Though a small tribe of orcs would call the ruins home, the settlement was ultimately forgotten.

With the rise of the Slave Lords came renewed interest in the settlement. A fleet of pirates banded together, and ran off the orcs to reclaim Fury Bay naming themselves the lords of the port. The port eventually gained enough notoriety to link it to the Slave Road, which caused exponential growth from a port, into a city. This helped the pirate lords to keep the settlement profitable, even after the fall of the Slave Lords.

When Turrosh Mak united the orc clans during the Greyhawk Wars, the pirate lords were quick to pledge their support. This allowed them to keep control over the city, though in return they had to train Mak's newly created naval forces.

In late CY 591 Orc Harbor was reclaimed by the allied forces of Obsidian Bay. Mak therefore moved a majority of his naval forces into Fury Bay, including the Army of the Ever-Watching Eye. This immense influx of orc forces and espeically the mad beholder general, caused many pirates to become uneasy. They eventually left the city. Things were pushed further when Orc Admiral Boilok Bloodcruncher began commandeering much of the city for the construction of naval forces. Much of the former warehouse district has become a barracks, while anther section was quarantined to house the slaves working in the dry docks.


Once this town was ruled by a group of pirate lords. When Admiral Boilok Bloodcruncher, all the lords fled the city save Lord Captain Dramesh Highsea. Highsea pledged to train the orc sailors. In return he was named the sole ruler of the city; though this has become purly in name only.

The Port

Port Overview

Once a typical port town with many trade posts, warehouses, and taverns. The influx of orcs into Fury Bay caused many residents to leave in disgust. At first, the orcs just claimed these abandoned buildings. However, as things expanded with the Orcish navy, buildings were annexed for the cause. A whole section of the city was even raized to make way for the shipyards. Today several large complexes dominate the city, though a few important structures were left standing.

Specific Locations

"Naval Academy"

Once upon a time this section of town was the bussling warehouse district. However, when the orcs from Orc Harbor arrived this was the first section of town they confiscated. They have since turned most of the buildings into barracks. The others have become training grounds for the orcish sailors as they prepare for future engagements.

Dry Docks

These crude boat building facilities have slowly been growing over the past few months as Boilok pushes for further ships. Unfortunately, the crudeness of the facilies are prone to cause numerous accidents among the workers. This has caused the orcs to rely heavily on slaves.

Slave Camps

As the orcs gather more slaves to build ships, they've had to create more places to house them. Currently, they have three seperate blocks of homes fenced off. However, recently the orcs have emptied another block causing many to worry where the slaves will be coming from.

Temple of Gruumish

This stone temple dates back to the founding of Fury bay. Though the original god this temple was built to worship is long forgotten it currently houses a shrine to Gruumish.

Fort Fury

Once this was a beautiful mansion of one of the pirate lords. Now it is but a pale reflection of its former glory as it has been fortified by the orcs and built into a fortress.



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