Back to the Monastery

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About the Saga

Following the path of the missing children, the adventurers find themselves once again at the ruined dwarven monastery outside the Tarwood.


Cast of Characters

Notable Quotes

  • "In 4th edition, the dungeon adventures you!" -- George

What Has Come Before

The original Dark City heroes catch up on old times at Fire-eaters, while the newcomers learn of the disturbing disappearance of children near the Tarwood.

The Saga

Ready'reat 1, CY 591

Following the Trail

Leaving Zilanderan and "The Dwarf" behind to search the outlaying area, the rest of the group heads off following the tracks. They follow the tracks until dusk, stopping to make camp. As they do, something stirs in the bushes. Ferdiad quickly scares it off assuming it to be some sort of animal. After making sure it is gone, the party sets down for the night.

Ready'reat 2, CY 591

Wolf in a Yellow Dress

In the morning, the party heads north to the river. Ferdiad heads across the river first, taking a rope to make a bridge for Garth to cross. As they build the rope bridge, a small humanoid wolf in a yellow dress lunges at Garth. Garth defends himself, while Seamus fumbles out of his gear. Ferdiad tries to assist from the far side of the river, but his bow string snaps.

Suddenly they hear assistance crashing through the woods. It's Glenmore bard from the north. With his help the party is eventually able to drive off the wolf. The group chooses not to chase the wolf, and instead press on to find the children. They inform Glenmore of their mission, and he agrees to join them in their quest.

The group continues north. Realizing they are nearing the monastery from their previous adventure, they decide it would be best to rest before carrying on.

Ready'reat 3, CY 591

Below the Monastery

In the morning they head forth, and the tracks do indeed lead them to the monastery. After a quick scouting of the ruins, they uncover the tracks leading to a lower level in the back of the monastery. At the bottom of the stairs they find 6 kobolds. The party quickly jumps to action works to dispatch them. Ferdiad chases one into a hallway where he kills it. As he looks down the hallway, he sees a dwarven figure. He tries to call out to it, but it simply continues to slowly lumber along.

Disturbed by this creature, the party decides to explore a different hallway to the west. As they turn the corner several stirges attack the group seeking a warm meal. They lose a bit of blood, but the group is able to fight off the beasts. After tending to their wounds, they continue their exploration of the sub-level.

Traps, Traps, Traps

Steam filled room with shockerlizards. Steam from hotwell.

Find room with statues on either side. One is a row of shieldmen, the other two rows of spearmen. One spear has a dead kobold on it. Ferdiad runs back and throws a dead kobold into the room. The room turns on its side, with the shieldmen "pushing" towards the spearmen.

Find headless body being munched on by giant rats. Kill rats. Find journal about head starting to molt and ears falling off.

Enter next room, circular with 4 doors. Center magnet activates pulling two doors closed, another two open. It releases two flaying heads. Garth and Seamus are pulled to the magnet. One of the heads attaches to a defenseless Seamus and begins to suck his face. Garth cleared Seamus of any diseases once heads dispatched.

Enter another impressive room with crushed dwarf on anvil. Attacked by an imp. kill it. Find: Obsidian owl bear, Obsidian Tablet with writing on it, slippers, and a cold iron gauntlet. Also find a secret door behind a table.

Decide to retreat to the surface and rest in the tower until their companions catch up.

Experience & Loot

  • No experience and/or loot is avalable for this saga.