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The light of Pelor has long fallen on the uplifted faces of [[Obsidian Bay]]’s teeming masses, providing solace for the down-trodden masses, consul for the rich and powerful, and support for the adventurous and militant.
The light of Pelor has long fallen on the uplifted faces of [[Obsidian Bay]]’s teeming masses, providing solace for the down-trodden masses, consul for the rich and powerful, and support for the adventurous and militant.

Revision as of 16:34, 4 January 2007

The light of Pelor has long fallen on the uplifted faces of Obsidian Bay’s teeming masses, providing solace for the down-trodden masses, consul for the rich and powerful, and support for the adventurous and militant.


The light of Pelor has long fallen on the uplifted faces of Obsidian Bay’s teeming masses, providing solace for the down-trodden masses, consul for the rich and powerful, and support for the adventurous and militant.

Despite this crucial role, the church is not always recognized – particularly among the adventuring class and other elites – as being one of the major powers in the city. The strident billets of St. Cuthbert are the most vocal defenders of the poor in places like the Mudsitters District, and tend to drown out word of Pelorite ministries, soup kitchens, and healing shelters. Among adventurers, the Church of Trithereon has been a dominant force, particularly among the more chaotic guilds such as the Orcslayers and Blackrazors. Those who follow a more lawful path, as well as much of the militant upper class, pay their respects to the god of chivalry and war, Heironeous. The mercantile followers of Zilchus and the reason-worshipping believers of Rao are also notable forces among those who rule.

The Light Touches All

And yet, the Church of Pelor is always there and as its clerics like to say, the light touches all. While the Cuthbertians may be more vocal, Pelor has a wide-spread following among the lower classes, particularly among former and current refuges forced to flee the countryside by the rampaging orcs and their humanoid allies. Adventurers may not actively seek to add Pelorites among their ranks, but they often turn to the Temple for the healing of the their most grievous wounds.

Over the years, the Church has also deftly catered to the rich and powerful. Since the earliest days, the clerics of Pelor have been on hand to heal Obsidian Bay’s celebrated adventurers, and no small number of these individuals remembered the church after retiring. They often contributed funds to the church’s good works and to the fund that would eventually give rise to a beautiful cathedral in the city’s High Quarter. When the city’s nouveau – including members of the powerful Griffins Guild – were seen giving to the church, others followed suit.

Now, decades later many of the upper class make a point of going to the Temple of Pelor at least one Sunday a month. Some dismiss this as gross opportunism, particularly when some make a point of being seen giving large donations to the Church, but simultaneously many also know that the followers of Pelor are truly dedicated to doing good works, and are sincerely pleased to be able to fund its undertakings.

Rising Sun

The church has always had The Watchers of the Dawn, a militant contingent numbering perhaps three dozen clerics and paladins whom assisted in the defense of Obsidian Bay, providing much needed healing support on the front lines and back among the field tents. It has also maintained The Order of the Sun Blade -– so named for the undead destroying longsword wielded by its leader -– comprised of 12 believers who work alone and with various adventuring guilds to combat undead threats.

In recent years the ranks of the Watchers have steadily increased as steadily until reaching its current roster of nearly 45. This corresponds with the increasing militancy of the Church of Pelor throughout the Flanaess in reaction to the ascendancy of evil during the Greyhawk Wars and the arrival of Mayaheine, ascended paladin of Pelor, to combat the threat posed by Iuz. Since the city’s liberation there has been a noted rise in the number of worshipers of this new demigod in the city, and while there is not yet and organized church, most believe it is only a matter of time.


  • Archibald Everson, Herald of the Sun Father: Archibald Everson is the charismatic leader of the Church of Pelor, honored by aristocrats and respected by peasants for bringing the comforting light of his patron to Obsidian Bay.
  • Sir Peldonius Trueshield, Seneschal of Pelor, Knight of the Shield: Sir Peldonius Trueshield is the seneschal of the Temple of Pelor, an aging military leader who retains his cunning wit and excellent connections among the nobility of several countries.


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