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==What Has Come Before==
==What Has Come Before==
The drow successfully crashed a meteor into Devil’s Elbow, an island off the shore of [[Riddleport]]. Several expeditions left the City of Pirates seeking to recover the skymetal associated with such events. Most were killed by the alien horrors that hitched a ride with meteorite, but the Cypherguild and Clegg contingents managed to fend off the aliens and survive.  
The heroes of [[Riddleport]] have ventured to Devil’s Elbow, an island off the coast of Varisia and the site of a recent meteorite impact. That “skyfall” was result of foul drow magic that drew an asteroid down from space and smashed it into the planet.
Meanwhile, the drow – having concluded their investigations – fled the island. The dark elves left behind a shadow demon to murder the survivors not killed by the aliens, but the allied factions of the Cyphers and Clegg were able to defeat the monster.
Several expeditions set forth from the city seeking to secure the skymetal that crashed into the Devil’s Elbow. Most met with disaster. Two groups reached the island within a day of one another: one backed by a crimelord named Avery Slyeg, the other commissioned by the overlord and led by the legendary dwarven explorer Goldhammer. Both were slaughtered by bizarre tentacle-maned lion creatures and transformed into equally strange zombies. An expedition sent by the Cypherguild – which the heroes joined – nearly met a similar end. While the heroes investigated the crater on the eastern shore of the island, the mage contingent headed to the abandoned town of Witchlight.
Investigation of the drow’s former lair revealed scattered notes and a discarded journal that indicated they were headed to for the ruined elven city of Celwynvian in the Mierani Forest. Once the capital of elvendom, the city fell into disrepair when the elves fled the planet ahead of the Age of Darkness. The drow are seeing out the “Armageddon Echo”. The nature of the echo – event? Artifact? Spell – is not clear, but it seems it will play a pivitol role in the drow’s ongoing research.
The heroes spent several hours exploring the crater. They found far less skymetal than expected, but they also discovered a possible reason: there were boot prints through the crater of a size and shape the strongly implied they were left by elves. Or, more likely, dark elves. After the investigation the heroes decided to rest for the night, finding an excellent (if impromptu) lean-to formed by trees blown sideways by the meteor’s impact. That night they were attacked by the lion creatures. Most escaped the fight no worse for wear, but the dwarven rogue Tholyr suffered a particularly nasty bite and later became ill.  
With the drow defeated and the alien menace killed, the heroes and their allies have returned to Riddleport. After a week of sheer terror, our heroes have returned to Riddleport aboard the Foamrunner, the sailing ship commissioned by the Order of Cyphers. This yields several rewards:
Meanwhile at Witchlight the wizards ran into the lion-creatures as well, losing nearly half their number in the attack. Their fallen returned as zombies, and it was only the intervention of the heroes – who had seen the eruption of a pyrotechnic spell from Witchlight’s namesake lighthouse – that saved the survivors.
'''Clegg Zincher:''' Despite the fact that the heroes were unable to secure Clegg a live specimen of the tentacle-maned monsters, the gangster appreciates the fact that the heroes fought and killed the shadow demon. He pays the heroes 500 gp *each* for their good work.
The next day, the expedition belonging to Clegg Zincher arrived. As the heroes watched from Witchlight, the crimelord’s crew unloaded much of their gear … and then saw their ship torn to pieces by an enraged dragon turtle. They fled the beast, heading to the self-same crater the heroes had investigated.  
'''The Order of Cyphers:''' The disaster at Devil’s Elbow saw half of the Order’s mages killed, including the expedition leader Fennela Bromathan. The elders of the guild have no choice but to admit that it was only the presence of Phil and Samaritha that prevented the expedition from being a total failure. In honor of this, [[Elias Tammerhawk]] reluctantly agrees to enter the two wizards onto the rolls as full members, and to grant them the title of “Field Researcher”. They also pay the heroes a bonus of 500 gp *each*, and a rare honor: they may each search the Order’s Lesser Vault for a single magic item worth 2,000 gp or less. This can be weapons, armor, wondrous items, etc. from the core rule book.
The heroes rendezvoused with them, and convinced Clegg to take his people to Witchlight. Meanwhile, Clegg asked that they try and capture the “lion” creatures they’d described, saying that they would make excellent additions to his menagerie in Riddleport. As the gangster headed to Witchlight, the heroes traveled to the easternmost lighthouse. They found the building remarkably intact, and discovered signs that the drow had been investigate the complex.
==The Adventure==
They found much more than that though. The dwarf Jorm, exploring the cliffside next to the eastern lighthouse, lost his footing and plunged to the rocky beach below, inadvertently recreating the death of the island’s founder.  
Our heroes met up with [[Clegg Zincher]], who congratulated them on their good work, and invited them to a party at his wharf-side arena. [[Skender]], [[Jorm]] and [[Phillymondiuspartigan Jones]] accepted the invitation, then went their separate ways. Meanwhile Kwava, concerned about the events at Devil's Elbow, announced he was going to send a message to his guild reporting in and asking for advice on what to do next.
===A Love of Research===
Amazingly Jorm survived the fall. He explored some caves at the base of the cliffs, and discovered a decayed corpse at the back of one. The skeleton was grasping a cold iron sword in its right hand.
Phil joined up with [[Samaritha Beldusk]] and the two of them met with [[Elias Tammerhawk]], who reluctantly conferred the title of "field researchers" on the pair of them. He then reluctantly explained that the research resources of the guild were at their disposal, as the end of the world was worth trying to avoid, even if two snot-nosed apprentices had discovered the plot. Phil asked Tammerhawk if he knew of any connection between the drow and the runelords; Tammerhawk dismissed the possibility of "dark elves", saying he'd need a body to believe *THAT* fairy tale, but said he'd never heard of any underground demihuman race experimenting with rune magic.  
The blade spoke to the dwarf telepathically when he picked it up, revealing its name to be Winter. It spoke in what sounded like quotations from some ancient text, always extolling the supremacy of cold, snow and the North over all things. Jorm soon found a use for the blade: a wraith, the undead spirit of the founder of the island, attacked him. Jorm aided by his companions, was able to slay the spectre.  
He also agreed with Phil's plan to use [[The Golden Goblin]] as a base of operations for the [[Order of Cyphers]] to study the lower reaches of the Cypher Ring. However, Tammerhawk didn't want this widely known -- he agreed to pay the Goblin 300 gp a month as "rent" but only if the gambling hall continued its regular operations and added more ... intelligent ... games to provide a cover for the mages working there.
In the tower the heroes discovered a journal left behind by the wraith describing the settlement of Devil’s Elbow, and the founder’s forbidden love of a siren who lived in caves along the southern coast. The siren met a terrible end, slain by the villagers that the founder had brought to the island. It was that event that led to his suicide.
Phil and Samaritha then spent the rest of the day researching their respective projects: Phil learning UnderCommon and Varsian; Samaratha researching the Rune Lords and their possible connections to the events of recent weeks. By day's end, Samaratha had a possible lead: [[Karzoug]], the runelord of greed, was obsessed with all kinds of metal, particularly the rare alloys floating through the solar system.
Armed with a description of the cliffside caves, the heroes decided to investigate …and soon wished they hadn’t. It turned out that the drow had taken up residence in the self-same cave … and that they had summoned a shadow demon to protect the entrance.  
His great fortress of [[Zavoraff]] was dedicated to studying and refining such ores from the lofty heights of the [[Calphiak Mountains]]. It fell into ruins long ago and is now known as the [[Citadel of Rust]]. The fortress might contain secrets that could help the mages understand how the drow are able to pull down the meteors. Unfortunately, it could also be very dangerous -- there are rumors of ancient constructs still roaming the citadel's stone corridors.
In the pitched fight that followed it was only the presence of the cold iron blade Winter that allowed the heroes to escape with their lives. Other weapons proved not nearly as effective against the demon, and even spells seemed to slip off its shadowy hide. The heroes managed to kill two drow, but in the end the demon’s malevolent presence, and the fear it radiated, caused most of the group to flee.
The two then had dinner, during which they split a bottle of Chelaxian wine looted from the Devil's Elbow and talked lovingly of their discoveries.
Jheru was one of the few who didn’t succumb to his fear. He snatched the iron blade from Jorm, and used it to fend off the demon while the others fleed. It quickly became apparent that he would not be able to do this forever, and he ultimately chose discretion as well.
===The Swordmaster===
The heroes retreated back up the cliffs and back to Witchlight. There they found that Clegg’s crew had just repelled another attack by the tentacle-maned creatures. Several of the defenders – including Clegg himself – were bitten during the attack, and a half-dozen more were killed outright.
Skender, seeking to improve his skill with a blade, decided to seek out a teacher. He found one in the form of [[Doofer Bronzeman]], a womanizing former adventurer who was more than willing to pick up some extra coin training would-be swordsmen. After meeting Skender at the Drunken Parrot Tavern (a popular watering hole for Clegg's men) he agreed to take on Skender as a student and told him to meet him in the Inner Harbor the next day for his first lesson.
Things were certainly going from bad to worse.
They did indeed meet the next day, on one of the bridge's over the river running through Riddleport. The "weapon master" tried everything to throw Skender off his game -- throwing a javalin, lashing out with spiked gauntlet, and attacking him outright with a sword -- but Skender was able to avoid all of the blows. Doofer was clearly a has-been, but Skender could see that beneath the fat, the man did retain knowledge that could be useful to him.
After retreating from the drow cave, the heroes rested in Witchlight with Clegg's men and the survivors of the Cypherguild expedition. Unfortunately their rest was short-lived; the shadow demon pursued them there and attacked, killing one of Clegg's men outright with its shadow claws, then striking one of the heroes with a purple lightning bolt.  
===The Esteemed Order of Metallurgical Mastery===
A deadly game of cat and mouse followed as the shadow demon slaughtered Clegg's men with impunity. Meanwhile goblinoid zombies attacked the town as well. Half were killed when they pursued Jheru in to a crumbling building, and the monk brought it down on their heads. Meanwhile, the rest of the zombies moved into the town's old inn, tearing down its windows and stepping inside. This allowed the shadow demon in as well, and the creature slaughtered the three guards it found there. Tholyr, inspired by Jheru, leapt from the lighthouse onto the inn. He knocked down the building's walls, setting off a domino effect that collapse the building on the zombies and the shadow demon alike.
Meanwhile Jorm sought out expert dwarven smiths to adjust the mithril chain he'd found on Devil's Elbow. He discovered that the magical armor *did* automatically increase in size to fit his dwarven girth ... but that the armor's plunging neckline just wasn't going to work.  
The zombies were crushed, but the demon arose from the ruins unharmed. The creature continued to taunt its prey, raining more purple lightning down on them. The heroes countered with iron arrows and crossbow bolts that hurt the demon. It prepared to withdraw, satisfied that it had terrorized its enemy sufficiently. As it did so, it declared that "My mistress will bring doom upon the entire world!" It choked on those words though, as Tholyr sent an iron crossbow bolt through its shadowy heart.
He went to The Esteemed Order of Metallurgical Mastery, an elite cadre of dwarven metalworkers who setup shop next to Riddleport’s famous Gas Forges. Led by Master Artisan Duerak Silveroath, the order is renowned for being able to work with any type of metal, unrelenting perfectionism, and a propensity for adding undocumented features.
The next day, the heroes headed down to the beach and the drow complex. There they discovered a cave that had been walled off by a rune-engraved wooden wall. The wall radiated a magical silence; destroying the wall ended the silence and granted them access to the chamber beyond. There they encountered the ghost of the siren Virashi. Surprisingly the ghost was pleased to see them; she explained that since they had ended the suffering of the vengeful wraith of her lover Yaris, they had freed her as well. She disappeared in a flash of light, blessing them as she did so.
Silveroath is the eldest of the metal workers, and his work is in much demand around the region. Grimm Firebeard is a talented armorer known for becoming so absorbed in his work that his beard has caught on fire. As a result, the salt-and-pepper beard’s ends are often blackened and crinkled. Bokhan Ironsmash is far more intelligent than his surname suggests, and is an expert weaponsmith.
Elsewhere in the complex Skender and Korlandril found a chamber containing a stone slab. Upon the slab was the corpse of one of the tentacle-maned lion creatures they'd faced several times before, as well as several half-consumed vials of chemicals.
Firebeard agreed to work on Jorm's armor for a fee of 100 gp ... and some fine dwarven ale.
They also found an improvised barracks, but instead of drow, they encountered two goat-headed demons. They slew these creatures, and then explored the complex. They discovered that the drow were long gone, having taken most of the gear and valueables with them.  
===The Gang War===
Not all of it though. They found a cache of construction equipment, a small collection of potions labelled in UnderCommon, and several books.
Skender, Phil, and Jorm went to meet with Clegg at his gladiator pits for a late dinner. After watching a man be disemboweled by a lion, the adventurers learned that Clegg had a job for them.
The first of these is Tsalkaean’s Bestiary, a book written in Undercommon that grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge (dungeoneering) checks to identify aberrations and oozes and is worth 200 gp. The second is a well-read book called Thoughts on Varisian Customs.
He explained that the events on Devil’s Elbow have had ramifications in the city. Smuggler lord [[Avrey Slyeg]] personally led his expedition to the Devil’s Elbow and was killed along with his men when the drow attacked his camp. This has created a power vacuum in Riddleport that Clegg immediately sought to take advantage of.  
The third book is actually a journal. It was clearly the draft journal of a perfectionist, one in which a drow woman named Shindiira wrote out her initial thoughts before committing them to her final journal.  
Knowing that Syleg’s organization will likely be in disarray as the man’s Riddleport lieutenants vied for powr, Clegg decided to seize control of the smuggler’s operation. His ultimate goal is to take the River Runner, the upscale inn that served as Slyeg’s base of operations. To do so though, he needed to secure the silver keys that will allow him to bypass some of the inn’s defenses ... and secure Slyeg’s all important journals.  
Reading the journal reveals  Shindiira’s excitement at being accepted into House Azrinae, apparently a drow house of some power and note. She then details her frustration and finally hatred for Depora, the female drow the heroes encountered previously. She seems to regard the woman as a sister, first greatly loved, then equally hated. The reason is a shared affection for Nolveniss, a drow male who apparently leads the house's contingent in the ruined elven city of Celwynvian in the Mierani Forest in northern Varisia. The city was once the seat of elven power, though it was abandoned when the elves left  Golarion prior to the Earthfall.
Copies of these keys are kept in Syleg’s three major warehouses. Clegg already had teams assembled to seize two of the warehouses; he asked Skender and his friends if they wanted to take the third. He asked this as a personal favor ... but offered to pay the raiders 100 gp a piece.  
Shindiira is quite explicit in the ways in which she plans to use him as her consort once she returns to him in  with a large amount of noqual and the tentacle-maned lion creatures (she calls these "akatas") to show him her power.  
The adventurers agreed. Skender and Jorm scouted out the warehouse in question the next day. Skender arrived at the Inner Harbor to find people in shock over an alleged sea monster attack that killed two fishermen and carried off part of a dock. Arriving at the warehouse in question, he handed out pamphlets promoting the re-opening of the Gold Goblin to the guards. The guards, shocked that someone so young would be handing out pamphlets at the docks, explained that there was a monster about ... and that it had killed two of their colleagues the night before.
The last dozen entries display a dramatic shift in tone, becoming an almost scientific list of observations of the strange meteorological effects that preceded the falling star, the impact itself, and developments afterward. More importantly, the journal mentions several times an ominously titled event or object called an "Armageddon Echo".
Jorm missed the warehouse entirely after he caught a glimpse of ... something ... moving in the river.
The night, the heroes -- Skender, Jorm, Phil, and Emeryon Star-Seeker -- returned to the warehouse and decided to use the rumors of the sea monster to their advantage. Phil summoned ghost sounds of a roaring beast, combined with evil-looking globes of light, to scare off a number of guards. The illusion was further enhanced by Skender, who succeeded in tripping one of the scared guards with his whip, causing the man to scream in terror that a tentacle had him!
'''Active XP'''
The faux attack lured out several guards from inside the warehouse. The four men fell to the ground thanks to a well-placed [i]grease[/i] spell (cast by Phil) and then were knocked unconscious (the leader via a dose of drow poison delivered by Skender's crossbow bolt, the rest via Phil's [i]color spray[/i] spell). Once inside the warehouse there were only two guards remaining. Jorm stormed past them while the guards looked on at the chaos outside. They finally came to their senses though, and one ran to a lever on the wall. He pulled it ... and sent Jorm plummeting through a trap door into water-filled room below. In the water was a pair of sharks, which the dwarf soon found himself fighting.
* [[Jheru]]: 2000
* [[Skender]]: 2000
* [[Korlandril]]: 2000
* [[Phil]]: 2000
* [[Tholyr]]: 2000
* [[Jorm]]: 2000
* [[Emeryon Star-seeker]]: 2000
Phil was able to fish him out using a Rope of Climbing, while the other heroes dealt with the guards, knocking them unconscious. Emeryon Star-Seeker took the slumbering guards outside and locked the warehouse's side door.
'''Passive XP'''
Meanwhile, Skender broke into the warehouse office and found the safe. He missed a needle trap on the safe's combo lock, but was able to shrug off its poison when the needle hit him. He then opened the safe ... and the floor gave way beneath him. The second pit dumped him into an identical flooded room, also with a pair of sharks in it. The young rogue was nearly eaten alive before his compatriots were able to lower down the Rope of Climbing and free him.
* [[Maturin]]: 1000
After securing the floor trap, Skender checked the safe and discovered the silver key they'd been sent to recover. He also found a small treasure stash, including coins from around the region. In the warehouse below, Jorm smashed open a box and found a magic wand.
As a result of this, Jheru, Skender, and Jorm hit 5th level.
As they looted the safe, the adventurers began hearing ominous sounds from outside the warehouse. A man screamed, and suddenly went silent. Massive blows hit the side of the building, which began to groan ominously. They ran outside, and saw huge tentacles rising from the water, then grabbing the slumbering guards and tossing them into the air. Glowing red eyes followed their trajectory, and the impacts of the bodies with the water were followed by the sounds of flesh being torn apart. After the final body flipped into the water, the creature vanished beneath the surface of the water leaving nothing but waves behind.
Deciding discretion was the better part of valor, the heroes ran from the scene. They turned the key over to Clegg and told him of the sea monster. Clegg was impressed ... but didn't seem overly concerned about the creature. He accepted the key, and told the heroes they could keep the rest of the treasure found in the safe.
Of the corpse of Depora Arinae:
* +1 hand crossbow with masterwork bayonet blade (1d4+1 damage)
* drow poison (5 vials)
* +1 mithral chainmail
* masterwork buckler
* +1 hand crossbow with 20 bolts
* masterwork short sword
* ring of feather falling
* slippers of spider climbing
'''Active XP'''
In the sea caves:
* Skender: 1500
* two block and tackles
* Jorm: 1500
* 10 square yards of canvas
* Emeryon Star-seeker: 1500
* 50 feet of chain
* Phil: 1500
* five crowbars
* three fishing nets
* six grappling hooks
* four hammers
* six hooded lanterns
* a set of masterwork shipwright’s tools
* a set of masterwork carpenter’s tools
* a set of masterwork tailor’s tools
* a merchant’s scale
* seven miner’s picks
* 14 pitons
* two 10-foot poles
* a portable ram
* 200 feet of silk rope
* 17 empty sacks
* two sledges
'''Passive XP'''
Mixed in with all this mundane gear is a crate containing four bottles of 4663-vintage wine from the Terverius Wineries of southern Cheliax. Each
bottle is worth 300 gp.
* Jheru: 750
A small, unlocked box contained:
* Tholyr: 750
* Korlandril: 750
* Maturin: 750
* two potions of lesser restoration
* three potions of remove paralysis
* five potions of cure moderate wounds
* a potion of neutralize poison.
* 100 gp per person (reward from Clegg)
All are labeled in Undercommon.
* 10 Korvosa trade bars (100 gp each)
* 30 pp bearing a Magnimer stamp.
* 300 gp bearing a Riddleport stamp.
* Several potions:
** Elixer of Tumbling
** Vial of Silversheen
** Dust of Illusion
* A wand with the word "Blisto!" written on the side in Common
* Feather token: tree

Latest revision as of 09:53, 5 December 2014

What Has Come Before

The heroes of Riddleport have ventured to Devil’s Elbow, an island off the coast of Varisia and the site of a recent meteorite impact. That “skyfall” was result of foul drow magic that drew an asteroid down from space and smashed it into the planet.

Several expeditions set forth from the city seeking to secure the skymetal that crashed into the Devil’s Elbow. Most met with disaster. Two groups reached the island within a day of one another: one backed by a crimelord named Avery Slyeg, the other commissioned by the overlord and led by the legendary dwarven explorer Goldhammer. Both were slaughtered by bizarre tentacle-maned lion creatures and transformed into equally strange zombies. An expedition sent by the Cypherguild – which the heroes joined – nearly met a similar end. While the heroes investigated the crater on the eastern shore of the island, the mage contingent headed to the abandoned town of Witchlight.

The heroes spent several hours exploring the crater. They found far less skymetal than expected, but they also discovered a possible reason: there were boot prints through the crater of a size and shape the strongly implied they were left by elves. Or, more likely, dark elves. After the investigation the heroes decided to rest for the night, finding an excellent (if impromptu) lean-to formed by trees blown sideways by the meteor’s impact. That night they were attacked by the lion creatures. Most escaped the fight no worse for wear, but the dwarven rogue Tholyr suffered a particularly nasty bite and later became ill.

Meanwhile at Witchlight the wizards ran into the lion-creatures as well, losing nearly half their number in the attack. Their fallen returned as zombies, and it was only the intervention of the heroes – who had seen the eruption of a pyrotechnic spell from Witchlight’s namesake lighthouse – that saved the survivors.

The next day, the expedition belonging to Clegg Zincher arrived. As the heroes watched from Witchlight, the crimelord’s crew unloaded much of their gear … and then saw their ship torn to pieces by an enraged dragon turtle. They fled the beast, heading to the self-same crater the heroes had investigated.

The heroes rendezvoused with them, and convinced Clegg to take his people to Witchlight. Meanwhile, Clegg asked that they try and capture the “lion” creatures they’d described, saying that they would make excellent additions to his menagerie in Riddleport. As the gangster headed to Witchlight, the heroes traveled to the easternmost lighthouse. They found the building remarkably intact, and discovered signs that the drow had been investigate the complex.

They found much more than that though. The dwarf Jorm, exploring the cliffside next to the eastern lighthouse, lost his footing and plunged to the rocky beach below, inadvertently recreating the death of the island’s founder.

Amazingly Jorm survived the fall. He explored some caves at the base of the cliffs, and discovered a decayed corpse at the back of one. The skeleton was grasping a cold iron sword in its right hand.

The blade spoke to the dwarf telepathically when he picked it up, revealing its name to be Winter. It spoke in what sounded like quotations from some ancient text, always extolling the supremacy of cold, snow and the North over all things. Jorm soon found a use for the blade: a wraith, the undead spirit of the founder of the island, attacked him. Jorm aided by his companions, was able to slay the spectre.

In the tower the heroes discovered a journal left behind by the wraith describing the settlement of Devil’s Elbow, and the founder’s forbidden love of a siren who lived in caves along the southern coast. The siren met a terrible end, slain by the villagers that the founder had brought to the island. It was that event that led to his suicide.

Armed with a description of the cliffside caves, the heroes decided to investigate …and soon wished they hadn’t. It turned out that the drow had taken up residence in the self-same cave … and that they had summoned a shadow demon to protect the entrance.

In the pitched fight that followed it was only the presence of the cold iron blade Winter that allowed the heroes to escape with their lives. Other weapons proved not nearly as effective against the demon, and even spells seemed to slip off its shadowy hide. The heroes managed to kill two drow, but in the end the demon’s malevolent presence, and the fear it radiated, caused most of the group to flee.

Jheru was one of the few who didn’t succumb to his fear. He snatched the iron blade from Jorm, and used it to fend off the demon while the others fleed. It quickly became apparent that he would not be able to do this forever, and he ultimately chose discretion as well.

The heroes retreated back up the cliffs and back to Witchlight. There they found that Clegg’s crew had just repelled another attack by the tentacle-maned creatures. Several of the defenders – including Clegg himself – were bitten during the attack, and a half-dozen more were killed outright.

Things were certainly going from bad to worse.


After retreating from the drow cave, the heroes rested in Witchlight with Clegg's men and the survivors of the Cypherguild expedition. Unfortunately their rest was short-lived; the shadow demon pursued them there and attacked, killing one of Clegg's men outright with its shadow claws, then striking one of the heroes with a purple lightning bolt.

A deadly game of cat and mouse followed as the shadow demon slaughtered Clegg's men with impunity. Meanwhile goblinoid zombies attacked the town as well. Half were killed when they pursued Jheru in to a crumbling building, and the monk brought it down on their heads. Meanwhile, the rest of the zombies moved into the town's old inn, tearing down its windows and stepping inside. This allowed the shadow demon in as well, and the creature slaughtered the three guards it found there. Tholyr, inspired by Jheru, leapt from the lighthouse onto the inn. He knocked down the building's walls, setting off a domino effect that collapse the building on the zombies and the shadow demon alike.

The zombies were crushed, but the demon arose from the ruins unharmed. The creature continued to taunt its prey, raining more purple lightning down on them. The heroes countered with iron arrows and crossbow bolts that hurt the demon. It prepared to withdraw, satisfied that it had terrorized its enemy sufficiently. As it did so, it declared that "My mistress will bring doom upon the entire world!" It choked on those words though, as Tholyr sent an iron crossbow bolt through its shadowy heart.

The next day, the heroes headed down to the beach and the drow complex. There they discovered a cave that had been walled off by a rune-engraved wooden wall. The wall radiated a magical silence; destroying the wall ended the silence and granted them access to the chamber beyond. There they encountered the ghost of the siren Virashi. Surprisingly the ghost was pleased to see them; she explained that since they had ended the suffering of the vengeful wraith of her lover Yaris, they had freed her as well. She disappeared in a flash of light, blessing them as she did so.

Elsewhere in the complex Skender and Korlandril found a chamber containing a stone slab. Upon the slab was the corpse of one of the tentacle-maned lion creatures they'd faced several times before, as well as several half-consumed vials of chemicals.

They also found an improvised barracks, but instead of drow, they encountered two goat-headed demons. They slew these creatures, and then explored the complex. They discovered that the drow were long gone, having taken most of the gear and valueables with them.

Not all of it though. They found a cache of construction equipment, a small collection of potions labelled in UnderCommon, and several books.

The first of these is Tsalkaean’s Bestiary, a book written in Undercommon that grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge (dungeoneering) checks to identify aberrations and oozes and is worth 200 gp. The second is a well-read book called Thoughts on Varisian Customs.

The third book is actually a journal. It was clearly the draft journal of a perfectionist, one in which a drow woman named Shindiira wrote out her initial thoughts before committing them to her final journal.

Reading the journal reveals Shindiira’s excitement at being accepted into House Azrinae, apparently a drow house of some power and note. She then details her frustration and finally hatred for Depora, the female drow the heroes encountered previously. She seems to regard the woman as a sister, first greatly loved, then equally hated. The reason is a shared affection for Nolveniss, a drow male who apparently leads the house's contingent in the ruined elven city of Celwynvian in the Mierani Forest in northern Varisia. The city was once the seat of elven power, though it was abandoned when the elves left Golarion prior to the Earthfall.

Shindiira is quite explicit in the ways in which she plans to use him as her consort once she returns to him in with a large amount of noqual and the tentacle-maned lion creatures (she calls these "akatas") to show him her power.

The last dozen entries display a dramatic shift in tone, becoming an almost scientific list of observations of the strange meteorological effects that preceded the falling star, the impact itself, and developments afterward. More importantly, the journal mentions several times an ominously titled event or object called an "Armageddon Echo".


Active XP

Passive XP

As a result of this, Jheru, Skender, and Jorm hit 5th level.


Of the corpse of Depora Arinae:

  • +1 hand crossbow with masterwork bayonet blade (1d4+1 damage)
  • drow poison (5 vials)
  • +1 mithral chainmail
  • masterwork buckler
  • +1 hand crossbow with 20 bolts
  • masterwork short sword
  • ring of feather falling
  • slippers of spider climbing

In the sea caves:

  • two block and tackles
  • 10 square yards of canvas
  • 50 feet of chain
  • five crowbars
  • three fishing nets
  • six grappling hooks
  • four hammers
  • six hooded lanterns
  • a set of masterwork shipwright’s tools
  • a set of masterwork carpenter’s tools
  • a set of masterwork tailor’s tools
  • a merchant’s scale
  • seven miner’s picks
  • 14 pitons
  • two 10-foot poles
  • a portable ram
  • 200 feet of silk rope
  • 17 empty sacks
  • two sledges

Mixed in with all this mundane gear is a crate containing four bottles of 4663-vintage wine from the Terverius Wineries of southern Cheliax. Each bottle is worth 300 gp.

A small, unlocked box contained:

  • two potions of lesser restoration
  • three potions of remove paralysis
  • five potions of cure moderate wounds
  • a potion of neutralize poison.

All are labeled in Undercommon.