Guild of Allied City Workers

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Most of the city's workers -- from the scribes in the Grand Council to the rat-chasers in the Office of Sewers -- belong to this organization. The guild is chaotic and clichish, and gets very little done.


  • City: Obsidian Bay
  • Country: Domain of Obsidian Bay
  • Leader: Moliak Stron
  • Roster: 150

Most of the city's workers -- from the scribes in the Grand Council to the rat-chasers in the Office of Sewers -- belong to this organization. The guild is chaotic and clichish, and gets very little done. The only thing it has done in recent history is unite to demand higher wages for its members, which it got.

The guild has an office in the Wharf District, the primary purpose of which is to provide a place for its more pessimistic members to get together, drink, and complain about their various jobs.

Moliak Stron, a stubborn, arrogant, balding elder scribe for the Bureau of Records, is the master of this guild. He likes to say he forced the Lord Mayor to give into the guild's demands, but its public knowledge that Longriver had no problem with paying the city's workers more -- after the various wars, they'd more than earned it.

Stron argues against this, saying he had to brow-beat Longriver to give in, but most just walk away when he starts in on one of his tirades. Some say that Stron should have pushed for more money, but no one is serious about challenging his leadership -- no one wants his job.

The guild's membership, of course, has close ties with all of the city's offices and bureaus. It is antagonistic toward most of the city's more chaotic guilds, such as the Orcslayers Guild, Blackrazor Guild and Ralleymen Guild, who tend to ignore their carefully wrought regulations and inadvertently spark the sort of confrontations and catastrophes which make their job all that more difficult.

As for enemies, most of the city's workers are respected for doing their jobs well, a few are reviled by businesses and individuals for making their lives a living hell.


  • Moliak Stron: The elected master of the Guild of Allied City Workers.



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