Sign of the Tome and Tankard
This is a very respectable tavern on one of the quieter streets in Obsidian Bay’s Strange Quarter.
Site Overview
- City: Obsidian Bay
- District: Strange Quarter
- Country: Domain of Obsidian Bay
- Leader: Jeklander Gundagoot
- Population: 8
This is a very respectable tavern on one of the quieter streets in Obsidian Bay’s Strange Quarter, located at corner of Wizard’s Way and Mourner’s March,2nd block north of Obsidian Tower. It is frequented primarily by Wizards and Arcane Scholars, as well as those whom they would have dealings with, so the occasional merchant or adventurer is not uncommon.
The tavern has a large common area lit by a central fireplace and hanging oil lamps with dark-colored glass hoods. These combine to bathe the room in multi-hued light and dancing shadows. It has a fine black flagstone floor, many sturdy wooden tables with comfortable high-backed chairs, several large booths where professors sometimes teach their students, and a few private rooms which require a reservation which comprise the accommodations for guests to relax, socialize, entertain, or bargain. A small but well-stocked bar and kitchen caters to the exotic tastes of the tavern’s patrons, such as fragrant teas, fine ales and vintage wines, imported liqueurs, and a varied food menu. Prices are somewhat expensive, but well worth the coin spent due to the atmosphere and excellent service.
The wait-staff consists of Hostler Jeklander, who helps tend bar and generally runs things, and a half-dozen young and comely local girls who are often romanced by the many arcane or academic students who frequent the tavern.
The girls are encouraged in this by Jeklander, as they are his main source of gossip and other bits of useful information, since the young lotharios often tell of things that they shouldn’t to impress the young ladies. The remainder of the staff includes two older women (unmarried ex-barmaids) who are fulltime cooks, and a few young girls being groomed as barmaids who wash dishes and clean up after hours.
Hostler Jeklander is known to take in pretty orphan girls to work at his tavern until they are old enough to pursue their own interests. He treats them well, giving them room and board, and often rewards them with large stipends or dowries when they decide to further their education or marry an acceptable suitor. There are living quarters above the tavern where Jeklander and his girls reside, and he keeps strict rules about who is allowed access to avoid any hints impropriety such as him running some vulgar brothel.
- Hostler Jeklander Gundagoot: Jeklander is a middle-aged, predominantly Oeridian man, balding with brown hair and blue eyes.
Kella, Kendra, Alyssa, Jandra, etc. Female Human Com2; Medium Humanoid; CR 2; HD 2d4; hp 5; Init +1; Spd 30 ft/x4; AC 11 (+1 dex), touch 11, flat-footed 10; Base Atk/Grapple +1/+1; Full Atk +1 One-handed (1d3;20/x2, Unarmed Strike), +1 One-handed (1d4;19-20/x2, Dagger); AL N; SV Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +1; Str 10(+0), Dex 12(+1), Con 10(+0), Int 12(+1), Wis 12(+1), Cha 16(+3); Skills: Bluff¹ +6, Diplomacy¹ +5, Gather Information¹ +5, Knowledge (local) +2, Listen¹ +3, Profession (Barmaid) +4, Spot¹ +4. Feats: Deceitful, Persuasive