Howls in the Night, Part 3

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About the Saga

The Dark City heroes find a tainted region of Butchers End. After fighting off the mob, they are able to find a foci in Offal Alley.


Cast of Characters

Notable Quotes

  • “Corash isn’t evil, he just needs glasses.” ~ Sir Fawkes

What Has Come Before

The Dark City heroes of the Silver Flame have learned that the aberrations appearing around the city are coming from a series of foci. They now race to discover and destroy these foci, before they become permanent.

The Saga

Ready'reat 9, CY 591

Unruly Citizens

The party stands in Butchers End, surrounded by angry citizens who want us to leave. Party does not want to go, as they are guarding the massacre of a band of Followers of the Earth Dragon. Citizens do not appear to be of right mind. As Corash attempts to evoke the ‘’Cerulean Seal’’, the citizens become more violent. Kerth talks them into holding their hostilities, persuading them they are simply trying to help. As Corash evokes the seal, half of the citizens recoil from the light. The leader then cries “What is that light? You said you would help! Kill them!” Tom responds by casting ‘’Tasha’s Hideous Laughter’’. The others then attack. The party does their best to not kill the people, but they are persistent in their rage. Eventually the party causes enough damage, including killing 4 in self-defense, that the people fall back in horror.


Jeremiah Oxthroap, leader of the Butchers Guild, identifies himself as the leader. He seems to be afflicted, as he has some scaly skin and a reptilian eye. He debates with the party over what had happened.

Eventually Sergeant Edwin of the guard shows up. Jeremiah tries to blame the party, but Sir Fawkes out talks him. Fawkes then gives his report to Edwin. The guard holds all those who were involved for questioning, and begins to quarantine this section of the city. The guard then sends for aid from the temple of Pelor. The head of Pelor’s healers Cole Merson shows up with others in tow. Cole believes this is similar to the toxins previously afflicting the mudsitters district through a well (and producing the squid baby). Seems these people are further along than those afflicted by the well.

Fawkes then reveals, much to Cole’s horror, that the meat of the whole city could possibly be tainted. They then decide to move the people elsewhere in the city, feeling the air itself in this district may be tainted. As the people are rounded up, everyone begins to see the full extent of this taint. Man, women and children all seem to have some sort of skin alteration.

Belgold Pegason soon arrives and the party fills him in on the events. He gets to work detecting aberrations. Finds the people are only faintly aberrations. The meat is tainted, but not as much as first thought. Long term exposure could be bad, but most around the city should be alright. He then begins to theorize that there may be another foci in the city. Perhaps in an abandoned alleyway, run down building, or anywhere else not easily discovered. Party decides to rest, before beginning to search this section of town.


Feeling the loss of Wee Jas’ favor, Fawkes goes to see Lady Zenora. They talk about Corash. She then informs Fawkes that she feels his detachment from Wee Jas. She feels he lacked compassion against the citizens. Lady Zenora agrees to restore his connection, and for his penitence Wee Jas has asked Fawkes to seek out and destroy the cult the Undreamers. They are believed to be the source of the aberrations in the city. If they are not stopped, they may plunge the city into the Far Realm.

Fawkes decides to send each of the four families who died 350 gold. He will do this as an anonymous benefactor.

Before resting, Corash talks to Maurgiir about today’s events. Maurgiir in decides to install a magic sigil in Corash’s palm. It will allow him to detect aberrations.

Kerth returns to the Maidens of the Shield. After informing them of the day’s events, they decide to send scouts into Butchers End while Kerth rests.

Ready'reat 10, CY 591

Next Steps

In the morning Fawkes and Tom discuss the Undreamers and Corash. They bring Kerth into their conversation when he arrives. When Corash arrives they notice he is wearing two gloves instead of just one. Quietly decide to watch him incase he’s sacrificing more body parts. They then inform Corash of their plan to talk with Promethean Steelbrand and their old companion Absalom; last seen investigating a “fish cult”.

Tom will work on setting up a meeting with Promethian, however it may take some time. Tom knows he is not one to announce his crusade against evil in Obsidian Bay.

On their way back to the Shield Maidens, Fawkes confronts Corash on his second gloved hand. Corash reveals the magical sigil Maurgiir implanted into his palm.

When they arrive at the Madien’s compound, Kerth asks Corrina about Absolom. She informs him they have not seen him since the well incident (about a month ago). About the same time the patrols start to return. Most have nothing of value to report, however one found Awful Alley to be suspicious. It is unnaturally dark, and the smells are more sickening than usual. It gives just a general sense of uneasiness. Kerth secures five maidens as back-up, and the group sets out for Butchers End.

On the way Corash informs the party that this cult could have something to do with mindflayers. After a quick explanation about mindflayers sucking brains, Kerth talks about getting himself a helmet.


Arriving at Offal Alley, they find the stench and muck are indeed thick. The alley is only visible 30 feet into what is known to be an approximately 200 foot alley. Decide to climb through the buildings and up high to look down in. Find that a majority of the alley has a water buildup. Suspect the grate may be blocked. Fawkes tries to fish the grate open, but something steals the stick and hook he rigged up. Leave the maidens to guard the entrance to the alley.

Three hairless felines with tentacle faces attack the party. They seem to have some sort of membrane surrounding them, making them hard to hit. Corash and Fawkes are in a room on one side of the alley, while Kerth and Tom are opposite them in a separate room. Fawkes and Corash try to fell one that attacks them, while Kerth and Tom fight the other two. Kerth becomes grappled by one, and almost dies. Fortunatley, Corash fells one, drawing the second from Kerth and Tom’s room, and into Fawkes and Corash’s. Kerth and Tom spend several rounds healing each other, while Corash and Fawkes fell a second. Fawkes then flys with the aid of Corash, and slays the last beast.

Fawkes finds the foci in the filth. Unfortunately, Corash is unable to seal it. They therefore send for Belgold. He is able to seal the foci and takes one of the melting creatures for study. As the party helps to drain the alley, they find several lost items.

Experience & Loot

  • 6th level characters gain 1100 exp
  • 7th level characters gain 950 exp