Poormans Guildhall

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Home to the sole guild in Obsidian Bay dedicated to helping the poor, homeless and downtrodden.

Site Overview

The Poormans Guildhall is home to a collection of former adventurers who have dedicated their lives to helping the poor get a foot up in the city.

The Guild Hall is comprised of three buildings: the Main Hall, which serves as a soup kitchen and flop house, Pelor's Blessing, which holds the offices of the guild's staff and senior members, and the Learning Hall, where the guild seeks to teach refuges and the poor enough basic skills to be accepted into other guilds as apprentices.

The guild's buildings are typically packed with people, and upwards of 200 members -- as well as refuges and poormen seeking assistance -- can be found be found here at almost any time of the day or night.


  • Poormans Guild: the sole guild in Obsidian Bay dedicated to helping the poor, homeless and downtrodden.


  • No statblocks are available for this site.