Scarred and Tattooed

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About the Saga

After the half-orc monk Pruge is nearly murdered, the adventurers set out to discover who was responsible for the fiendish attack.


Cast of Characters

  • Pruge, Half-Orc Monk 2 (Bob), a refuge from the Wild Coast with a shameful past, Pruge seeks the path to enlightenment.
  • Gruffudd Castlemaine, Half-Elf Paladin 2 (Jon), a paladin of Lendor and former resident of Urnst out to see the world, and to conquer his despised elven heritage.
  • Vargas of Ralsend, Human Aristocraft 1/Fighter 1 (Nate), a young aristocrat, late of Greyhawk College, who comes to the city seeking apprentice himself to a powerful shadow mage.
  • Corash, Elven Wizard 2 (Damon), Celenese seeker of arcane knowledge and cultural awareness.
  • Absalom, Human Urban Druid 2 (James), child of the woods transplanted into the city, where communes with the water and tries to eek out a living as a city guide.
  • Largo Leftfoot, Halfling Rogue 1 (Lance), a former locksmith on the run from the Blue Thieves Guild and eager to start a new life.

Notable Quotes

"What is it boy? Absolam has killed a hooker and been arrested by the guard? Take me too him! - Pruge, responding to the arrival of Absalom's wolf after the druid's arrest.

What Has Come Before

The adventurers have abandoned their expedition to the Sidewinder Pass after uncovering evidence that dark forces are at work in the area; forces that are far more powerful than they are. The aristocrat Vargas has become the apprentice of a shadowmancer named Saheed Darksteel, who advised Vargas and his companions not to tell anyone of what they had discovered in the pass, since this was a matter for the Guild of Wizardry.

While Vargas spoke with his new master, the half-orc monk Pruge decided to distribute more money and food to the poor of the Mudsitters District. He was rewarded for this good deed by being ambushed, beaten up and left for dead by a band of thugs. Fortunately, Pruge was able to cling to life and several of the peasants he'd helped took him in. They summoned a cleric of Zodal to heal his wounds, who took one look at the half-orc and ordered him transported back to the Temple.

Now his assailants--and most of the rest of the city--think he is dead. This fact provides the half-orc with an excellent opportunity to covertly determine who was responsible for the attack ... and why they choose him. He begins his quest with two scant clues: one of his attackers had been heavily tattooed, while the other was badly scarred.

The Saga

Goodmonth 28, 591

The Guild of Wizardry

Finally finding himself with some time to pursue his own goals, the elf Corash goes to the Guild of Wizardry, in hopes of gaining admission to its ranks as an apprentice. He speaks with Adrick Starcloak, Master of Apprentices for the Guild of Wizardry, who agrees to administer him the test. Corash takes it, but while he does well on the tests of arcane knowledge, he failed the Test of Concentration (in which he must successfully cast a spell while being attacked).

The Sunken Hammer Guild

Absalom heads to the Sunken Hammer Guild and meets with Noldera Maborough, Noldera Maborough, the guild's second in command. After explaining his passion for the seas, Noldera agrees to let him try out for the guild.

Later that day, the druid and several other potential recruits are taken out onto the Azure Sea on the guild ship The Emerald Mermaid. They are then given several tests. The first of these was a test of knot-tying, always an important skill for would-be sailors. Absalom finished second. Next was a test of endurance, in which he had to tread water while holding a heavy weight for 60 seconds. He passed this test, coming in first in his class. Last was a test of swimming skill, which he also managed to complete.

After a days worth of hard training and testing, he and other recruit were formally accepted into the Sunken Hammer Guild. They spent the rest of the night celebrating, and returned to the city on Harvester 2.

The Aristocrat

Vargas learns that kobolds are having allergic reaction to surface world. He goes to the Silver Palace, where he learns about slavers from noble.

Sees spectacle of Cartographers'stunt, learns that prior to that they had transformed Lord Orman's staff into monkeys. Most were transformed back into humans, but two escaped and remained in monkey form. Orman, knowing the value of a good servant, is paying 50 gp for the recovery of the monkeys.

He also learned that the actors and stagehands from the Amble Theatre at The Falling Princess Inn.

The Temple of Mercy

Pruge heals up at Temple of Zodal. Talks about Temple of the Earth Dragon, and their fanatical membership. Priest notes that "the city thinks you are dead". Pruge considers and then decides to disguise himself in the robes and vestments of the Zodal priesthood and wait until night. He is joined at the temple by Gruffud. The paladin goes looking for the halfling, finds he's out running messages, and leaves a message for him to come to the Temple of the Zodal. The halfling comes that night.

Asks for Largo to go out and find information about two distinctive individuals, one with scars, one with tattoos. The halfling heads to the Fire-Eaters, where he finds Thom singing in a near-perfect baritone voice.

Hears that large portions of upper level of Obsidian Maze destroyed by lava. Talks about the return of the yellow sails. Others are dismissive. Finally hears some talking about half-breed. Largo comes up and says he's happy that the half-breed got his comeuppance. Gets strange looks, and gets paid off.

Then goes to talk to ralleymen, who are drinking heavily and remorseful that Ragnar is around. Asks about them about individuals matching their descriptions, but Ralleymen know nothing.

Go to Dagger Down and start asking about the individuals. Learn about a teenage prostitute named Nielle, a bouncer named Reyden in the Drunken Fly, and a leather goods shop owner were all killed. Also learn that they've never been seen outside of the incidents.

The Tests of Alchemy

Meanwhile, Corash goes to the Guild of Alchemists, meets Wenti, one of the members, who reluctantly agrees to interview him and tell him of the requirements; craft three items (acid, alchemist's fire, and a smoke stick) in three weeks. Corash eagerly agrees to undertake these tests.

Harvester 2

Three Tales of Water

Absalom finds out about several potential missions for the Sunken Hammer Guild. They include:

  • The community of Coral Bend: (located on the southestern edge of the Great Southern Plain) has been under attack by strange aberrations that rise from the sea each night. They have asked the Sunkenhammer Guild for assistance in repelling the attackers. The guild, which isn't much for fighting, is willing to hire on help at a rate of 50 gp each for the adventure.
  • The Lost Caverns of Boremei: An underwater cavern complex allegedly located somewhere on the southern Onwall coast, the Lost Caverns of Boremei were found 40 years ago by the Lordship captain Boremei after his ship sank in rough water. Amazingly, though the ship sank to the bottom, he and a handful of his men survived, finding themselves in an air-filled cavern on the bottom of the ocean. The cavern contained numerous exquisite riches belonging to some ancient, unknown race of amphibian water-dwellers, and was protected by all manner of elemental water creatures, and which appeared to have a connection to the Elemental Plane of Water. Boremei stole a magical device that allowed him to breath under water, and then fled to the surface. He was the only one of his crew who managed to survive. He found his way to Irongate, and wrote a book about his travels (with the title "To Glimpse the Ruby Sea"). He spent the rest of his life trying to find his way back to the caverns, but was never able to do it and eventually died penniless The Sunkenhammers are eager to learn more about this legend.
  • The Sunken Caves: An cavern complex located in the UnderOerth within a few days travel of the legendary Horns of Medusa, the Sunken Caves are believed to hold numerous dwarven treasures. Legend says the caves were originally a grey dwarf hold, and that it was purposefully flooded by the dwarves during an attack by their enemies. The location of the caves, however, is unknown.

He learns that he will be paid 200 gp for organizing expedition, will be accompanied by a guild observer, and runs off to find his friends.

The Deadly Streets

Finds Corash at The Hero's Rest Inn, and says he must find others to seek out glory and adventure. Corash says he is staying at the inn to study alchemy, but says others may be in poor district and to come and find him.

Largo and Gruffud go looking for prostitutes, but don't find any during the day. Then all three go to the Drunken Fly. Learn that bouncer died, named Nik. Killed by guys matching description. Learned that man had sister named Dorma (a follower of the Earth Dragon). Go and find out about leather armor who crafted crappy armor for two blackrazors. Find

Four suits of studded leather armor for a merchant named Murlaine

Largo finally finds Absolam, who has been wandering Mudsitters District.

Cloaked man had gotten into a big fight with a Nielle the night before, next night she was dead. And her john too.

The druid headed off to the wharf district. Talks with prostitute who recommends he talk to the professionals or lamplighters after being paid a silver, and then she attacks him. Hits him for 7 points of damage, then he counter attacks, slicing her in half, instantly killing her. Quaffs good berries.

Prostitutes show up, claim he's killed them. He flees the scene, heading through a gate to the docks, and is intercepted by a guardsmen. Questioned, explains what happened, says he killed prostititue. Locks him up until issue could be resolved.

Largo runs back and tells other what happened to the Druid.

Meanwhile, Absalom's wolf, having been sent to seek out the druid's companions, arrives at Pruge's location. "What is it boy? Absolam has killed a hooker and been arrested by the guard? Take me too him!


Not available.