College of Laughing Song

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The College of Laughing Song, located in the city's High Quarter, is dedicated to the study of bardic lore and song. It's two-dozen odd faculty teach nearly a hundred students in the liberal arts, including history, art, music, politics, song and even a few rudimentary mathematics classes.


The College of Laughing Song, located in the city's High Quarter, is dedicated to the study of bardic lore and song, It's two-dozen odd faculty teach nearly a hundred students in the liberal arts, including history, art, music, politics, song and even a few rudimentary mathematics classes.

Only about a third of these go on to become formal bards, pursuing and finally grasping the magical power of song. The fate's of the rest varies. Some of the students are enrolled in the school by affluent member of Obsidian Bay's upper class so that they might get an enlightened education. Others, who don't have the knack to grasp the nature of musical magic, follow unexceptional paths, becoming wandering minstrels or playwrights. A lucky few find jobs serving as the house bards of some of the city's lesser nobility. Tuition is 40 gold pieces a month, but the school's alumni often help cover the bill for poor children. The present dean and president of the college is Jonathon Elfbeard, a red-headed Oeridian half-elf (Bard 13) who has held his present position for nearly two decades

Much of the city's true bardic power lies in the college's alumni, who have formed the Amber & Blood Society. Named for the College's colors, the exclusive society is made up almost entirely of graduates of the Laughing Song and counts nearly 120 individuals among its ranks. A handful of these are non-graduates given honorary degrees by the college specifically so that they could be inducted into the Society. Many of the city's sages have intimated that the Society's secretive club house on the College's campus is home to ancient lore handed down through countless generations and finally set down in ink by the Society. Also rumored to be locked away are musical instruments capable of producing powerful magical effects, as well as other, more sinister relics recovered by the Society and locked away for safety.


  • Thom Silverbow: A half-elf bard looking for fame, fortune and a good song in the big city of Obsidian Bay.
  • Barnabus Goldenhair: Owner of the House of Song, a tavern and performing arts center in the Strange Quarter.



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