City Guard Barracks, The Docks

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The barracks for the 35-odd guardsmen stationed in the Docks.

Site Overview

The guardsmen stationed at the Docks barracks are charged with maintaining law and order in their district, a task that can seem impossible givne the frequent bar fights and brawls that break out among sailors on leave.

They are also the first line of defense for the city against possible incursions from the city (which happened during the Fall of Obsidian Bay several years ago, when Scarlet Brotherhood troop galleys and their allied sea devils stormed the district).

The guardsmen here are occasionally called up on the supplement naval expeditions dealing with coastal monster threats or pirate raiders. Because of this the soliders tend to wear lighter armor -- leather or less -- than their counterparts in the city proper.


  • City Guard of Obsidian Bay: The City Guard of Obsidian Bay is charged with defending the city from both internal and external threats, and for maintaining law and order within its walls.