Church of Procan, Obsidian Bay

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Prayers to Procan, the mercurial god of the sea, are on the lips of most of those who work near and on the water in Obsidian Bay.


Prayers to Procan, the mercurial god of the sea, are on the lips of most of those who work near and on the water in Obsidian Bay. Fishermen, sailors, traders -- all make sure to give the proper respect and sacrifices to the god lest he smite their ships.

The church's leader, Vinmarden (Cleric 5/Druid 5) is known for his dire sermons on Godsday, in which he extols the virtues of the sea while damning those think they can ignore its power. He periodically swims out into the Azure to commune with his god, always returning in the early morning hours of Godsday to deliver his sermons. Few know the Azure better than Vinmarden does, but his knowledge is instinctive, rather than academic. This makes it difficult for him to talk with people who's knowledge of the sea is tied to books and maps, and he's been known to fly into a fury dealing with such people.

When he is absent his assistant Trondholm (Bard 3/Druid 3) staffs the temple in his stead. Trondholm lacks his master's wrathful disposition. Instead, he is a sullen man who believes the world is doomed, and sees the downside of almost any situation. He is also a heavy drinker; indeed it is only when he has ale flowing through his veins that the fury of his god comes upon him. He gives his most powerful sermons late at night in the taverns of the Docks and the Wharf District.

There are a handful of lesser priests of Procan at the temple at any given time. They tend to the building, accept sacrifices, and offer advice to sailors who request it.

  • Norrnes, M Hum Clr 1
  • Berlanda, F Hum Drd 1
  • Snomar, M Hum Clr 1
  • Kalger, M Hum Drd 1


  • Vinmarden: High Priest of Procan
  • Trondholm: Priest of Procan
  • Skellefger: A half-mad cleric of Procan, and member of the Sunken Hammer Guild.
  • Tarrek Farsea: Master of the Longshoremens Guild, and captain of the Deep Angler.




  • No statblocks are available for this organization.