Maure Castle: A Desparate Spell

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About the Saga


Cast of Characters

Notable Quotes

Nafalshnee roaring “You will be humbled by the Cult of Kerzit and shall know the wrath of Eli Tomorost!” Hogarth whispering, “Jonas, who’s Kerzit?” Jonas whispering, “I don’t know, who’s Eli”?

What Has Come Before

The party has confronted and defeated the main force of the Cult of Yeenoghu, then teleported back to Seltarin to heal and identify their swag. Switching out party members yet again, they prepare to return to the dungeons of Maure Castle.

The Saga

Flocktime 24, CY 592

The party’s whirlwind of blades, Jonas, was seeking to increase his effectiveness against the demons that seemed to infest the Maure dungeons. Andulf told him about an item called a Sacred Scabbard that would cause a weapon to strike true against evil creatures. They put it on their schedule to be crafted when they have a few days to spare.

After making a few scant preparations, the party teleported back into the third level of the Maure Castle dungeons. As their eyes came into focus on the dark room in front of them, a large sinuous creature reared up out of a nearby corner, scaly hide cracking and grating.

An unpleasant tingling sensation washes over the party just as Dworkin was opening his mouth to warn that the reptile looked like a type of basilisk. The words literally froze in his mouth as he endured a painful transformation into stone.

A few short rounds later, Jonas, Hogarth, Thorin and McIntyre destroyed the abyssal basalik in a furious flurry of flashing blades.

A Desparate Spell

The Blackrazors were dismayed to find Dworkin turned to stone, especially since he had bailed them out so many times on their dangerous forays into the depths of Maure. Andulf examined the magical effect and assured them that he could restore Dworkin to a more limber state. The only catch was that the spell would take a full minute to cast, and a minute is precious time in Maure castle.

As the party's warriors formed a small defensive perimeter in the odd shaped room, Andulf began the spell. They could hear things out in the darkness, but nothing distinct. As such, the party was caught off guard when a Nafalshnee and three Vrock teleported into the room, already positioned to surround and engage the intruders.

The Blackrazor warriors lept into action, only momentarily taken off guard. The Vrock all expelled spores that choked the party while the Nafalshnee released a crackling blast of demonic energy.

Andulf bore the pain and kept chanting the spell, occasionally ducking around Dworkin's petrified body, using it for cover. The warriors kept up the assault but their weapons seemed to be much less effective than usual. With frustration, they watched hard won hits instantly heal. The demon's claws and teeth did not seem to suffer such an impediment against the Blackrazors though and the floor started to become slick with blood.

After what seemed like an eternity, Andulf's spell was completed and Dworkin was restored to flesh. Noting the pitched battle he suddenly found himself in, he asked who needed healed first. Andulf pointed to Thorin and Hogarth, and said he will help McIntyre.

After the clerics were able to give some relief to the warriors, Andulf and Dworkin quickly enchanted Jonas and Hogarth's weapons to overcome the demon's damage resistance and the demons quickly fell.

After some more healing, Dworkin looked around and wryly asked, "well, want to try another room?" The party smiled and began to explore their immediate environs.

Creeping down a few hallways, the party found a room named "Nursery", written in Gnollish. Looking inside the door, they saw the large, bloated form of a man. Entering the small, gibbet filled room to investigate, they were immediately greeted by the sight of a monsterous form bursting forth from the man's now ruined body. Overcoming their revulsion, the learned in the party immediately identified the beast as a Slaad, and noted that it would be vulnerable to the party's normal weapons.

With a small smile, the party's warriors tore into the Slaad and it's summoned brother, quickly dispatching them both.

The party then retreated to the guild hall at Seltaren to rest and recover.