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[[Category:Knightly Orders]]
[[Category:Obsidian Bay]]
[[Category:Domain of Obsidian Bay]]
The order responsible for conducting raids and special missions throughout [[the Pomarj]].
The order responsible for conducting raids and special missions throughout [[the Pomarj]].

Latest revision as of 05:57, 4 February 2008

The order responsible for conducting raids and special missions throughout the Pomarj.


The most chaotic -- and possibly the most deadly -- of the Orders are the Knights of the Vengeful Fists. These knights are dedicated to fighting border skirmishes, wreaking vengeance on the humanoids when they raise Obsidian homesteads, launching preliminary strikes against enemy settlements, and engaging in dangerous recovery missions for the city’s leaders. The Knights are dominated by chaotic good individuals, and its members come from a variety of backgrounds. Multi or dual class knights are not uncommon and many have demi-human blood in their veins.

Code of Honor and Conduct

Because of the chaotic nature of the lands in which it works, the Order of the Fist have a sparse, but strictly enforced, code. Field commanders are expected to adapt to the combat situation while still adhering to the code’s core rules. Violation of this code may result in demerits being filed against the knight, or expulsion from the order. Falter in any one of these areas, and you bring disgrace and honor upon yourself, your fellow knights, and your Order.

  1. Combat evil in all of its forms and faces: Evil is ascendant on the Pomarj and around the Flanaess -- it must be checked on every front, and driven back from the lands of good.
  2. Fear nothing: Fear has killed more men than any sword. The knighthood fears nothing.
  3. Honor and uphold the laws of the Domain of Obsidian Bay
  4. Never run from a fight: Knights are expected never to run from an equal fight, or even a fight. If forced to retreat, and if working in a group, the knight (or commanding knight) should be the last one to leave. Those who retreat from a fight may face disciplinary action and demerits. Such demerits can only be removed by vanquishing the foe one fled from or completing a task ordered by the Grand Knight.
  5. Never kill an unarmed or helpless opponent: There is no honor in slaying those who can not defend themselves.
  6. Always show proper respect to those above you, demand proper respect from those below you.
  7. A foolish death has no honor
  8. Your honor is based on the quality of your armor, your skill at arms, your ability to lead, your success on the battlefield, and your grace off of it.





  • No statblocks are available for this organization.