Magic Items

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Our various Greyhawk campaigns have spawned dozens of magic items. This page chronicles them in all their arcane (and occasionally downright weird) glory.


Bizarre's Ring of Static Electricity

Once per day this ring can cast shocking grasp, as per the spell, once per day. It runs by drawing the ambient static electricity from the air and storing it for future use. There is, however, a 5 percent change per day that it isn’t discharged that the ring will go off of its own accord, shocking the next person the wearer touches after the ring fails its percentage shock roll.

Ring of Partial Invisibility

A flawed magical ring discarded by a forgotten mage as a useless waste, this ring provides its wielder with a limited form of invisibility. The wearer -- at will -- can order the ring to turn him partially invisible. The ring obliges by hiding half of the wielder. The wielder is able to control which half is hidden.

Example: Krysta is walking down a corridor when she hears footsteps. She quickly wills the ring into action, cloaking the front half of her with invisibility. Those heading towards her -- a group of goblins -- can see nothing. But anyone approaching from behind would see her as per normal.



Legend and Lore

Darkbane was forged a century ago in the Principality of the Ulek to defeat a shadow-summoning mage from the Pomarj that was plaguing the small nation’s eastern frontier. Darkbane was crafted by the dwarven princes for use by one of their loyal human guardsmen. While the blade was specifically designed to defeat shadow-creatures, but had no special powers against other 'life' forms from the Negative Material Plane.

The sword was lost in during the dwarves' fight in the shadow mage’s lair. A hundred years later, in the common year 574, Damaculas Everton and a band of adventurers and defeated the lichified remains of the original mage and re-discovered the blade Damaculas decided keep the blade and wielded it for more than a decade.

Abilities and Powers

2nd Ed. D&D Stats

  • +3 long sword, +5 vs. shadows

In addition to its effectiveness against shadow-creatures, Darkbane has the following powers:

  • +3 long sword, +5 vs. shadows
  • Light (15’ radius, on command)
  • Continual Light (3x day)
  • Dispel Magic (as 9th level mage 1x day)

Recent History

After the former Blackrazor Guildmaster's death at the hands of fellow guildmember Kalib Ironfist in C.Y. 586, possession of Darkbane passed to the new guildmaster -- Tanevir Calywyn.

Hawkins’ Reaper

Legend and Lore

One of the ancestral blades of the family of Hawkin, the Reaper has been passed down from son to son for generations. The Hawkins family, a minor member of Keoland's aristocracy, has long served its kingdom as charismatic cavaliers. They were rewarded for their fealty centuries ago with a land grant in the Poor March, but when that province was overrun by humanoids they were forced to flee back to their ancestral holdings.

Hawkins’ Reaper was forged during the time of that forced flight, and even since then the Hawkins family has sworn that one of its son's would wield the sword in battle when they returned to the Pomarj to reclaim their lost lands.

Abilities and Powers

2nd Ed. D&D stats

  • Hawkins Reaper, +2 long sword, +3 vs. chaotic evil
  • Bless (1x per day)
  • Detect evil (3x day)

Hawkin's Reaper was forged to fight the chaotic monstrosities that overran the Pomarj, and it is most affective against their ilk (+3 versus chaotic evil beings). It also has the following special powers:

The blade shines with a 15' radius light yellow light when drawn from its scabbard. To use its powers, the wielder must draw the blade and concentrate for one round.

Recent History

Hawkins’ Reaper is presently wielded by Demetry Hawkins, the seventh son of the current patriarch of the Hawkins line. The young cavalier has undertaken his family's holy quest to reclaim their lands, and is presently a member of the Blackrazor Guild in Obsidian Bay. He is also the commander of that city's Order of the Vengeful Fists, an elite knighthood dedicated to lightning fast, brutal reprisals against humanoid raids.


Legend and Lore

Little is known about the origins of the man known as Justiceseeker. It is rumored that he spent the early part of his life adventuring through the interior of the Pomarj peninsula with a group of warriors and mages. At some point though, he renounced his adventuring ways, adopted the name Justiceseeker, and became the Free City of Obsidian Bay's first -- and only -- cleric of Trithereon.

Over the years, Justiceseeker attracted a small group of followers who sought adventure and vengeance on the peninsula. In C.Y. 585, when Justiceseeker advanced to the 12th level of ability, his most promising pupil arrived in the city. The pupil, a warrior-turned-cleric Kalib Ironfist, was a member of the Blackrazor Guild. The two quickly became, if not friends, professional acquaintances. More importantly, with another high-ranking cleric in the city, Justiceseeker was able to spend more and more time on his own, private expeditions and quests.

In early C.Y. 586, Kalib was abducted and replaced by an evil doppelganger. Justiceseeker declared a bloodquest to find his student. Almost immediately he got results -- the evil ones who had abducted Kalib had taken him into the sewers. Before he could share this with the Blackrazors though, he was cornered by agents of the nefarious Dark Circle. The murderers, led by the Blackrazor traitor Damaculas Everton, killed the cleric. As he lay dying, Justiceseeker whispered a prayer to Trithereon demanding that he be given the opportunity to avenge his own death. The god agreed, and transferred a portion of the cleric’s spirit into his sword.

Abilities and Powers

2nd Ed. D&D stats

  • Justiceseeker, +3 bastard sword, +5 vs. murderers
  • Int: 17 Ego: 21 Personality score: 38 AL: CG
  • Special Purpose: Avenge murderers

The steel bastard sword has the word "Justiceseeker" is engraved in Common on both sides of the blade and an unadorned hilt. Justiceseeker lives on inside the blade, albeit in a limited form. The soul has lost its clerical abilities, but has retained its undying devotion to hunting down murderers and other evil-doers.

Although his god Trithereon advocates free will, Justiceseeker is not above nagging or harassing his wielder into doing what he wants -- which is always to track down murderers. In extreme cases, he will even take temporary control of his wielder to further his own goals. Justiceseeker can "encourage" wielders to drop him if needed through a blast of electrical energy. Furthermore, anyone of evil alignment touching the blade must automatically make an ego check against the sword -- those failing are instantly taken over by Justiceseeker. He then uses the individual to take him to a priest of Trithereon. Those who make their save are subjected to 6d6 points of electrical damage.

Justiceseeker has the following abilities:

  • Speech: The sword can speak in common as well as elven and can communicate with its wielder using telepathy.
  • Primary abilities: Detect evil 10’ radius, Locate Object 120’ radius, Clairvoyance 30’ range, 3x per day, one round duration.
  • Extraordinary abilities: Cure light wounds, any chaotic good creature 3x per day.
  • Special abilities: Commune, 1x month, must be used in the course of solving a murder.

Recent History

Kalib became the first priest of Trithereon to wield Justiceseeker after escaping from his prison in Harvester C.Y. 586 and finding the blade (as well as the decapitated head of his fallen teacher). He used it to slay Damaculas and carried it to Greyhawk where he wielded it while exploring the Star Cairns. He has found the blade to be useful, but its constant urging to hunt down and slay murders has begun to work on his nerves.


Legend and Lore

The dagger known as Slickblade is holds the spirit of a murdering thief who's true name is lost to time. How the thief's spirit was channeled into the dagger -- and when this happened -- isn't known. The results, however, are. The merging of the murderer with his weapon of choice has created a powerful magical item bent on the disruption of good and the murder.

Abilities and Powers

2nd Ed. D&D Stats

  • Slickblade +2 dagger
  • Int: 15 Ego: 10 Personality score: 25 AL: CE
  • Special Purpose: Promote villainy, chaos and evil while undermining law, order and goodness.


The Slickblade is a +2 dagger with some very special properties. It acts as a dagger of venom, storing four hits of a lethal poison in its hilt. The poison is not instantly lethal – it takes 10 minutes to set in and the wielder is able to make up to 4 vials of antidote. The poison can not harm the wielder. The dagger magically refills the poison each day and the poison is untraceable by normal means – magical detection will reveal traces of death magic in the blood.

When wielded by an evil thief, the dagger boosts the thief’s armor class by two, and increases his or her thieving abilities by 10 percent across the board – the blade must be in the wielder’s possession in order to receive this bonus.

The blade is intelligent and insists on being its "master’s" primary weapon in melee combat. If the wielder tries to use another weapon for hand-to-hand combat, the blade will attempt to take control and force the thief to attack. It will relinquish control of the wielder after the combat is resolved.

The dagger’s purpose is simply to promote evil and villainy in the world. As a result, it will not take control of a thief unless it feels that he or she is not acting dastardly enough. This does not necessarily mean the thief must kill someone every minute – although it wouldn’t displease the blade – what it means is that the thief must actively be working on some sort of plan to undermine the strength of good.

The dagger will attempt to take control of any non-evil and/or non-thief individual who tries to use it. If it loses the battle of wills, the pins will erupt from the dagger’s hilt, pricking and poisoning the would-be wielder. The wielder must make a save vs poison at -4 or die instantly.

Recent History

Slickblade was last wielded by the leader of the Brainsmashers Gang, a group of ruffians operating in the Mudsitters District of Obsidian Bay. The Blackrazor Guild -- whose headquarters is also located in the district -- battled the gang in early CY 586 and recovered the blade.

Not realizing that the blade -- and not its weilder -- was the dangerous one, the Blackrazors left it along with a "redshirt." The low-level underling picked up the blade and was instantly possessed by it. The kid managed to kill the elven ranger mage Tanevir Calywyn before the rest of the guild's shareholders were able to subdue him. The blade was turned over to city's church of St. Cuthbert.

The current status of the blade is unknown -- it was believed stolen when the church was looted after the city's fall in late summer C.Y. 586.

Wondrous Items

The Dreaming Eye

Legends and Lore

The Dreaming Eye, as it is known by the faithful of Tharizdun, is an alien intellect from another dimension. The Eye has exceptional powers to alter individuals perception of reality, and even reality itself. It has an intelligence of 19, making it brutally and sadistically brilliant. The Eye, when it has taken control of a new victim, will always attempt to gather a large number of souls into itself, a fraction of who’s energies are siphoned off to the dark god.

On this plane the Eye appears as a large 1 inch diameter ruby, worth at least 1,000 gold pieces. The priests of Tharizdun have increased its apparent value considerably by adding a lattice of gold that crisscrosses its facets. The entire gem hangs from a thin golden chain.

It has been theorized that the followers of Tharizdun captured the entity in the hopes of unleashing their god by channeling massive amounts of life force through the amulet. However, the slaughter of thousands of individuals did not release the god, leaving many of the high priests to believe that it would take the death of millions to create enough energy to release Tharizdun – a cataclysm on the same level as the Rain of Colorless Death.

Powers and abilities

2nd Ed. D&D Stats

The Eye can confuse the readings of its own magical aura and to enchant a mundane item or weapon with a false magical aura. If the vessel it is using is captured or killed, the Eye will attempt to pass off the "blame" for the deaths onto another item, usually a sword or edged weapon. It does this in hopes that those who defeat its host will attempt to turn over the "cursed" magical item while taking on the Eye as a magical item. When playing this trick, the Eye goes "dormant." Not even the strongest magical scrying can reveal that the Eye is anything more than a magical item that can do the following:

  • Cast Alter Self: at will.
  • Mirror Image: 1 charge
  • Improved Phantasmal force: 2 charges
  • Spectral Force: 3 charges

The Eye usually has about 20 charges when found. When the charges are almost depleted, the Eye becomes hungry. As the weilder sleeps, it forces him or her to hunt the streets or wilderness for victims. When the victim is slain, its life force flows into the gem. The Eye gains one charge for each level of experience of the victim. The weilder awakens in the morning feeling exhausted, but has no memory of the murders. If shown one of the corpses, the weilder may (saving throw vs. spell at -2) remember a dream of the murder, but nothing else.

When the Eye is in control, it can cast any number of powerful illusion spells, allowing it to go about its killing in peace and quiet. The bodies of its victims are always carefully dissected to maximize the effect that the murder will have on those who see the body. Entrails are strewn around the area. Muscles are sliced and spliced. Skin is pealed away from the bodies. The resulting mess has no overt or obvious religious significance, but research will reveal that certain tribes in the Amiego Jungle were reported to have performed ritual human sacrifices using similar techniques. The purpose of the ritual was apparently to expose the soul to the madness of the world, in hopes of attracting the attention of some ancient god. The belief was that some how this fed the god, and that the feeding could earn the natives favors.

The Eye has the following spell like powers

  • Phantasmal Killer: 1x per day
  • Improved Invisibility: 1x day
  • Power Word: Blind: 1x day
  • Power Word: Stun: 1x day)
  • Send Dreaming: (allows it to send up to three dreams per day. These are extremely vivid dreams usually designed to attract the attention of a new servant.)
  • Send Dream Minion: Allows the Eye to send 1d3 warriors into the dream of a victim. These nightmare warriors have dark skin and a vaugely elven look. They wear black chainmail armor and weild long swords and short swords -- and are specialized in them. Anyone killed in a dream by a minion has its soul transfered into the gem. The body remains behind, alive but unanimated.
Dream Minion; AC: 0 #At: 4 Dmg: 1d8+2/1d8+2/1d6/1d6 HD: 10 Thaco: 9/11 Mv: 12 AL: NE

Methods of Destruction

While it is undoubtedly possible to destroy the Eye, so little is known about it that no one can say exactly how this might be done.

Recent History

The artifact was recovered in the free city of Obsidian Bay by the Blackrazor Guild in Sunsebb of C.Y. 586. It was turned over to the Temple of St. Cuthbert in the city. It was stolen from the church by the su-doppleganger Su-quan in mid-C.Y. 587. Its present whereabouts are unknown.

The Emerald Skull Of Narsceen

Legends and Lore

The Emerald Skull of Narsceen was found in the Cairn Hills in 332 C.Y. in the lair of the lich by the same name by a group Greyhawk adventurers known as the Stormriders. The adventurers managed to defeat the lich and seized the skull (easily worth 20,000 g.p.) as treasure.

The group was en route to the city when one of their members was suddenly overwhelmed by an evil entity. The individual killed three party members before the others could escape back to the city. The individual – a mage of some power – fled to the south. Within months news arrived in the city that he had taken over one of the Star Cairns and had begun building a new cult.

The surviving Stormriders recruited mercenaries and launched an expedition to hunt down their friend, who was clearly possessed in some way. The Stormriders hypothesized that the lich had somehow managed to transfer his lifeforce into the skull, and had then captured their colleague.

After a final, terrible battle in the Star Cairn, which saw half their number slain, the two surviving Stormriders managed to defeat the newborn cult and their friend. They then smashed the skull hoping that would free their friend. It seemed to work and the friends headed back to the city. After returning to Greyhawk they sold their story to the then-head librarian of the Great Library in return for a favor – the raising of one of their dead friends. They then left the city and passed into history.

A later expedition to the Star Cairn by the Guild of Wizardry recovered the fragments of the skull, but once they were back in the city an evil spirit attacked and controlled a mage – and then used him to kill five of his fellow magi.

Marble of Stealthy Vision

Legend and Lore

The Marble of Stealthy Vision is a magical item that provides thieves and other sneaky folk with a unique perspective on hard-to-reach areas. The marble appears as a small, perfectly-smooth, reflective ball of silver. The ball never tarnishes, but it can be obscured by dirt, mud and typical dungeon muck.

No one knows who created this item, nor how many that person created. It's believed that more could be design if a powerful mage could find away to permanently bind a specialized wizard eye spell to a silver ball, but that is only conjecture.

Abilities And Powers

To use the marble, the wielder sends it rolling across a surface, normally a floor of some kind. Once the command word is mentally spoken, the wielder receives a 360-degree mental view of the 10 feet surrounding the marble.

Objects beyond the marble's range distance are visible, but very blurred. The view appears directly in the user's mind, and does not convey sounds, smells or any senses beyond site.

The command word can be spoken while the marble is in motion, but the wielder must immediately make a saving through versus poison to avoid the effects of overwhelming vertigo (-2 to dex and strength for 2d6 rounds). Those making their save find that they can make no sense of the marble's whirling visions until it comes to rest.

It can be used three times per day for a maximum of 10 rounds per use.

Recent History

The marble's current owner is Demetry Hawkins, who recovered it from the body of a bullywug on the river north of Swamphold.