Knightly Orders of Obsidian Bay
An order of knights formed to protect the city and domain of Obsidian Bay.
- City: Obsidian Bay
- Country: Domain of Obsidian Bay
- Leader: Sir Jakob Masterson
- Roster: 90
Three Orders of Knighthood within Obsidian Bay exist to support, defend and bolster the city during times of peace and war. The bestowing of knighthood by the Lord Mayor is considered one of the highest honors that a citizen can receive, and it carries with it great prestige and responsibility.
The knights are divided into three Orders:
- The Knights of the Shield: Protecting the city proper.
- The Knights of the Sword: Protect the Domain of Obsidian Bay
- The Knights of the Fist: Deliver retribution to the city’s enemies
Each of the Orders is presided over by a commander and a lieutenant. Overseeing the the Grand Knight, who is elected from amongst the three orders.
The Orders of Knighthood were established by Obsidian Bay on the 21th of Good-month of CY 588 to reward its best and brightest for their service, skill, and dedication during the War of Exile.
The war, which began in CY 587 with the Battle of Blue pitted the city’s citizens against an unholy alliance of Empire of Mak and the Scarlet Brotherhood. During the war, the city was taken first by the Scarlet Brotherhood, and then by demonic forces unleashed from the Abyss. The city was reclaimed in Good-month of CY 588 after the Blackrazor Guild succeeded in destroy the portal from the Abyss to Obsidian Bay, banishing the fiends from the city in the process.
During the war, the government and many of its citizens had been exiled to the Free City of Blue. From there, they planned the retaking of the city -- and the war to conquer the Pomarj.
As part of their long range plan, the city’s leaders -- namely Lord Mayor Gabriel Longriver and Lady General Illandra Mooresend -- decided to establish the knighthoods. Their plan was bolstered by the Blackrazor and cavalier Demetry Hawkins in the spring of CY 588. The cavalier was interested in starting up a knightly order in the city, and approached the city leaders about it. They were excited by his interest -- and his pledge to help build support for the order among his fellow adventurers.
When the city was re-taken in late summer of CY 588, the Lord Mayor and his advisors wasted no time in getting the proposed knightly orders approved by the still-bewildered Councils. The knightly orders were commissioned on the 26th of Good-month, and its commanders were appointed with great ceremony on the first day of the delayed Festival of Liberation three months later.
Support of the Knightly Orders
Obsidian Bay supports the knights through two ways -- undeveloped land and the donation of certain buildings in the city. Each knightly order has been given a barracks within the city where they can train, rest, and learn. In addition, the Knights of the Vengeful Fist were given command of a small keep on the frontier with the Empire of Mak.
Beyond the real estate, each knight is given a monthly stipend of 100 gold griffins and the ability to stay at any fortification in the Domain, regardless of whether it is officially owned by the city. It also provides a small amount of money to each knighthood to fund equipment purchases and minor housekeeping task. Any major renovations to the Orders’ barracks must be funded by the knighthood, and the Orders are encouraged to raise additional funds of is own.
Joining an Order
An individual interested in joining one of the city’s knightly orders must:
- Have risen to at least the 6th level of ability in his or her chosen class.
- Have the sponsorship of a member of one of the ruling Councils or the Lord Mayor.
- Have two references from outstanding members of the community.
After acquiring the needed references and sponsorship, the candidate can approach the commander of the orders he or she is interested in.
The candidate is interviewed and tested by the commander. If the commander is impressed by the prospect, he/she would recommend the candidate to the Triumvirate, who would then vote to approve the candidate on a probationary basis. If the leader finds the prospect a worthy individual, but not a good candidate for his order, the prospect could be recommended to another order with no honor lost.
If accepted by the order’s commander, and the Triumvirate, the candidate would then be a junior member of the knighthood, able to participate in its quests, but would not be entitled to a stipend or shield. After six months, the candidate would be presented to ruling Triumvirate again. If the candidate won the Triumverate’s approval, he would be presented to Lord Mayor, who would in turn approve the knight’s nomination. The knight would then go before the Grand Council for final confirmation. A three-quarters majority would be needed to turn down a knightly candidate.
After the confirmation, the prospect is knighted in a formal ceremony by the Lord Mayor.
Knights are responsible for their own armaments, armor and a mount. Upon being knighted, each warrior will be given a shield and amulet of the knighthood, with proper markings. Knights are expected to display their amulet proudly at all times unless given special dispensation by the commander of the order not too.
Knights of the Shield
- Sir Jakob Masterson: Lord Knight of the Shield, Grand Knight of Obsidian Bay
- Sir Peldonius Trueshield: Advisor to the Knights of the Shield, seneschal of the Church of Pelor, Obsidian Bay.
Knights of the Sword
- Sir Frederick Mooresend: Commander of the Knights of the Sword, formerly of the Griffins Guild.
- Lord Tänévir Calywyn: The semi-retired Knight has come back for the war with Turrosh Mak
- Sir Ottomar of River Valley: Knight Commander of the Sword. Currently the liaison to Khelez-Mar.
Knights of the Fist
- Sir Demetry Hawkins: Commander of the Knights of the Fist, formerly of the Blackrazor Guild.
- Knights of the Shield: The order dedicated to defense of Obsidian Bay.
- Knights of the Sword: The order charged with patrolling and defending the Domain of Obsidian Bay.
- Knights of the Fist: The order responsible for conducting raids and special missions throughout the Pomarj.
- Knights Hall: The official barracks for Obsidian Bay's Knightly Orders.
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