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* [[Madame Catherine]]: Owner of the Sea Nymph Brothel.
* [[Madame Catherine]]: Owner of the Sea Nymph Brothel.
* [[Dennow Brighteye]]: A fence of stolen goods who spends time at the [[Stone Goblin Inn]].
* [[Dennow Brighteye]]: A fence of stolen goods who spends time at the [[Stone Goblin Inn]].
* [[Vundan Longland]]: Sole survivor of the Cairn Hills Adventuring Company contingent in Obsidian Bay.

Revision as of 10:00, 3 May 2008

A half-elf bard looking for fame, fortune and a good song in the big city of Obsidian Bay.


Thom Silverbow is the half-elf bastard son Domin Nightdreamer, one of the senior members of the Orcslayer Guild. Unlike his elven father however, Del has absolutely no desire to run wild on the frontier killing whatever orc or other humanoid crosses his path.

Instead, he’s taken after his free-spirited mother – Nardia Silverbow, a bard who was quite popular in the Strange Quarter. Unfortunately, she died during the fall of Obsidian Bay, slain by the sauhaugin rampaging through the Wharf and Strange Quarters and his father essentially disowned him when he refused to avenge her death by joining the Orcslayer.

Unable to afford the taxes on the home left to him by his mother, he sold it and spent the money living high on the horse, buying new clothes and instruments and staying in the finest establishments … until his money finally ran out. Now he’s found himself desperate to find some place to live in the city, not an easy task with the number of refuges about, as well as some way to make a living. Both endeavors are made more difficult by the fact that he’s a half-elf – those who never cared about his bastard status when he had coin suddenly look down on him now. Even those who know of his father – and his strident defense of the city through the Orcslayers – scorn him, despising his refusal to join up in the city’s defense.

He’s usually able to talk himself out of most dire situations – he’s a hard man to hate, if he can get talking – but the bias has cost him more than a few jobs in the Wharf District, a situation that even his status as a student at the College of Laughing Song has not been able to help him with.

While his refusal to participate in the frontier wars may strike some as cowardice, in truth, Thom just loves the city and can’t stand to be away from it. He’s a good-natured lad, and has been known to help out his fellow citizens when the opportunity presents itself. In fact, after having spent a few weeks trying to actually earn a living at his craft, he’s decided that the only thing to do is to be come a full-blown folk hero. Then he will never want for a place to stay or for someone to employ him.

His plan is working; he has become a regular act at Fire-Eaters Inn, which has earned him a good amount of coin (most of which he has promptly spent getting his gear out of hock, buying expensive food and wine, and romancing the ladies at the Sea Nymph Brothel in the Wharf District.



  • College of Laughing Song: The college located in the city's High Quarter, is dedicated to the study of bardic lore and song. Thom is a graduate.


  • There is no statblock for this character