Armies of the Orcish Empire

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The many varied armies of the Orcish Empire.


Turrosh Mak keeps the most powerful warlords and tribal leaders content by making them generals of their own forces. As such the Orcish Empire has many armies. A list of the more notable can be found here:

Current Armies

Army of Vengeful Wrath

Last positioned at Standkeep Castle.

Army of the Burning Souls

Heir to Weri’s Army of Burning Glory that was defeated at the Battle of Blue. Last seen defending the Spire of Gruumsh.

Army of the Trembling Fist

Occupied the Suss Forest.

Army of the Ever-Watching Eye

  • Leader: A mad beholder general

The army gets it's name from it's leader a beholder. The military was known to be occupying Fury Bay.

Army of the Black Wing

Spies report that the newly-formed army is allegedly led by the half-dragon spawn of the great wyrm Woryx. Formed in Highport.

Defeated Armies

Army of Burning Glory

Also known as the Army of Highport, Burning Glory was known for it's assault on Blue during what is know known as the Battle of Blue. They were defeated, and Weri killed, at the hands of the Blackrazor Guild.

Army of Infernal Might

Destroyed in a lightning fast invasion of Orc Harbor by the Obsidian Bay Expeditionary Force. General Elfmangler was slain in an epic battle with the Expeditionary Force’s commander, Tanevir Calywyn on the ramparts of Stormlight Keep and the remnants were forced to flee the city. The remainder of the Army of Infernal Might were absorbed by the much larger Army of Vengeful Wrath.