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About the Saga

The Blackrazors launch an assault against Galnuthrundak, the red dragon who controls the lowest level of the dwarven stronghold Khelez-Mar.


Cast of Characters

Notable Quotes

"Is it suicide to attack the dragon? Of course not -- this shall be a glorius victory for the dwarves of Khelez-Mar!" -- D'klar Ironforge

What Has Come Before

After slaying the mindflayer psion and his drow and duregar thralls who had been organizing assaults by UnderOerth creatures against the dwarven fortress Khelez-Mar (and the red dragon living on its lowest level) the Blackrazors returned to the citadel's upmost level. There they began to speculate about taking the fight to the dragon.

The Saga

Wealsun 9, CY 591

Planning for the Assault

Galnuthrundak -- a mammoth adult red dragon with at least one half-dragon disciple -- had entered the dwarven fortress of Khelez-Mar long ago as a mere wyrmling. Over the long years it had accumulated a significant horde comprised largely of treasure from the fortress above.

Unfortunately for the dragon, it had grown too large to escape through the upper levels, and the constant UnderOerth assaults had prevented it from digging a way out. This selfsame dragon had "hired" the Blackrazors to find and eliminate the threats against it, which they did. The expectation on the dragon's part was that with the attackers from below neutralized, it would be able to concentrate on making good on its escape -- with its horde of course.

Initially, the Blackrazors had debated simply letting the dragon go, and then hunting it down later. But this course of action did not sit well with D'klar Ironforge and his fellow dwarves on the upper levels of the fortress. The dragon's horde contained too many dwarven riches and relics to allow the wyrm to escape -- the risk that it would evade them in the outside world was too great.

D'klar urged his fellows to take action against the dragon now, to stop it before it could escape, and to reclaim the treasures that rightfully belonged to the clan. The others were skeptical, but D'klar was unrelenting and self-assured. The Blackrazors could slay the dragon, assuming that they were properly prepared and coordinated their assault.

It was a radical concept for the guild, but since the team was made up largely of the Blackrazor's dwarven contingent, D'klar thought it would work.

Wealsun 16, CY 591


The final plan had D'klar, Gideon and one of the lower-level Blackrazors -- perhaps Hogarth -- attacking the dragon directly while the others, namely Moriam and Ramstein --- dealt with the dragon's underlings and attempted to prevent it from escaping into the larger open cavern adjoining the dragon's lair. The Blackrazors cast numerous defensive magics, including elemental protection spells and air walk, to allow them to follow the dragon should it take flight. D'klar and Moriam both invested themselves with a fraction of their respective gods' power via "divine power" spells and cast numerous spells to improve the endurance and strength of their allies.

Their preparations complete, on Wealsun 16, CY 591, the Blackrazors used an etherealness spell cast by D'klar to "walk" through the upper levels of the dwarven fortress. They were somewhat surprised to find themselves unable to move into the dragon's lair through the ethereal plane. Instead, they were forced to enter through the front portion of the lair, a huge 60 foot by 40 foot opening that looked out on the huge cavern beyond.

The Blackrazors emerged from the ethereal and struck at the dragon, D'klar using his boots of flying to charge directly at the beast. As they moved into the room, they were confronted two of the dragon's followers -- a winged half-dragon and a arcane dragon disciple -- who immediately summoned a huge earth elemental to assist them.

The fight that followed was epic. D'klar engaged the dragon directly, slashing at it with his dwarven waraxe and absorbing the brunt of the dragon's fiery breath weapon. Gideon stayed back, splitting his mind with a psionic power and then pounding the dragon repeatedly with twin explosive detonations. Meanwhile, Hogarth and Moriam fought the half-dragon and attempted to fend off the recently-summoned earth elemental while Ramstein charged the dragon disciple.

The dragon, faltering under the combined assault of Gideon and D'klar, was healed by its disciple and then flew out of his lair, seeking time to magically bolster himself. The Blackrazors used that time to dispel the magical spells protecting the dragon's minions and to "air walk" away from the ground, and the enraged air elemental. With their protections gone, the half-dragon and dragon disciple soon fell to the Blackrazors' coordinated efforts.

When the dragon returned, the Blackrazors were able to turn their full attention on it but even still, it was a close thing. Gideon had exhausted his psionic reserves attacking the dragon during the initial assault and then dealing with the disciples. D'klar had been tremendously weakened by repeated strikes by the dragon, and knew he would not be able to survive another breath attack.

The dragon returned lashing out at each Blackrazor in turn. D'klar expended his last spell to bring down the wyrm's defenses. Then Moriam charged Galnathrundak, burying his axe deep in the creature's back, severing its spine instantly.

The dragon fell to the floor, finally dead.

A Horde Reclaimed

With the dragon killed, the dwarves of Khelez-Mar could finally reclaim the entirety of the fortress. They rewarded the Blackrazors with an large amount of gold, as well as specially-crafted magical items. For D'klar, the victory had even greater meaning. In the dragon's horde, lying atop the immense pile of gold, was Dwarkamytor.

The ancient dwarven relic, known as "Axe of Our Fathers" (or literally "Axe of Clan Soul"), instantly called to D'klar mentally. The dwarven cleric instantly recognized it -- Dwarkamytor was a relic dedicated to protecting the dwarven race, waging war against its enemies and protecting the memories of the dwarven race. He claimed it as its own, eagerly embracing the axe's role as an ancestral protector.


Not available.