Cornelius Trunt

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Cornelius Trunt (Human Wizard 13) is a generalist wizard, though has focused on the schools of conjuration and summoning. He is in his mid-forties, has graying light brown hair, is rather thin and stands slightly less than six feet tall. He dresses in common clothes, usually multi-pocketed trousers, low boots, an off-white linen shirt, a loose leather vest, and a gray wool cloak fastened with a brass brooch-pin depicting an onion-domed cityscape. He has a generally laid-back personality, being neither overly ambitious nor particularly excitable. Trunt is a reclusive and soft spoken mage known to have a particular interest in extra-planar lore and travel.

Previously a member of the Guild of Wizardry, Trunt reputedly resigned from the Guild on bad terms about three years ago. Although the Guild would not admit it, some of its members still occasionally seek out Trunt’s counsel in matters relating to his area of expertise, particularly the elemental planes. He recently became a member of the Order of the Broken Staff, and took up residence in a small but well appointed home with an abutting tower in the Adventurers Quarter. He is often away from his home, on unknown business, and Trunt reportedly keeps his abode well protected with various magical wards.

Trunt is known to have an extensive collection of spells having utility for planar travel, such as allowing communication, permitting movement in different environments, or providing protection from hostile conditions. He is also known to occasionally craft magical rings and other wondrous items helpful in extra-planar excursions.

The common information above can be discerned with a DC 10 Gather Information, or DC 15 Knowledge (Local) Check.


  • Order of the Broken Staff: The Order of the Broken Staff is a little-known group comprised of mages who have rejected the Guild of Wizardry and the Obsidian Tower’s dominance over magic in the city.


Cornelius Trunt: Male Human Wizard 9/Planeshifter4, Medium Humanoid; CR 13; HD 13d4+26; hp 60; Init +0; Spd 30 ft/x4; AC 16 (+3 natural, +3 deflection), touch 13, flat-footed 16; Base Atk/Grapple +6/+7; Full Atk +9/+4 Two-handed (1d6+3;20/x2, +2 Quarterstaff), +8/+3 One-handed (1d4+2;19-20/x2, +1 Dagger), +8 Two-handed (1d8;19-20/x2, Masterwork light crossbow); AL N; SV Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +9; Str 12(+1), Dex 10(+0), Con 14(+2), Int 18(+4), Wis 14(+2), Cha 10(+0); Skills: Concentration +15, Diplomacy +6, Gather Information +4, Knowledge (arcana) +20, Knowledge (geography) +7, Knowledge (local) +6, Knowledge (the planes) +23, Listen +6, Search +8, Sense Motive +7, Speak Language, Spellcraft +22, Spot +6, Feats: Skill Focus(Knowledge (the planes)), Spell Focus(Conjuration), Greater Spell Focus(Conjuration), Craft Wondrous Item, Forge Ring, Arcane Defense, Extra Slot(Wizard). Languages: Common, Auran, Aquan, Ignan, Terran, Draconic, Old Oeridian

Equipment: +2 Quarterstaff, +1 Dagger, Masterwork Light Crossbow w/20 +1 Bolts, Amulet of Natural Armor +3, Ring of Protection +3, Trunt’s Bracer of Planar Location*

Class Abilities: Proficient with Club, Heavy Crossbow, Light Crossbow, Dagger, Quarterstaff. Familiar: You have called a Lizard as a magical companion. Alertness: While the familiar is within arms reach, you gain the Alertness feat(+2 to Spot & Listen checks). Scribe Scroll: You gain Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat. Spell Ability: For every level of Planeshifter you take (except 1st, 5th and 9th), you can add 1 to your effective level in a spellcasting class you have. Planeshift(Sp): You gain the ability to Planeshift as the spell once per day. Analyze Portal(Sp): You gain the ability to use analyze portal as a spell-like ability. You may do this 4 times per day. Planar Survival(Ex): You become attuned to the nature of the planes you visit, becoming personally immune to their planar effects. Morphic Stability(Ex): You gain the ability to impose your will on your surroundings. On planes with the highly morphic trait or magically morphic trait, the terrain stabilizes around you. You automatically calm the terrain within a 120 foot radius. This area moves with you and is centered on you. Permanent structures within the plane are unaffected, and the terrain can still be changed through normal activity.

Spells: First Level (4/DC14): Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue; First Level (5/DC15): Burning Hands, Charm Person, Comprehend Languages, Detect Secret Doors, Detect Undead, Endure Elements, Identify, Mage Armor, Protection from Chaos, Protection from Evil, Shield; Second Level (5/DC 16): Alter Self, Arcane Lock, Continual Flame, Flaming Sphere, Levitate, Resist Energy, See Invisibility, Spider Climb; Third Level (5/ DC 17): Arcane Sight, Blink, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Fly, Magic Circle against Chaos, Magic Circle against Evil Protection from Energy, Secret Page, Sepia Snake Sigil, Tongues, Water Breathing; Fourth Level (4/DC18): Detect Scrying, Dimension Door, Dimensional Anchor, Fire Shield, Globe of Invulnerability-Lesser, Scrying, Stoneskin, Wall of Fire; Fifth Level (4/DC 19): Break Enchantment, Contact Other Plane, Overland Flight, Teleport, Wall of Force; Sixth Level (3/DC 20): Contingency, Dispel Magic-Greater, Guards and Wards, True Seeing.



Cornelius Trunt was always a modest and independent-minded spellcaster who valued his privacy, having joined the Guild of Wizardry over twenty years ago, more for convenience rather than any strong desire for membership. He quietly researched and studied matters relating to the various planes beyond the Prime Material, especially those of the elemental forces and the energy planes. When he became powerful enough, he began traveling to these planes, and consorting with their inhabitants. The fabled City of Brass on the elemental plane of Fire and the court of the god Phaulkon on the plane of Air were but a few of the locales which he visited.

  • Trunt was particularly interested in what he called planar resonances. He was able to craft a magical bracer, inscribed with a stylized diagram of the inner and outer planes with various colored gems representing each plane. The bracer could detect which plane it was currently on, as the resonances of each plane are unique, and each of the gems on the bracer was attuned to a specific plane, causing them to glow when on the respective plane they are attuned to. This came to be a valuable tool for Trunt during his extensive forays to the various planes.

Trunt continued to pursue his own interests, rarely drawing attention to himself within the Guild, but he gained respect among the Guild’s leaders for his extensive extra-planar knowledge. In time, however, he drew the attention of the Obsidian Tower, and was asked to partake in the arcane test required for entry to that elite organization. Never being overly ambitious to rise above his station within the magical hierarchy of Obsidian Bay, Trunt did not take this invitation too seriously, but decided to attempt the test nonetheless. Perhaps it was this lackadaisical attitude which eventually led to his falling out with both the Obsidian Tower and the Guild of Wizardry.

Trunt was taken to the Obsidian Tower to begin his test five years ago. The exact details of his test remain secret, but what is known is that he was able to determine during the test (with his bracer) that it was taking place within a specific demi-plane, and he used his abilities to planeshift back to the Prime Material Plane, thus avoiding the various obstacles intended for him by the Obsidian Tower. Trunt thought that by demonstrating his extensive knowledge and capabilities in defeating the test that he would surely be inducted into the Order of Robertson. Unfortunately, not all of the arbiters of his test saw it this way. Some argued that he had cheated by breaking the test, while others agreed that he had successfully demonstrated his magical prowess by using his abilities and the item which he had crafted. The debate went on for some time, but Trunt instead decided to withdraw his application to the Order rather than become a member of an organization for which some of the members would begrudge him his place among them. He had no strong desire for membership in the first place, which weighed heavily on the minds of his supporters.

Thus, Trunt fell out of favor with the Obsidian Tower, and eventually the Guild of Wizardry was well as he was marginalized quickly due to the opinion of many that he had squandered a great opportunity that few were offered. By this point, none of this mattered much to Trunt, as he cared little for the frequent petty disputes within the Guild, which had become all too political for his liking, and so he resigned his membership. Cornelius Trunt was convinced to become a member of the Order of the Broken Staff fairly recently, as that loosely organized society has none of the machinations inherent within the Guild of Wizardry. Although the resources available to him are now more limited, he is content for the time being, as the other members of the Order of the Broken Staff are far less demanding on his time. Also, much to his enjoyment, sometimes members of the Guild of Wizardry still begrudgingly seek him out to answer particular questions regarding obscure lore on the elemental planes… for which he charges a hefty consultation fee.