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“I’m an NPC now. No one wants to hang out with me anymore…” Prug the NPC
“I’m an NPC now. No one wants to hang out with me anymore…” Prug the NPC
Largo asks the receptionist at the council of guilds where he can get a list of councilmen. She snarkily informs him it will be at the library.  Decides to find some muscle if he’s going to be traveling the city.  
Largo asks the receptionist at the council of guilds where he can get a list of councilmen. She snarkily informs him it will be at the [[Library of Obsidian Bay]].  Decides to find some muscle if he’s going to be traveling the city.  
At the library, he finds all the major guilds have representatives. Largo sets up a meeting with the leader of the [[Invincibles Guild]] in two days. He talks to the seneschal about why. The seneschal does not believe the halfling's story about the [[Messengers Guild]] killing people.  
At the library, he finds all the major guilds have representatives. Largo sets up a meeting with the leader of the [[Invincibles Guild]] in two days. He talks to the seneschal about why. The seneschal does not believe the halfling's story about the [[Messengers Guild]] killing people.  
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<!--Start editing-->
Gruffudd and Fawkes enter the library. Talk to [[Quidwig]] a reference librarian and expert about Obsidian Bay’s history. They ask him to look for any cults about sea things, or fish in reference to Obsidian Bay. He can find none, so they ask about cults of madness. He informs them that what they are looking for is not there persay, but it could have something to do with Illithids or aboliths. Fawkes also asks about the symbol Corash now bares on his hand. Quidwig informs him that the symbol is one channeling madness.  
Gruffudd and Fawkes enter the library. Talk to an expert about Obsidian Bay’s history, looking for any cults about sea things, or fish. None, so they ask about cults of madness. Says that hat they are looking for is not there persay, but it could have something to do with Illithids or aboliths. They find that Corash’s symbol is channeling madness.  
====The Sun Shines====
====The Sun Shines====
Kerth talks to Sir Paldonious. He invites Kerth to join the watchers. In the meantime, he dispatches 5 members to aid kerth. He also agrees to Kerth’s organization proposal. He will ask the palorites if they’ve seen absolom.  
Kerth reports in with [[Sir Peldonius Trueshield]]. Sir Peldonius complements Kerth on the leadership he is showing in the city. He then invites Kerth to join the [[Watchers of the Dawn]]. Kerth thanks Sir Peldonius, and asks for time to consider the offer. In the meantime, he dispatches 5 Watch members to aid Kerth. He also agrees to Kerth’s organization proposal. He will also ask the pelorites if they’ve seen Absalom.  
====Tom’s Contatcs====
====Tom’s Contacts====
<!--Start editing-->
Tom won’t actually be able to talk to the Amber & Blood Society professor until next week. Got a private room for the group. Party shares information from the day. Party ponders where more foci could be. Start to talk about the Earth Dragons handing out soup. Perhaps the Earth Dragons are part of the fish cult.  Fawkes is not so convinced, he thinks the dark sea guild could have something to do with it.  
Tom won’t actually be able to talk to the Amber & Blood Society professor until next week. Got a private room for the group. Party shares information from the day. Party ponders where more foci could be. Start to talk about the Earth Dragons handing out soup. Perhaps the Earth Dragons are part of the fish cult.  Fawkes is not so convinced, he thinks the dark sea guild could have something to do with it.  
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Largo talks with Ellington at the Temple of Persuit about Salsar’s severed head. Ellington asks to be taken to the head. Ellington attempts to ‘’speak with dead’’. However some magical means prevents Salsar from speaking. Ellington’s next step would be to speak directly with his god on the matter.  
Largo talks with Ellington at the Temple of Persuit about Salsar’s severed head. Ellington asks to be taken to the head. Ellington attempts to ‘’speak with dead’’. However some magical means prevents Salsar from speaking. Ellington’s next step would be to speak directly with his god on the matter.  
==Experience & Loot==
==Experience & Loot==
* None available
* None available

Revision as of 06:41, 21 August 2008

About the Saga


Cast of Characters

Notable Quotes

  • “I’m an NPC now. No one wants to hang out with me anymore…” Prug the NPC
  • “I’m a mage, I study creatures.” “well, what do you know about this stuff?” “Nothing.” Corash to one of Stony's questions about the monstrous lobster claw.
  • “I was hoping that this is the day the world ends.” “I hope not, I have things to do today.” Corash in response to Trondholm.

What Has Come Before

The group was able to fight find and seal another foci in Butchers End. Now they search for their missing companion Absalom, who may have information on the group thought to be creating the foci, the Undreamers.

The Saga

Ready'reat 24, CY 591

Corash spends a few weeks creating scrolls.

Pegison Meeting

Sir Fawkes and Gruffudd talk with Promethean Steelbrand. He is willing to bankroll an expedition to a lost underwater temple. The temple was dedicated to the demon Ylerys, and sunk centuries ago by the aquatic elves.


Meanwhile Largo makes a formal complaint to the Council of Guilds office of grievances in the Great Hall. Largo talks to Administrator Anderson. The administrator informs Largo that he will need a Councilman to sponsor his petition. Largo asks for a list. The administrator tells him there is a 5 gp fee and 48 hour wait. Largo tries to find a place to find the list himself, but the administrator gets fed up with the Halfling.


Kerth talks to Shadora Brelwen of the Maidens of the Shield. She informs him the Followers of the Earth Dragon have begun to call their compound the Dragon Ward. Kerth is concerned.

Kerth than speaks with Shadora about the Undreamers. She reveals to him that Mayaheine granted her a vision: a darkness comes. Two clues:

  • four sickly green growing eyes
  • alien threat

Finally, Kerth asks if the maidens have seen Absolom. Shadora informs him he was last seen hanging around the Sunken Hammer Guild, the Stone Goblin Inn, and escorting noblemen; but its been almost a month.

Thrice Risen

Gruffudd goes to talk with Prug. Asks about Absalom. Has not seen Absolom, but has seen the dog running around the Mudsitters District. He did not have time to chase dogs though.

“I’m an NPC now. No one wants to hang out with me anymore…” Prug the NPC

Largo asks the receptionist at the council of guilds where he can get a list of councilmen. She snarkily informs him it will be at the Library of Obsidian Bay. Decides to find some muscle if he’s going to be traveling the city.

At the library, he finds all the major guilds have representatives. Largo sets up a meeting with the leader of the Invincibles Guild in two days. He talks to the seneschal about why. The seneschal does not believe the halfling's story about the Messengers Guild killing people.

Robster Craw

Stony George and Corash talk about the monstrous lobster claw, and finding Absalom. Stony suggests talking to some of the water related guilds about the fish cult. Decide to go to the Church of Procan. But first they'll talk with Corash's master Maurgiir about the claw.

“I’m a mage, I study creatures.” “well, what do you know about this stuff?” “Nothing.” Corash to one of Stony's questions about the monstrous lobster claw.

At the The Black Quill Corash finally tells his master about the lobster claw he’s been holding on to for the past few weeks. Maurgiir scolds Corash for holding secrets. Corahs confusingly informs his master he had just not gotten around to it. Corash also informs his master that he’s begun having dreams about the far realms. Maurgiir tells Corash that this is so he can better locate and destroy the far realm incursions. Stony George is a bit uneasy with all this information. Corash explains his new magic to Stony as they make their way to the docks.

At the Temple of Procan, Stony and Corash meet with Trondholm. The priest asks if the claw was from a lobster-man, but Corash informs him not. Stony asks him about Ylerys, and he insists they’ll need a drink.

“I was hoping that this is the day the world ends.” “I hope not, I have things to do today.” Corash in response to Trondholm.

They head to Keel Over Tavern, an inverted boat. The priest rumbles about the end of the world. Talks about a portal at the bottom of the azure sea. Goes to the plane of water. He drinks bottle after bottle of whiskey. Says Ylerys is the herald of Dagon, from an endless sea of madness. The servents must be killed to stop Dagon’s return to this world. To find them, find fish people. His servents are mutated into these fish people. Trondholm is the assistant to the high priest. The High priest out swimming, and won’t be back for 6 days.


Gruffudd and Fawkes enter the library. Talk to Quidwig a reference librarian and expert about Obsidian Bay’s history. They ask him to look for any cults about sea things, or fish in reference to Obsidian Bay. He can find none, so they ask about cults of madness. He informs them that what they are looking for is not there persay, but it could have something to do with Illithids or aboliths. Fawkes also asks about the symbol Corash now bares on his hand. Quidwig informs him that the symbol is one channeling madness.

The Sun Shines

Kerth reports in with Sir Peldonius Trueshield. Sir Peldonius complements Kerth on the leadership he is showing in the city. He then invites Kerth to join the Watchers of the Dawn. Kerth thanks Sir Peldonius, and asks for time to consider the offer. In the meantime, he dispatches 5 Watch members to aid Kerth. He also agrees to Kerth’s organization proposal. He will also ask the pelorites if they’ve seen Absalom.

Tom’s Contacts

Tom won’t actually be able to talk to the Amber & Blood Society professor until next week. Got a private room for the group. Party shares information from the day. Party ponders where more foci could be. Start to talk about the Earth Dragons handing out soup. Perhaps the Earth Dragons are part of the fish cult. Fawkes is not so convinced, he thinks the dark sea guild could have something to do with it.

Corash’s master’s sanity is called into question. Corash takes the party to him… but he is preoccupied and doesn’t wish to meet with them.

Knight meeting

Fawkes and Gruffudd go to meet lady Zenora. She is currently meeting with Belgold. They share the information gathered today.

Belgold thinks Malgiir could be a mage who was kicked out of the Guild for summoning a creature without the proper precautions. Belgold is surprised he would be back in the city. Said he could be using magics to protect himself from spying.

He then informs them that the four “eyes” the maidens spoke of could be “void minds”. Victoms of illithid attacks who only lost a portion of their brain, and had the rest replaced by the illithid. These would have 4 holes in their head which tentacles could come out of.

Ready'reat 25, CY 591

Corash talks to his master about him not seeing his compainions. Maugiir scolds him about bringing uninvited guests. Maugiir persists in having corash find the “key”

Fawkes and Gruffudd see Steelbrand to inform him of things, and ask about the expedition. He asks that they speak to the Sunken Hammer guild for him.

Fawkes then has another intervention with Corash, informing of his master’s possible past deeds. They decide to go investigate this at the library. Can’t find anything of worth at the library.

Kerth meets with Cedric of St. Cuthbert who agree to join the group. Ellington agrees to send a representative, though he does not commit any help.

Largo goes looking for information of Salsar’s death. Goes to the dagger down and speaks with tull. Ends up finding out that Salsar’s skull is kept on the mantle there.

Fawkes and Gruffudd go to the sunken hammer guildhall. Find that Absolom was preparing the same expedition, however he is a week overdue. They speak with Steelbrand who agrees to gather some magical supplies for the expedition.

Largo talks with Ellington at the Temple of Persuit about Salsar’s severed head. Ellington asks to be taken to the head. Ellington attempts to ‘’speak with dead’’. However some magical means prevents Salsar from speaking. Ellington’s next step would be to speak directly with his god on the matter.

Experience & Loot

  • None available