Second Darkness Campaign

From The Griffin's Crier
Revision as of 19:51, 18 September 2011 by NukeHavoc (Talk | contribs)

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A strange light in the sky holds a danger unknown for ten thousand years! Deep beneath Golarion's surface, the greatest shame of the elves is stirring once more. Seething with hatred, the drow have come up with a plan to wipe out their ancient enemies and bring a second Age of Darkness. And this time, there's only the heroes to stop them...

-- Paizo's Second Darkness Adventure Path description

Character Creation

We'll are using the Standard Fantasy point buy (15 points). Each character gets two traits (one campaign, one general) from the Second Darkness Companion and begins with max starting gold. Traits are essentially mini-feats -- each one grants a bonus equal to about half of a normal feat. All characters start at 1st level.

The Saga

Part 1: The Shadow in the Sky





