Chapter 10: Homecoming
[hide]About the Saga
- Campaign Date: Coldeven 19, CY 515
- Real World Date: March 22, 2015
- Read other Obsidian Frontier Sagas
Cast of Characters
- Burgell Nackle (Damon), a gnome bard with dubious ethics
- Finn Underbow (Jim), a halfling ranger
- Tänévir Calywyn (Nate), a young elven ranger who has come to apprentice with Súlimëtasar of the Griffins Guild
- Roaryk (Bob), human warlock and (possibly) reformed pirate.
Notable Quotes
- "Common sense can actually lead to profit!" -- Reginald Wynn, cleric of St. Cuthbert.
What Has Come Before
After a danger-wrought journey home from Gryrax, the Scorpion has returned to Obsidian Bay with a hold full of much-needed lumber and foodstuffs, as well as the promise of more help in the form of a dwarven relief force commanded by upstart dwarven lord Mardok Redblade.
Meanwhile the crew of the Scorpion has defeated not one, but two, piratical threats by capturing the diabolical pirate vessel Hell's Wrath and sinking a reaver longship. Now the Scorpion and Hell's Wrath are preparing to enter Obsidian Bay where there's little doubt they will be heralded as heroes.
The Saga
Watersday, Coldeven 19, CY 515
The heroes get a great welcome and attend a banquet in their honor at the still-under construction guild hall. Robertson asked Finn to be on the look out for strange extraplaner intrusions. Willow Wind offered to make Tanevir his apprentice and teach him the art of the Bladesinger. He also warned him there were far greater threats -- the lost land of Necros, arcane ley lines, the dragon Inferno -- than orcs and goblins.
Earthday, Coldeven 20, CY 515
Warlock goes looking for a wizard and finds Arim. Learns the history of the tome. also learn that kor went off into the hill. sell off the ship, get 12,000 gold which they divide up.
Starday, Coldeven 21-Moonday Coldeven 24, CY 515
each day, the warlock calls a rally. THe proto-rallymen start to form up.
Godsday, Coldeven 25, CY 515
They acquire a number of magic items from Robrtson.
- immovable rod
- potion of fire breath
- dust of dryness
- bag of holding
- potion of hill giant strength
Tanevir acquires a horse (his last having died during the blizzard). The new horse is a grey, energetic beast that's aggressive toward other animals.
Roaryk also buys a horse he names "Stripey". The basic colour is Piebald - large irregular patches of black and white. On its face is a Stripe - thin verticle stripe of white running from the center of the face, down to the nose. On the positive side, the horse has good movement/locomotion, on the other hand, it is lazy.
The barbarians also acquire steeds in order to keep up with their mounted companions.
The heroes headout. They go to the site of the battle with the giants, find their trails and start heading north toward the hills. After most of a day's travel they arrive at their familiar cave. They bypass it and continue on.
Watches are set: 1) Burgel and Tanevir 2) Finn (with Tanevir in a trance) 3) Roryk and Tanevir. On the first watch, gnolls serving the Hags attack intent on bringing Finn and Burgell -- who escaped their brothers -- back to the hag cave.
The gnolls are barely defeated and our heroes loot the following belongings from them.
- 32 Copper
- 42 Silver
- 10 rodochrosite gems (10 gp each, opaque light pink gems)
- Potion of Healing (x2)
- Potion of Greater Healing
- Spell scroll (cantrip x2) - minor illusion, light
The rest of the night of Coldeven 25 passes uneventfully.
Player Characters
- Burgell Nackle: 321 xp
- Finn Underbow: 321 xp
- Tänévir Calywyn: 321 xp
- Roaryk: 321 xp
Non-player Characters
- Three members of the proto-Ralleymen Guild
- 32 Copper
- 42 Silver
- 10 rodochrosite gems (10 gp each, opaque light pink gems - see: ... 14173a.jpg)
Art objects
- None.
Magic items
- Potion of Healing (x2)
- Potion of Greater Healing
- Spell scroll (cantrip x2) - minor illusion, light
- Immovable Rod
- Potion of Fire Breath
- Dust of Dryness
- Bag of Holding
- Potion of Hill Giant Strength
- Random Horse Traits
- Greyhawk Calendar - PDF, with moon phases
-] - web page, with days of week