Stefan Warrick

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Warrick is one of Obsidian Bay's most respected military commanders. He was the leader of the Expeditionary Force that fought at the Battle of Blue. He is presently the military governor of Blue.


Warrick is one of Obsidian Bay's most respected military commanders. He was the leader of the Obsidian Bay Expeditionary Force that fought at the Battle of Blue. He has since resigned that position to become the governor of Blue.

Warrick amassed a great deal of good will in Blue after saving the city from certain destruction at the hands of the Army of Burning Glory during the Battle of Blue. He maintains good relations with the Blackrazor Guild, Orcslayers Guild, and Ralleymen Guild, all of whom contributed troops to the Citizens Guard contingent under his command during the War of Exile.

He has used this good will to create and cement alliances in the city, and help pave the way for a permanent government. He has a frosty relationship with Johann Vonderzee, the Baron of Blue who was forced to step down from his position of leadership after the occupation, but Warrick's decision to let him retain his title and his leadership of the Blue Captains Council prevented Vonderzee from openly opposing him.



  • No statblock is available for this character

--NukeHavoc 05:24, 30 July 2007 (PDT)