Ardelen Byron

From The Griffin's Crier
Revision as of 18:30, 1 August 2007 by NukeHavoc (Talk | contribs)

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Lord Byron is a large, loud fat merchant man -- no one knows excatly what he is lord of, but he’s got so much money -- and power -- that few ever raise the question.


Byron is a large, loud and highly intelligent merchant man -- no one knows exactly what he is lord of, but he’s got so much money -- and power -- that few ever raise the question. He was one of the Blackrazor Guild's earliest sponsors, funding an extremely profitable (for the Blackrazors) expedition to the Obsidian Maze in CY 586.

He has a standing contract with the Blackrazors to protect his overland caravans to Blue and to other smaller settlements on the Great Southern Plain of The Pomarj. He is an excellent source of knowledge about Obsidian Bay's power structure as well as the surrounding Pomarjian peninsula.



  • No statblock is available for this character

--NukeHavoc 18:30, 1 August 2007 (PDT)